Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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I need to get organized but I have to get some work done on the roof to my closet so right now most of the stuff in my closet is in tubs meaning everything is in tubs for the most part because my dressers are doing double duty, with the exception of my every day and travel makeup which I have stored in several makeup bags and a huge wicker basket. I was easily able to out 40 lipsticks and some glosses in a bag for the lipstick challenge so that gives an idea of how much lipstick I have currently. Plus I need a make up storage area that works with my living space.
I have backups of only one thing: MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer, which was discontinued two years ago. The only thing I've ever backed up and likely the only thing I ever will back up. (Not even if I find a motherlode of the long-discontinued-and-still-loved-by-me MAC Scanty l/s (or a dupe) would I back that up.)
Shellygrrl, I learned that they still sell our beloved MAC Studio Sculpt in Asia and Dubai.. I'm ever so tempted to call and order like 5 back ups but so far I've resisted. I think I have one more plus the one I have open. Still SMDH over that decision.

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
I PM'd you back sweetie... I'm all over this for you! *** And to all the Low-Buy Group: Getting organized is the single most important thing I've done to help myself not only USE my stash but also curb my spending! Because now I actually KNOW and SEE what I have! I HIGHLY recommend getting organized! And it's Spring... so look at it as a Low-Buy Spring Cleaning challenge! HeeHee
Totally agree with you, I just ordered a couple for Muji's as I have items in my Vanity drawer & someone else that don't get No luv lol. If anyone is wanting to purchase the Muji drawers or add to , the site is currently have a sale! Think its 20% off so now is a good time to buy. Just wanted to share. @Peachtwist, luv the hair!


Well-known member
I never backed up anything because there's always something newer coming down the pike. Also, by the time I finish a lipstick/gloss, I'm over it. Finally, I got too much ish to be thinking about backups.


Well-known member
i need to get real and realise what i have it too much and focus on using it all up.
because h&m will be collaborating with alexander wang in november!
and i would be dissapointed if i couldnt manage to save for THAT!

so makeup MUST take a back seat!
looking at just the mac list i had for the upcoming collections, it looked more than i needed, so im whittling it down further today. ive just shown collections that ive bought from, want to buy from or are unsure about:






  • MSFN repackage/foundation & concealer extension - SKIP until need a replacement for msfn
  • Alluring Aqua Collection - BUY 3 ls, edsf, blush, 2 nail polish, 1 es - NOW try to limit to 2 ls and 2 nail polish




Well-known member
Eyemazing April Sun 13th: Nars Zardoz Cream es Used to line, I think this is a black I feel comfortable with as it's not so stark. Lined upper waterline with it. Illamasqua vow pencil lower waterline and I applied it over tear duct too to prevent any black slippage. Ysl faux cils mascara.


Well-known member





  • Maleficent Collection - SKIP
  • MSFN repackage/foundation & concealer extension - SKIP (BUT 2X MSFN IN ORIGINAL PACKAGING)
  • Waterproof Brow Collection - SKIP



  • Nordstrom Anniversary Collection - SKIP
  • Studio Nail Lacquer Relaunch Collection - SKIP
  • Project MN Collection - ??
  • Studio Multi-effect Lash Collection (Nordies/MSO Prelaunch) - SKIP

Not looking too bad.. just need to figure out AA. Lots of maybes that I need time to narrow down.


