OK, the eyeshadows have been graded from On High as I expected. She liked the ones I figured she'd like and sort of tuned out the subtleties of application the other ones needed.
Specktrafolk - DO NOT BLEND YOUR MES except around the very edges if you must. That's an instant recipe for disaster, especially with these, that don't have a dark base to cover up blending sins.
Take my word for it - you will be able to get these colors to look insanely intense with the right application and base. When I buy them and bring them home, I will go on a crusade to swatch and photograph some examples. Or just take another look at what Princesse Beaudy was able to do with Hint of Sapphire and Quartz Fusion and compare.
To be fair, this was a huge collection and it'd take a hell of a lot of work to get reviews out fast and also give attention to detail - i spent hours writing what I've already written about the collection and I'm a real stream-of-consiousness writer just in general AND I didn't even get to go into detail about each color. I know the drawbacks of MES, but there's something else going on here with this collection that is very rewarding if you want to expand your horizons or enjoy makeup as an artistic outlet. Go to the store and check them out and try them over Big Bounce is my best advice. Otherwise stick to the sheen-only colors for ease of use.