Thanks! I have to say that that's a really unnecessarily complicated way of doing things. Why not just launch 10 products at once? I'm wondering if the launch will be simply the top choices, or if Mac will take the top choices from each category- shadows, blushes, lipsticks, etc. I kind of suspect it'll be the latter.
I was sort of surprised by those too, since both collections seemed to hang around for a very long time, so I assumed they weren't that successful. I'd assume from Sugar Sweet that they'd be looking at the MSFs, particularly Perfect Topping.
Personally, I was surprised to see Blonde, Brunette, Redhead in there, because so many of the products from that collection have been repromoted already, or have easy dupes within the regular collection.
But what really surprised me was seeing the image for Colour Ready in there. That collection was all permanent items!
Anyway, I'll be curious to see what items make the list and which ones make the cut.