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Staff member
i need to get real and realise what i have it too much and focus on using it all up.
because h&m will be collaborating with alexander wang in november!
and i would be dissapointed if i couldnt manage to save for THAT!

so makeup MUST take a back seat!
looking at just the mac list i had for the upcoming collections, it looked more than i needed, so im whittling it down further today. ive just shown collections that ive bought from, want to buy from or are unsure about:






  • MSFN repackage/foundation & concealer extension - SKIP until need a replacement for msfn
  • Alluring Aqua Collection - BUY 3 ls, edsf, blush, 2 nail polish, 1 es - NOW try to limit to 2 ls and 2 nail polish


I just read that. He's my favorite designer, not sure how I feel about this, I'm not a fan of the H&M collaborations for some reason. I did buy some stuff from the Lanvin one and a bag from the Jimmy Choo one, but then I never used it. Oh, and shoes from the MMM collection which I ended selling. It's like it's this huge buzz when these collections come out but two weeks later I'm meh about them and don't wanna wear them.
I'd really recommend to wait for the sale. They usually reduce the designer collections 50% very soon after the launch (2-3 weeks maybe?) and you should still be able to get most things then. Online that is, don't know about stores.

Now what I would go absolutely crazy for is if there were lipsticks or other makeup items in the collection. The Lanvin lipsticks were great! Although the pink is too bright for me and I have it in my sale.
I've been wishing for a MAC x Alexander Wang collection for a while, too.


Well-known member
Thank you, @Peachtiwst :) I just read that. He's my favorite designer, not sure how I feel about this, I'm not a fan of the H&M collaborations for some reason. I did buy some stuff from the Lanvin one and a bag from the Jimmy Choo one, but then I never used it. Oh, and shoes from the MMM collection which I ended selling. It's like it's this huge buzz when these collections come out but two weeks later I'm meh about them and don't wanna wear them.  I'd really recommend to wait for the sale. They usually reduce the designer collections 50% very soon after the launch (2-3 weeks maybe?) and you should still be able to get most things then. Online that is, don't know about stores.  Now what I would go absolutely crazy for is if there were lipsticks or other makeup items in the collection. The Lanvin lipsticks were great! Although the pink is too bright for me and I have it in my sale.  I've been wishing for a MAC x Alexander Wang collection for a while, too. 
Oh I totally agree about the hype, I've qued for several collaborations with varying level of success, I dont own a lot of it I end up deciding I don't actually like it and then can't sell it on because it's true the bits that are left for sale go for pennies: marni leather jackets for £15 in store! If it were any other collab I would skip and see what I could get in the sale. Me and my sis would dream up this collab, thinking gah it'll never happen... I only have one wang bag and a T shirt and hoodie but my sis has 2 bags, a clutch, iPad case and evening bag as well as shoes and skirts, Wang is what she aims for!


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Me and my sis would dream up this collab, thinking gah it'll never happen... I only have one wang bag and a T shirt and hoodie but my sis has 2 bags, a clutch, iPad case and evening bag as well as shoes and skirts, Wang is what she aims for!
I only own one pair of shoes, and T by AW pants. I'm kicking myself always and forever for not having the funds when I saw a pair of ankle boots on sale that I really wanted :(
I'll definitely check out the collection. I doubt I'll get any of the clothes, but I wouldn't mind some accessories like sunglasses, etc.
Hopefully some pics of the collection will pop up soon!


Well-known member
Mk. I really, really need a rant and it's completely and utterly off topic but I have no where else to go so I just need to get it out. Sorry folks, feel free to ignore this if you'd like to!

It's time I quit for the day.

I can't count how many times I've somehow managed to hurt myself today. Whether it be walking into something, burning myself with hot water, breaking shadows while depotting, getting sawdust in my eyes, stubbing my feet, feeling nauseous, etc.

I am done.

I burst into tears earlier while I was painting the part of my vanity we're making, after yelling, and my partner thought I was yelling at him so he yelled and then I cried and continued painting and then left the room while he clammered around making a ton of noise, banging cupboards and doors and generally being a moody asshole because he thought I was yelling at him/mad at him when in actuality I wasn't.

One thing he's absolutely terrible with is talking to someone and finding out what is wrong with them. He just jumps to conclusions and is a dick until he actually knows what is going on.

