I guess I have never really lusted over too many LE Eyeshadows, Lipglasses, or Lipsticks because I always feel (especially in the case of lipglasses and lipsticks) they can be duped pretty closely. Having said that, I would LOVE to have the three paintpots that came out with the McQueen collection make a return.
They were:
Pharoah (Lime Green)
Otherwordly (Aqua)
Electro Sky (Bright Lavender Blue)
To me, ya can't dupe the paint pot formula, and these colors were some of the brightest paint post ever released (and they didn't have shimmer in them ^_^).
And this is probably TOTALLY out of left field to some of you, but I kinda wish that cheek gel thingy from A Rose Romance came back. I remember when I swatched it at MAC I though "wow! this is a more user friendly version of BeneTint".
I'm surprised nobody has said they ready for the Big Bounce shadows to come back!...