Illest, I was in your spot a few weeks ago. I personally knew I wasn't ready to manage at MAC but they were interested in me managing, so I went through four interviews, all with positive feedback, but did not get the job. I understood, and they offered me a freelance position, which I accepted. It's been about two to three weeks, and I haven't heard back, but for me it's because my freelance paperwork isn't in yet. From what I've read from other girls on Specktra, it can take a while, so that could be the case. Either way girl, stay on top of it, call them every so often and hopefully you will get a hold of someone. In the meantime, if you are offered a freelance position and want to avoid a conflict of interest by freelancing elsewhere, I know these forums address the rules MAC has about it (although I *think* you are free to freelance wherever you like). I know MAC usually hires from within for 3rd key positions, but maybe since you are an outsider the process takes longer (passing their notes and feedback about you to the higher ups, processing other applicants info). HTH and good luck!