I slept like crap last night and apparently woke him up in the middle of the night yelling his name and yelling in my sleep about god knows what. It's 5:30pm and I've been up since 6am and I've had breakfast, we went out to get some paint and some electrical stuff for the vanity, came home, I had something to eat while he was cutting the wood because with all my meds I'm unable to have a completely empty stomach because I end up so nauseous I vomit if I'm not careful. I then proceeded to start depotting more of my shadows because god knows I totally need the empties for B2M (kidding, but they'll come in handy.) Today I've done all of my pinks, my oranges, my yellows, an extra green and blue I forgot. All I have left to do is Browns, Highlights, Silver/Grey/Blacks.

I've done more than I usually do in a day and more than I'm supposed to with my medical condition (Dr's say the best thing to do is absolutely nothing 99.99% of the time, but we all know in real life that's just impossible.)

I'm sat down with some grape juice to give myself a bit of sugar while he cooks dinner (2nd time in the entire time we've been together). On the way out of the kitchen I managed to knock myself onto something AGAIN and told him he can just give me Salmonella and knock me off. I didn't mean it but I'm just fed up.

Oh. Also.

Yesterday I went to the pharmacy because my middle finger on my right hand has been so sore I can't straighten it if it's bent without prying it open due to the pain, I also have a lot of severe pain in my thumb and wrist on my right side. So I got fed up and figured I'd get a splint until I can see a Dr. I told the Pharmacist I have M.E. but he thinks it's severe nerve damage to cause me this much pain/immobility with it. Naturally, I can still type no problem because the finger is bent - but when I go to straighten it, it's in agony.


Done ranting.

Sorry, I had no where else to go.


Well-known member
I only own one pair of shoes, and T by AW pants. I'm kicking myself always and forever for not having the funds when I saw a pair of ankle boots on sale that I really wanted :( I'll definitely check out the collection. I doubt I'll get any of the clothes, but I wouldn't mind some accessories like sunglasses, etc. Hopefully some pics of the collection will pop up soon!
Is there a tk maxx in germany? Me and sis have found seasons long past shoes in there!


Well-known member
[@]PeachTwist[/@] I sympathize, I know doing next to nothing is what's advised in many similar situations too but like you've said you can't live like that. Well done for cracking on with productive stuff, it seems like you may have attempted too much at once! Be kind to yourself, It takes time finding a balance with things x


Well-known member
Peach twist, Maybe you should sort out the misunderstanding with your partner first. He's upset because he thinks you're upset with him, and you're upset because now he is upset with you. You will both probably feel better emotionally if you clear the air, and then just try to relax for the rest of the day. You are going to get into more accidents than usual if you are feeling so frustrated and unhappy. Tomorrow you can get a fresh start, and try not to push yourself so hard. Everyone has a bad day from time to time, so just make up with your partner, take a deep breath, and try to enjoy the rest of your day. You will feel much better when you get rid of the tension between you two. I am sure he will be understanding when you explain what happened.


Well-known member
@peachtwist I agree 100% with above. On top of just chillaxing a bit and being kind to yourself I believe you will feel a lot better after having a heart to heart with your guy. Even reading about your day it seemed like you were even more unhappy and stressed after your your misunderstanding


