You guys are really making me chuckle. I was reading this thread on my phone while I was waiting in the truck while my husband was picking up some groceries. (I was protecting the new bike we had just bought our daughter).
Then I was amused enough I guess it made me forget one of the two reasons I left the house. The other was the cake.
After getting home and the bike out, and cussing, I hopped it back to the cupcake place before they closed. The lady that I know there gives me a blank stare and tells me I didn't order a cake. I about freaked out.
Well, crap. More cussing.
Apparently last week I called the "other" cupcake place in our town. I didn't even realized it had opened. Now, I'm supposed to tell cupcake lady number one, how cupcake lady number two does on her cakes. I feel so James Bond.
So, I get to cupcake place number two with two minutes to spare before they close. Yes, they have my cake. Chocolate hazlenut cupcake in cake form. (mm. a layer of nutella between two chocoate layers. chocolate ganache frosting, topped with toasted hazlenuts.... I mean, who needs sex when there's that???)
That was so embarassing.
But, I did get a free red velvet cupcake from cupcake lady number one. mmmm.. I guess that's my spy fee. I don't know.
Shypo, I just love that avatar!