RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
ok guys it took me 85 minutes to place my order. I was getting the gateway screen and i had to refresh a couple of times....when i was in the submit final order step it took me agian to the gateway screen but i received an email confirming my order....man what a waste of time... i was about to quit to run some errands...yezz! I guess im good if i received the confirmation email Right?
Yeah, you're good BB! Go do ya thang...hahaha! And if they come back at with you...then show them that email!!!!!!



Well-known member
Yay...I signed in...I don't care if they take like 5 minutes to load the page...BUT DON'T BE GIVING ME THAT TIME OUT PAGE...come on MAC.....


Well-known member
I'm just now signing into my account. I was going to pass this collection up in the first place, the only lippie I wanted ws RiRi Boy, but it looked just like UTA. Then I decided to wear UTA today and thought...hmm, it would be nice to have this in a matte finish. Damn MAC!!


Well-known member
After I got past the PayPal screen, it brought me back to MAC and asked me to log into my account. It timed out after that.


Well-known member
This is totally nuts...I've had three pages time out and one that has been refreshing since just after 9am (Pacific Time) I'm wasting WAAAY too much time at work on this today. I'm not done with MAC, but I may be done for today. I just don't get this new system...I haven't even gotten to see my damn cart! Oh, well...Back to work...maybe...


Well-known member
I give up. To the beach I go. I need a drink.


Well-known member
Whatever this is crazy my lunch break is almost over and I keep getting.g the error gateway message. F#!k it.


Well-known member
I'm waiting now for it to go through. So far... I just have Rihanna's face. I feel like I'm lucky I've even gotten this far b/c the page I used to select the lipstick I wanted loaded all messed up and stuff.

Good thing I don't have anything to DO right now, MAC. Sheesh.


Well-known member
Its so annoying that i can't sign out, now the items have been removed from my cart and i have to start all over again!

Shopping Obsess

Well-known member
Has been 1.5 hour and I have gone as far as to step 3 of checkout and when it comes to step 4, gateway timeout twice. I don't think MAC doesn't want us to keep trying. Time to give up?


Well-known member
I placed my order at 5 minutes prior to launch and it got cancelled. I am so done with the MAC drama. Oh well, more money for better brands and more product for the EBay vultures.


Well-known member
I grabbed RiRi Woo through my iPhone an hour ago after waiting 20 minutes. MAC should have released this collection online and in stores to free up the website. I hope everyone gets what they wanted! I'll try for Heaux and the Lustre Drops if they are available later this week. If not, no big deal. MAC and I don't have the same relationship we had before, lol Watch, in a few days, sold out items will miraculously be back up on the site; as always.