Staff member
All the hugs for Peachtwist. :(
Thanks gals! Is it bad that I had to google bb cream to find out what it was? Lol i don't need a new product to lust after! I was fine before I knew it existed and I'm fine now.... Right?...... :p
Right. It's basically a more expensive tinted moisturiser.  Don't waste your money.  You want one of those, mix your foundation in with your regular moisturiser. I've never bought one, couldn't buy into the hype.
Well, actually, the original ones from asia (primarily Korea) were meant to be like a skincare / foundation with little product needed to achieve coverage, and did as intended, but when the Western market decided to run with the idea they interpreted it as a glorified tinted moisturizer. There are some brands from the West that actually do it quite well, but it takes looking. 
The weird thing is, the original BB cream is a German invention from the 1950s or 60s (depending on your source). A doctor created it to give to her patients, IIRC, and she still sells it even now. But it wasn't till a Korean actress started singing the praises of BB creams in the 2000s that they took off there. Then it got hyped in the west. And yes, most of the western ones are just overglorified, overpriced tinted moisturizers. The original German one, as well as the Asian ones, have more skincare benefits, and some of the Asian ones have skin whiteners, I believe. I think Asian BBs can be a good alternative to foundation if you're fair with more yellow undertones and have trouble finding a shade or formula that suits you, or if you live in a very hot climate, or you need a megaton of sun protection because you're outside a lot (many of the Asian BBs have very high SPF), but other than that? You don't need one. You'll likely be just fine with a moisturizer with sunscreen (or a moisturizer and a separate sunscreen) and your existing foundations. * * * This week's product analysis... Maybelline Fit Me! Foundation in #110 - I like the formula. The undertone is correct. At the moment it matches my face well enough but it's a little darker than my neck (which is extremely pale at the moment). In the summer it'll likely be better, but at the moment it isn't. I didn't try mixing in my OCC tint to see if it'll lighten it, or my NARS Sheer Glow (which is probably the best matching foundation I have at the moment, in spite of it running very yellow). So I'll have a go with that. If that doesn't help, I may finally need to buy a white foundation for mixing. MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer in NW15 - same thoughts as a week ago NARS ProPrime Smudgeproof Eyeshadow Base - My eyeshadow held up for roughly seven-and-a-half hours before I saw creasing. Needs more investigation -- namely, a direct test against my UDPP. Sleek Ultra Mattes V2 Darks Palette - I used a mixture of Orbit (deep teal) and Noir (in this incarnation, it's more of a dark grey than the ultra black it is in previous palettes) in the outer half to two-thirds of my eye. The colours in the palette overall are lovely. Great selection. And they're really pigmented! But I noticed when using the colours that, while they applied well, they were nearly impossible to blend. Which sucks. I wouldn't repurchase the palette, but I would purchase colours similar to my favourites in there from other brands. MAC Naked pigment - It's been a while since I've used this. I packed this on the inner half of my eye, to give a little bit of shimmer. I should use it more often, even if it's just as a wash on the entire lid. Prestige Total Intensity Mascara in Jet Black - Yep. I like this one. Lashes are well-defined, which is the main thing for me. Will repurchase. (Still open to trying out others, though. I've wishlisted one from Bare Minerals that's piqued my interest.) NARS Blush in Sex Appeal - Love, love, love it. I'll definitely repurchase this. (I think I can see a decent-sized dip in it on one side.) NYX MegaShine Lip Gloss in Beige - Basically, My Lips But Better in gloss form. Another one I would buy again.


Well-known member
@shellygrrl Thanks for the info! Yeah, I knew about the German Doctor, I guess I just skipped over that because different formulations or the original mass market of them were in Korea.
I actually have some Korean ones, as well as the Dior nude one and some other drug store ones, and I think the Korean ones are great.

My face today was basically:
Concealer: Bobbi Brown Corrector (under eye)+ Nars Creamy Concealer
Powder: Mac MSFN
blush: Mac Royal Sunset + Bite of an Apple
Lipstick: Guerlain "Bee"
I guess it's a weird combination, but strangely it worked, especially with my outfit. :) It's a no hassle sort of day.
I fell back in love with the Nars concealer, which I had forgotten to use more often.


Well-known member
Am I even allowed in here again? Lol. I sticked somehow to my list. Blew it for an extra $100. I'm going to hell. But it was an amazing weekend I got some stuff I really liked, I swatched and compared (I even brought my brushes to compare to some things). Made some informed decisions. And yea went nuts the second day at occ (well. To my excuse they were colors I did have in my radar)... Overall I don't regret anything and back to low buy from now on. @peachtwist : how about you write him a little letter? Sometimes we can't get our feelings out outloud so maybe write him something?

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