Jen~I used the pink Disco Ball colour over MAC's Snob and it looked really good! Not as Disco-ish as I expected though, so much more wearable than you think! I wore it out weird looks!
ShadowAddict~Yes, we are getting smacked with snow this year, record breaking amounts. It is the winter that would not end. It is pretty...looks like winter saying goodbye, I had fun with you all this year. lol But I am ready for spring. I will want it again November 1st! If only we could plan the weather. Ha!
Lou~I am sorry you had a bad day or rather a wasted sort of day. Hopefully something good will come out of it all. Poor kitties. They seem to vomit a lot. And you give them medicine for hairballs? That almost completely prevented my cats from vomiting once and for all. Amazing stuff. It was an oil ointment, smelt like fish, but they loved the taste of it and would come running when they heard me taking the tube out of the box. Seriously crazy cats! They would lick it off my finger and cry for more, but nope...that would not be good! lol Maybe you need to get some or try another product?
Today has been interesting. 3 boxes should be delivered today. MO's for 5 more came and are now all packed up and ready to go to the PO tomorrow morning. That leaves 1 sitting here waiting for the MO. Then as they reach their destinations I can go back and start selling a bunch more. Yay! And a Sephora order arrived so I need to check inside. I know my other Clinique Chubby Sticks are in it!
Question....what is tinted moisturizer for and do you all use it, how, when and what brands? Pain in the neck, aren't I?