Your biggest beauty regret?


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My biggest beauty regret is picking my pimples for years as a teenager and college age. I just didn't know any better, plus all the women in my family who had acne did it as a ritual. Now I'm enduring the consequences. People don't notice the texture issues, but I see them. But the dark spots that resulted are definitely the bane of my existence. I've realized that it'll take me years to fix the damage.
But I am still fairly young (25) so it could be worse


Well-known member
Picking at my pimples.
Gaining weight.
Scratching my chicken pox.
Wearing extremely cheap and greasy liquid foundation when I was young, which probably started my skin issues.


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I never understood that whole 'orange' look. For a second i felt horrible about my skin complexion, and thought about going tanning. But then my boyfriend told me it didn't look right and he liked my 'milky pale' go figure. It doesnt bother me anymore like it used to, infact i've come to liken my color as well. But anyways yeah i gotta go with the over plucking, i have such thin eye brows =/


Well-known member
Hmmm let's see.....

Biting my nails! That definitely is a big ol' regret. They're so disgustingly weak. I go through OPI Natural Nail Strengthener like nothing else! I've gotten much better though - now I only bite them when I break one! I swear, if I were to carry an emery board around with me and file my nails when they break, I wouldn't rip them off. One day it'll click!

And another girl saying "not going to the dermatologist sooner!" I'm finally going for the first time EVER next week, and I couldn't be happier. Just knowing that they can give me SOMETHING to get rid of this persistent-as-all-hell acne makes me feel better! I'm 24 and inherited my dad's skin. He's 46 and still suffers from acne. He refuses to go to a derm, for reasons beyond me, but he's always dealing with small cysts under the skin and huge blackheads. He picks at and pops things all the time and has godawful scarring all over his face! I have some mild scars, but I was pretty good about not popping or picking at zits. I chose to bite my nails instead of pick my skin! But yeah, my dad's skin problems are also my skin problems, and I'm so happy that I'm finally taking control of my life (in some tiny way) by going to a professional.

Those are my regrets....nothing new to add!


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Going in the sun as a teenager. If only we could be convinced we're not invincible when we're 17.


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Plucking the end of my brows... now they don't grow back!! I never believed when my mom told me, if you overpluck your brows, they don't grow back but it's true.


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I wish that I had the patience to have grown my hair to my waist. I always kept falling for some fad and got it cut.

I wanted to add this doesn't affect me physically or emotionally. It was just something that I wished that I had done just once.


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when i was in highschool i always wore mascara that smudged, I blinked alot and didnt even know to use a primer, so i would ALWAYS rub my eyes to get the black out.. like viciously rub. I still habitually will rub my eyes without thinking and I'm trying to stop the habit, but it's been there awhile.. especially now that I wear contacts, i just know I will have the wrinkles to show down the line..


Well-known member
I think I have the worst of all..

When I was in High School, one day I got picked on for having "side burns" so I went home and shaved them off.. and they grew in REALLY THICK, like a man beard and since that day I've had to get them constantly waxed

I'm starting to regret gettin my facial piercings, I have a lip ring and nose ring and belly ring and when I take those out.. ohhhh man.. at least my tongue ring and down below are hideable but oh well

Getting acrylic nails for over 5 yrs straight.. so I can stop biting my nails.. now that I Have natural nails.. I HATE THEM!

Gaining and losing weight.. gaining and losing weight.. I have the worst stretch marks.. my stomach, my arms, my thigs.. my hips .. behind my knees it's so disgusting.

Dying my hair every color shade, and using "sun in" spray when I was younger.

Being careless about SPF, picking on pimples..

I pretty much suck at life. LOL.


Well-known member
I'd have to agree with moisturization.
I never put lotion on and now i have soso many stretchmarks.

I've cried.

But now i do.
No worries.

But still regret.


New member
My biggest beauty regret? I LET MYSELF GET FAT at one point in my life. As a result I got stretch marks that I'm stuck with now that I'm at a good weight. Also the skin itself got stretched and as I've aged it's been a real bummer. If I had kept my weight right I'd look so much younger and better than I do now. Let this be a loving lesson to you: Always watch your weight and keep it reasonable. There is NO reason to get fat, ever.

Acne Treatment


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Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Weird...I have that EXACT same scar from chicken pox!!

Haha, that's so crazy! Glad to know I'm not alone. :p Lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zeroxstar
when i was in high school i always wore mascara that smudged, I blinked alot and didnt even know to use a primer, so i would ALWAYS rub my eyes to get the black out.. like viciously rub.

me too!! I would just get wet paper towels and just rub until I cleaned it all off. No makeup remover no gentle swabbing with a soft cotton ball...just rough rubbing of mascara and eyeliner.

i also used to tug on my eyelids when applying eyeshadow or when applying eyeliner for a nice even line... if i had known the skin around the eyes was so delicate...


Active member
i thought putting vasaline in my hair would make it soft and shiny. not exactly. my mom had to take me to trade secret and get a special shampoo that would get it out.

and it wasn't my fault, but i got highlights one time and my whole head was basically a white/grey color (or it seemed that way to me, my mom thought it looked fine). it was really bad, even though i had gone to this person before and this is the first time it looked bad. that was the last time i ever got highlights.
My biggest regret is probably picking my zits until they bleed / scab over. Now I have horrible dark circle like things on my face. The worst part? I still do it, and I try so hard not to.

Is there any way to help reduce acne scars?


Well-known member
biting my nails - theyre so weak now
overbleaching my hair until it was fried and broke off


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i did it all in my teens.

i had a nair burn that lasted for like 3 months down my legs lol orange hair.plucked the heck out of my brows(they grew back perfectly fine thank god)


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1. Cutting my bangs because my forehead broke out horribly. They grew back .. and guess what? I missed them so much that I cut them again. I can feel the acne coming back as I type.
2. When I was younger, I would saturate a cotton ball with alcohol and rub it on my face. um ... extremely harsh to say the least.


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Well this certainly isn't emotionally scarring, but a recent regret is letting estheticians cut off my cuticles during mani/pedis. I don't get them regularly, so the cuticles grow back all gross and scraggly. I can't remove them like they can, so the end up looking really bad all the time, even with regular cuticle moisturization.

Like everyone else, I overplucked my eyebrows when I was about 12. I penciled them in with a reddish coloured pencil, even though I have blonde eyebrows. Luckily, they grew back and I am pretty happy with my brow shape now.

I also picked a few really bad pimples and have a couple scars that I'm not too pleased with.

Probably my biggest regret is all the tanning I've done. I hate to admit it, but I still do it. I tan on vacation (sometimes even going to the tanning bed to prepare for vacations) and during the summer. I really need to accept my skin the way it is. Within the next few years I will probably get a chemical peel to help prevent the damage from showing in my skin. It hasn't yet, but it could probably happen at any time.


Well-known member
I don't regret being a tomboy at times.
I do regret the scars I have from being crazy and falling and not putting cream.

Not taking care of my skin, not apply moisturizer or sunblock. I do spend a lot of time in the sun.

Jeez, I should get started on those!

OH an wearing to much glitter when I was younger LOL.

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