You know, I just have to say that I've experienced some of the same stuff with graduate schools. I am not the absolute smartest of the smarts; my GPA is only a 3.6, and my GRE was average. But all standardized testing aside, I am incredibly passionate and hard-working. Yet one of the schools I really wanted (and later found out wouldn't have fit my personality well anyway, thank GOD) rejected me based on those scores alone. They would rather have someone who is talented, but not passionate. (Believe me, I know several people with higher GPAs and GRE scores than mine who are only going to grad school because they "don't want to enter the real world.")
Maybe Blair and Elle aren't the most talented, but I do believe they have a passion for what they do, and I think that's just great. There are many gurus on YouTube who are 10 times as talented, but who I think are just stuck on themselves and overbearing.
Also, I consider hauls "window shopping" and quite enjoy them. I find it hilarious that so many people claim hauls are "materialistic," considering much of the world is capitalist and thrives on materialism. It's not a nice thing to say, but it's the truth: how many of us would be willing to give up all of our material possessions and live with just the basics, the way many others in this world are content to live (and, given the rampant poverty in parts of the world, would LOVE to live)?