Oh boy here we go...I'm going to be the odd woman out here.
I personally wouldn't have a problem getting my boyfriends name tattooed on me.
I'm sure everyone's thinking of 99 different ways to express how stupid that sounds...but I do have an explination!
To me tattoos are apart of your body's history. They can represent so many different things and we get them for so many different reasons. Although we may think they're a great idea at the time...later on in life you may think differently.
I currently have five tattoos. Two of which are cover ups. They aren't of anyone's name...I simply was unhappy with what the artist had done (perfect example of the saying cheap tattoos aren't good and good tattoos aren't cheap), so I had them changed to the same thing but bigger, better, and with color. I will probably get my very first tattoo, which is a crowned star on my lower back, covered up in the next year or so. I'm sure a lot of people are thinking 'why'? Because I want something that is more symbolic and special to me...so I am getting flowers to represent my family members instead!
So in short...I don't think name tattoos are a bad idea...but definitely be smart when you get them. In other words don't get your significant other's name in huge block letters. I had a friend get her guy's name across her entire stomach...then they broke up and she decided to get that covered up with massive flowers. Remember that something small that can be concealed by clothing. The smaller the tattoo the easier it is to have covered up if you do break up/divorce.