Has anyone purchased Fancy Frosting? Thoughts?
I just picked it up this week, but haven't tried it yet. Hope to this weekend, so I will let you know what I think!
My haul from this collection was tiny! I ended up with 3 things:
Pink Buttercream pearlmatte
Fancy Frosting PP
Raspberry Swirl lipstick
I had no intention of getting the PP or the pearlmatte, but the pearlmatte looked perfect on my skin tone, so I had to overlook the pattern (which I disliked) and get it anyway. I had decided against FF, but seeing how pretty it was in the store swayed me.
I wanted to try Lavender Whip, but had too hectic of a day on release day and also missed out on it in stores. I am afraid RS will be way too white and pale for me, but hopefully I can make it work somehow. It was a thoughtful gift from my best friend.