So very frustrated right now! I stopped by the Chanel makeup studio yesterday (yes the actual makeup studio in Southern California where the SAs are supposed to be "in the know")....
Me: I heard that Chanel will be releasing new RCS for summer separate from the summer collection. Do you know when you will be getting these in stock?
SA: No that is not true. The only new RCS are these two (pointing to summer display w/ Pygmalian and other RCS in that collex). Are you sure that you don't mean these?
Me: So you do not know if you will be getting colors like Saga, Suspense, etc?
SA: No we are not scheduled to get any new RCS or lipsticks for summer.
Me: OK. Will you be getting the summer eyeshadow quad?
SA: There is no eyeshadow quad with the summer collection.
Me: I thought (trying to be nice to her) that I saw one on the Chanel website. Will you be getting that one?
SA: Sometimes products show up on the web in blogs long before they are released.
Me: Well this is for sale on the Chanel website.
SA: You must have seen a quad from an older collection.
I said thank you and walked away.