Damn! Miss a few days and come back to 5 billion posts! Y'all were busy! Hahahah! I'd love to catch up, but IMPOSSIBLE!!
So my lippies showed up earlier this week & here's my thoughts:
I am so disappointed in BGRR. It looks like old lady lipstick on me (I'm an NC45) & I definitely do not want. Especially now that I have hoarded up 3 Nudes that are gorgeous right out of the tube.
Pleasurebomb. Wow. This one is super interesting. I love it, but I'll definitely have to match the rest of my face to it. It's no throw it on with anything kind of lipstick for me. The closest thing I have to it is Lickable from the Holiday 2012 Luxurious Pink Lip Bag, and Lickable is way more berry toned where Pleasurebomb is more fuchsia. They're nothing alike really. I'll try to get pics when we get some sun!
Can't wait for Punk Couture and lots of lipsticks to really be excited about!!! WHOOOO!