MAC and Iris Aphel Discussion

princess sarah

Well-known member
Its weird because here in Australia, Pink Pigeon and Flamingo are the 2 that havent sold out

Quote: Originally Posted by romi79_2008

No flamingo for me, in the airports told him this collection didn`t arrive to them :(

I am still waiting for it to hit store over here in WA, its online only but in store has been pushed back until next week!


Quote: Originally Posted by jetjet

Yay my flamingo arrived :)

There's a swatch right over here:

Party Parrot and Scarlet Ibis have sold out on the AU Mac site :( I wish I had been brave enough to buy them, but my local counter wasn't one of the chosen ones, and at $36 a lippy it's a little too much to risk without seeing them IRL.

Cannot wait til I get back to the USA in July, I'll be stocking up crazy!


New member
Hello. Lurker here. Just signed up today. Whyyyy are the MAC products (or the lipsticks anyway, haven't checked anything else) so much more expensive on the Australian website than the US one? :( No MAC factory in Australia? I was so happy when this collection launched in Australia, thinking I'd just order Pink Pigeon from the Aussie website but $36... I did a conversion to USD and it's about the same.price in USD. o__O I want it pretty bad but I'm not sure if I want it that bad... Also it would have to ship all the way to the US and I'm not sure if it would end up as a puddle of goo once it got here lol. I wish they'd stock one more round of the Iris Apfel again. I found out the day after the February 7th stocking that I missed it. Boo. Well hello anyway. :)


Well-known member
. One gal had a bright yellow fanny pack that said "Pretzelicious" written in pretzel-shaped letters that I was indeed coveting :D
That would look awesome on an old lady like me

Hey, I bought these red coral skinny jeans & the kids said they looked like safety pants ( kidding & lovingly of course)
It has become an endearing thought to me every time I wear them


Well-known member
Hello. Lurker here. Just signed up today. Whyyyy are the MAC products (or the lipsticks anyway, haven't checked anything else) so much more expensive on the Australian website than the US one? :( No MAC factory in Australia? I was so happy when this collection launched in Australia, thinking I'd just order Pink Pigeon from the Aussie website but $36... I did a conversion to USD and it's about the same.price in USD. o__O I want it pretty bad but I'm not sure if I want it that bad... Also it would have to ship all the way to the US and I'm not sure if it would end up as a puddle of goo once it got here lol. I wish they'd stock one more round of the Iris Apfel again. I found out the day after the February 7th stocking that I missed it. Boo. Well hello anyway. :)

It's because of market placement. Mid- to high-end lipsticks cost upwards of $36 here. It also might be because when MAC first came to Australia the exchange rate wasn't so good, but now it's heaps (rather, freakishly) better, they don't want to discount cos it would cheapen the brand in the minds of consumers. So the best we can hope for is that there is no price rises in the near future.

There's a few other reasons, like Australia is far, it's a smaller market (if they could import more the shipping per item would be less), Australia has far better employee laws (eg minimum wage) than many other countries so things cost more.

It sucks, and for LE stuff I end up paying AU prices for it. But on the plus side given we get everything later, so there's tonnes of reviews so you're less likely to buy a dud.

There's ways around it - trusted ebay sellers, parcel forwarders (i like parceliton) and going OS yourself (my preferred option
). I haven't had any problems with makeup via mail.

Also too, the US prices don't include taxes (which can be more than our GST). I reckon the UK (where you can get the tax back at the airport) or Hong Kong (who have no sales tax) are the cheapest to buy from.

Lastly, cos our seasons are different, different things sell out - for example Pink Pigeon is still on the MAC AU site, but sold out soo fast on the US site (ditto flamingo). So it's cheaper to buy it on the AU site, cos the prices it's going for on ebay are a bit insane.

See it's not sooo bad


Well-known member
Of all the bright coral-ish lipsticks, I have to say Party Parrot has been my favorite. And I have worn Diamond Dove almost every day this past week. It is like a matte version of Nebula pigment (from Daphne Guiness). BF loves Party Parrot, we both giggle on the names. I still have not gotten the courage to try Scarlet Ibis yet, but once we see temperatures higher than 60 degrees (Fahrenheit) and I can wear something beside grey or black I plan to give it a whirl.

