MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
May list has not really changed much seen Karen's swatches. I'm thinking about picking up the following.

Spoiled Rich Quad
Black Poodle and Magic Spells Pigments
Designer Purple Pearlglide
Boyfriend Stealer, Daddy's Little Girl, and Ronnie Red Lipsticks
Kiss & Don't Tell, Mall Madness, and Strawberry Malt Lipglasses
Prom Princess Blush
Veronica's Blush Pearlmatte
Young Hearts Mirror

I am most excited about the Spoiled Rich Quad and Boyfriend Stealer. I think BS will look hot with Magenta liner and All My Purple Life lg.


Well-known member
This is what my list looks as of now, debating whether I should go for the brushes? Any advice ladies!? :D


Active member
Hi all!

When are we expecting this collection to be online? I have seen like ten different dates for the launch, and I want to make sure that I am stalking the website at the appropriate time! Also, any thoughts on when it will be at the PRO stores? Thanks!!

I'm lusting after:
Ronnie Red
Strawberry Malt
Kiss Don't Tell



Well-known member
I don't understand how anyone could argue with Christine letting contrary comments through. I'm impressed by her integrity and totally horrified sometimes by the obvious brown nose reviews *some* other bloggers produce on items sent by PR for review. I agree that her colors can be off but I appreciate her dedication to honesty and free exchange of opinion. I don't like the whole " you must drink the Kool Aid" nonsense that accompanies some folks slavish following of any particular brand. I've bought MAC since 1997 but I have no trouble calling them out for poorly made product. I also have no trouble praising them for a job well done! I think Christine is very even handed and fair with every brand and her purchasing everything herself lends her far more credibility in my eyes. Additionally, some bloggers will swatch an eye shadow on their hand and call it a day. She is thorough and takes the time to test out the wear of each item- how many other people do that? I don't find many folks exempt from criticism, but she is pretty close at least in regards to her blogging.


Well-known member
Does anyone think Cream Soda will be similar to Spaced Out? I know its an oldie but I think I may be swapping for it sooo idk if to bother with CS? Any thoughts?
No they are not alike. Spaced out is a finely milled orange is tone with pink micro shimmers. Cream soda is more matte looking to me and the texture is diff. Cream soda is more of a flat coral.hard to explain the colors, I'm not too keen on that but they are quite diff. Oh and of course it's your choice but I would keep early morning! Love that color! Spaced out ls nice but Early Morning is a true natural looking stunner! Just my two cents!


Well-known member
I'm confused :hmm: They never changed the lids to begin with.
See that? Divets or whatever they're called. The bane of my existence. After the jars were changed to be slimmer, they changed the caps too. I emailed them about my displeasure with the new caps, and I actually got a reply saying they've had numerous complaints about them and were considering changing them back to screw lids.


Well-known member
Still working on my list--way too much anxiety--still all preliminary.  I'm getting a few things for my daughter--very easy picks there because she's not into makeup the way that I am.  I'll get her some pink cutesy things for Valentine's Day.  :heart:
what a good mom. ;) I'm only allowing myself 6 lip products, both blushes, pearlmattes, 2 np and the brush set. of the lip products Betty Bright, Kiss and don't tell, Daddy's little girl ,strawberry malt, and mall madness are for sure! I'm trying to decide between Ronnie Red and Girl next door.


Well-known member
I was going to skip mall madness, after trying it on at the counter tonight I'm having second thoughts,it's a nice lilac pinky shade with subtle gold shimmer.Very Pretty to pair with a spring ensemble. Oh and boyfriend stealer had a weird crayon like texture it was kinda funky when I swatched it on the back of my hand. =\ Oh and I'd like to say the packaging is very nice in person doesn't look cheap or feel cheap.The quad packaging was very nice and sturdy!


Well-known member
I think I'm down to 2 Betty Brights and Flatter Me Pearlmatte. Possibly summer sweetheart and/or kiss don't tell but I'm really not one to wear gloss by itself anymore or even over lipstick. So I don't even know why I'm thinking about it.


Well-known member
Whew! Gone for a few days and come back to about 2200 posts! I only went back several pages to get caught up. Boy did I miss some drama.

I'm not getting a lot from this collection. I'm saving funds for travel plans and upcoming collections. (Plus I've splurged like crazy on nail polish and surprise Chanel purchases.) I'll probably get 3-5 lipsticks. I like the Veronica quad and I'm curious about the Pearlmattes, but don't think they're going to be in my budget. Hopefully some of this stuff will show up later at CCOs, including the brush set. I like the heart design.

I need to catch up in so many different threads...


Well-known member
I'm pretty happy with my list as of right now , as I was able to narrow it down... It's kiss & don't tell, mall madness, daddy's little girl and boyfriend stealer. When I go to the event I will be checking out Ronnie red, Betty bright, Veronica's eyeshadow quad and Betty's blush. Trying to save that "mula" lol


Well-known member
Oh and I'd like to say the packaging is very nice in person doesn't look cheap or feel cheap.The quad packaging was very nice and sturdy!
Was it just gold shimmer? I thought I remembered seeing a little bit of blue in there, too. Could be off though since I saw way too much stuff at once. Either way, that gloss was my favorite out of all the Veronica lipglasses.


Well-known member
I was going to skip mall madness, after trying it on at the counter tonight I'm having second thoughts,it's a nice lilac pinky shade with subtle gold shimmer.Very Pretty to pair with a spring ensemble. Oh and boyfriend stealer had a weird crayon like texture it was kinda funky when I swatched it on the back of my hand. =\ Oh and I'd like to say the packaging is very nice in person doesn't look cheap or feel cheap.The quad packaging was very nice and sturdy!
any other thoughts?? ;)


Well-known member
What do you mean? I still have my Archie comic books from when i was little,from the mid 80's(yes telling my age...
) Alot of them are missing pages or cut up because I use to make paper dolls out of them!
Aww, lol. I still have my old Archie comics too. I made paper dolls out of my actual books rather than my comics, to my mother's horror

I was actually referring to the MAC Archie Comic that's been featured in a few product pics.


Well-known member
Thank you! I think I will go for it, been wanting Spaced Out for so long.. and Early Morning isnt my ultimate fave so I guess ill just hope I wont regret it! But again, thanks for your time
No problem : ) If Early Morning isn't your ultimate fave then I definitely say it's worth a shot. Like Erine said it's a very unique blush and MAC really hasn't come out with anything like it since it first debuted. Hope you enjoy it!


Well-known member
...that is so sweet of you, Medgal!

I am sure she will be thrilled!

Still working on my list--way too much anxiety--still all preliminary. I'm getting a few things for my daughter--very easy picks there because she's not into makeup the way that I am. I'll get her some pink cutesy things for Valentine's Day.


Well-known member
im getting betty bright and ronnie red (i dont need another red but i just thought this would be the color i would actually use out of all of veronicas lipsticks),
i also want a pearlmatte but im not sure which. im leaning towards the betty's one
I'm also struggling with the Pearlmattes. My initial thoughts are to go with Flatter Me (Betty's) because I already have a pink based pearlmatte, Sunday Afternoon from the Vera collection. Ronnie Red is on my list because I just love red lippies. I need to get this all narrowed down or I'll end up over buying. Decisions, decisions!