Well-known member
I need to get organized but I have to get some work done on the roof to my closet so right now most of the stuff in my closet is in tubs meaning everything is in tubs for the most part because my dressers are doing double duty, with the exception of my every day and travel makeup which I have stored in several makeup bags and a huge wicker basket. I was easily able to out 40 lipsticks and some glosses in a bag for the lipstick challenge so that gives an idea of how much lipstick I have currently. Plus I need a make up storage area that works with my living space.
Shellygrrl, I learned that they still sell our beloved MAC Studio Sculpt in Asia and Dubai.. I'm ever so tempted to call and order like 5 back ups but so far I've resisted. I think I have one more plus the one I have open. Still SMDH over that decision.I have backups of only one thing: MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer, which was discontinued two years ago. The only thing I've ever backed up and likely the only thing I ever will back up. (Not even if I find a motherlode of the long-discontinued-and-still-loved-by-me MAC Scanty l/s (or a dupe) would I back that up.)