And I'm gonna say one thing, and then be done. A lot of people seem to have a problem with how many negative comments she lets through, but I'd bet the rest of my college education that if she started only letting through the comments saying how wonderful everything is, then those same people would complain about how she's creating a falsely positive environment in order to attract more readers or something to that effect. Christine just can't win. Whenever I happen to read through comments, they're mostly about thanking her for taking the time to be so thorough and honest in her assessment of the products. Yes, there are those that voice their displeasure for certain things, but there are just as many saying they love a product and have to have it. It all depends on the review itself. Give the product a high grade, you'll see more positive comments. Give it a low one, and you'll see more negative comments. If YOU know you like a certain product, then don't get so riled up when someone says they don't. They're entitled to their opinion just as much as the rest of us.