MAC and Iris Aphel Discussion


Well-known member
I can't wait to get my shipping notice for Pink Pigeon! I love bright pinks and from what I can tell, I don't own anything close to this.


Active member
Aw, thank you! It's my first BRIGHT pink. I haven't worn it out yet, but I'm excited to do so next weekend! Hope you can get your hands on one!! Good luck and post pics if you do!


Active member
that color looks slammin' on you. (and it has reawakened my lemmings). I guess I may have to break down and go trolling on evilbay soon

Aw, thank you! It's my first BRIGHT pink. I haven't worn it out yet, but I'm excited to do so next weekend! Hope you can get your hands on one!! Good luck and post pics if you do!


Well-known member
I got my box today with Scarlet Ibis and immediately put it on. I am not sure about it yet. It seems to make my teeth look awful. I never had that problem with Lady Danger which is one of my favorites. I will wear it a bit longer to see if it grows on me.


Well-known member
that color looks slammin' on you. (and it has reawakened my lemmings). I guess I may have to break down and go trolling on evilbay soon
Don't knock yourself out for it or pay some crazy price - just grab Quick Sizzle when it's restocked online or at your store/counter tomorrow. 'Ought to be similar enough to not need to feed the ebay trolls!


Well-known member
Aw, thank you! It's my first BRIGHT pink. I haven't worn it out yet, but I'm excited to do so next weekend! Hope you can get your hands on one!! Good luck and post pics if you do!
Be brave!! It looks awesome on you and suddenly bright lipsticks are everywhere, so it should be hot, not weird!

I know I get fabulous feedback whenever I wear it or any of the other colors from this collection. It's like someone hit everyone over the head with a hammer and now their brains can handle bright lips on the ladies!


Well-known member
I got my box today with Scarlet Ibis and immediately put it on. I am not sure about it yet. It seems to make my teeth look awful. I never had that problem with Lady Danger which is one of my favorites. I will wear it a bit longer to see if it grows on me.
Hmm I will keep this in mind when I get my Scarlet Ibis next week. I got a ship notification but no updates on when it will come, it just says the shipping label has been created. I anticipate I'll receive it Tuesday or Wednesday.

My teeth are white but not bleached white, so wearing shades like Fresh Amour and Gaga 1 make my teeth look yellow. I find using Crest Whitening mouthwash really keeps the yellow at bay, so FA and Gaga don't look too bad, but I've yet to find an orange-red that works with my skintone. I'll def post an update on Scarlet and how it works for me once I receive it!


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm not a coffee drinker and I don't drink much pop but some of these neons make my teeth look.... not very nice! Am I the only one that's planning on getting some white strips soon so I can wear them without feeling self conscious? I've used them in the past with great results, but it's been about 14 months since the last time.


Well-known member
I am totally kicking myself for not stalking the site today and not getting a BU for my precious Pink Pigeon!

me too girl


Active member
Thank you so much!! I need to get more comfortable wearing them out since I now have 3! I just picked up Party Parrot as well, just ordered Watch Me Sizzle, and even the new NM Viva Glam is pretty bright! So much fun for the spring and summer though! thanks again :)


Well-known member
My pink pigeon has shipped! I'm excited now because it's really mine. I was afraid that they would've run out of stock or something and I wouldn't get it, but it's on the way. Now to not spend for a while...


Well-known member
I got my ship notice & tracking number too! So the restocked lippies are not just a dream! Yay! Can't wait for my BU's and to try out SI!


Well-known member
It seems that the restocking is always in the early afternoon EST.

Thanks for the tip! I know when to do my extra stalking then
My Pink Pigeon will be here on Friday! It's going to be straight up neon on me and I can't wait to try it.


Well-known member
Thanks for the tip! I know when to do my extra stalking then
My Pink Pigeon will be here on Friday! It's going to be straight up neon on me and I can't wait to try it.

I wouldn't rely on it. It was just an observation at what time the did the last restocking. If you want to be sure, you need to do some serious stalking. Good luck.


Well-known member
It's not technically a BU... My sis freaked over my Party Parrot (which I am beginning to love and will surely be confidently rocking by Spring!) SO... I grabbed an extra in case she comes thumbing around through my train case and it "accidently disappears!" HeeHee If she's REALLY good I may gift it to her for Valentine's Day!
I did pick up SI... Didn't even have this on my list and started lusting for it after seeing swatches and pics but it was Sold Out!

Did you BU your neon pigeon? LOL


Well-known member
That's a good idea! My sister's bad about trying to steal my makeup, but she knows that I know each and every piece that I have so she wouldn't get away with it. Her 21st birthday is a week after Valentine's Day, though, so I may end up picking her up a little something at MAC this weekend.