I really wish they had stocked more of these lippies so everyone could have a chance to try these mattes, the finish is divine.


Well-known member
Of all the bright coral-ish lipsticks, I have to say Party Parrot has been my favorite. And I have worn Diamond Dove almost every day this past week. It is like a matte version of Nebula pigment (from Daphne Guiness). BF loves Party Parrot, we both giggle on the names. I still have not gotten the courage to try Scarlet Ibis yet, but once we see temperatures higher than 60 degrees (Fahrenheit) and I can wear something beside grey or black I plan to give it a whirl.

I really wish they had stocked more of these lippies so everyone could have a chance to try these mattes, the finish is divine.
Party Parrot's my favorite out of this huge avalanche of bright lippies too, and I've bought 'em all (except for Niki and Naughty Saute, which was too bubblegum barbie pink for my taste). The only one with a better matte texture is Scarlet Ibis, which is pretty much the ultimate perfection of matte for me
. The other mattes were either a bit dryer (Pink Pigeon and Quick Sizzle) or moister than what I'd normally consider a matte and not as long wearing (Force of Love). Party Parrot's almost as good as SI, though in its light feeling and long wear.

Also, PP is such an awesome, complex color that shifts from red to coral to pink depending on the light and the clothes and makeup you're wearing. SI is my HG bright red for sure, but it's still just RED, not the complicated, shape shifting Party Parrot.

I feel a little bit like I've gone overboard buying all these bright lipsticks, even if it's always been my favorite look, but when it comes to Party Parrot, I am treasuring my back-up for sure. It's a MAC lipstick color for the ages, right up there with Go For It and Restrict, as far as not being able to imagine not having a back-up.


Well-known member
Not sure if it was already mentioned, but Scarlett Ibis and Party Parrot were just showing as in-stock on the website. I ordered SI so hopefully it was not a mistake. PP is showing out of stock now already so not sure....keeping my fingers crossed my order ships!


Well-known member
Just had to say, I wore Scarlet Ibis last night to work with lasting sensation l/l (I find this works because of the orange in SI) and Hot n' Saucy TT over the top. It lasted ALL NIGHT (8 hours!) and I only re-applied the TT! It still looked so bright and fresh by the end of the night. These new mac matte l/s leave such an awesome stain and they aren't drying! So glad I ended up getting SI during one of the last restocks.


Well-known member
Thanks for posting this, makes me very excited to have bought one a couple of days ago when it was restocked. It actually shipped yesterday, which shocked me. Maybe they will restock it again, its still listed in the dropdown menu under lipstick :)


Well-known member
I cant believe how many times they have restocked the lipsticks in this collection!

Thanks for posting this, makes me very excited to have bought one a couple of days ago when it was restocked. It actually shipped yesterday, which shocked me. Maybe they will restock it again, its still listed in the dropdown menu under lipstick :)


Well-known member
Can somebody compare the batch numbers (Jan release and restocking)? Would be interesting to see if they all come from the same batch...


Well-known member
Can somebody compare the batch numbers (Jan release and restocking)? Would be interesting to see if they all come from the same batch...

All three of my Pink Pigeons are the same batch number. One from Jan release and the other two from the restock.


Well-known member
I'm sorry, I don't know where to ask my question. However, I have a lot of backups of all of these lipsticks from this collection. Where can I go to sell them on Specktra, if possible?


Well-known member
You need to go to Forums-> Clearance Bin -> For sale and swap.

I'm sorry, I don't know where to ask my question. However, I have a lot of backups of all of these lipsticks from this collection. Where can I go to sell them on Specktra, if possible?


Well-known member
Thank you so much! I do have it, but wouldn't know how to sell it to international buyers. The shipping to EU is ridiculous from the US.


Well-known member
Yeah it's all really decent, if you send it by USPS non-tracked delivery, and our post is really reliable, thanks goodness :)
Anyways I'll pm you to see if we can work something out, so that we stay OT here.


Well-known member
Thank you so much! I do have it, but wouldn't know how to sell it to international buyers. The shipping to EU is ridiculous from the US.

Let me know when you post. I would definitely be interested in pickup up some lippies from this collection. I totally missed out entirely!