MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


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Ok, first of all, they should supply you with their brushes! That boggles my mind. I never heard that you have to do that for a MAC demo experience. Are you sure...? LOL
My first time I interviewed with MAC it was a one on one just me, my model, and the manager in the back. I was supplied with brushes from them and I was not hired. Luckily I got a second chance with another store for an interview a few weeks later... but it was a group demo interview. So it was about 9 or 10 candidates competing for positions, and in that instance we were told to bring all our own MAC brushes. So it happened to me as well! Definitely thought it was very weird. (was hired my second chance btw :) !! never give up on MAC if you get turned down the first time)
I've always had a passion for make up ever since my freshman year of high school and by reading some of your posts I'm super excited to apply in the near future. I'm from the DMV area, any advice on how to prepare?? What did you all do to learn your MAC history?? I've been going on their website a lot lately and just reading product descriptions and such but I want to learn more lol helppp!


Well-known member
So mine is weird... I was asked to come in for an interview. We did the demo and we had some q&a first. So the q&a was fine. I was the only one who didn't get negative feedback on the makeup demo and the only who actually completed the makeup! But I didn't get it. I got a call a couple weeks after saying that "obviously" I didn't get it but they liked me and wanted to tell me what to improve on next time in order to get it...that was the message they left. So I called them back and left a message and never heard back. Then afterwards I was told by someone who works at MAC that I should be relieved since they are all about pushing sales. It was a freelance interview. And to be honest I only wanted the job to hone and improve my makeup application skills, try and get more artistic with it. So I was disappointed but am still not sure what to think.


New member
I dropped off my resume at macys on state st. in chicago and I had a few interview back in late december with the store manager then I was called back to do makeup then another call to meet denise im waiting to here from them they said it takes a while I had all one on one interviews with all the managers within a week. Did I loose it or am I just waiting for real on a hiring postion. I also appied around christmas whay now? Im worried


Well-known member
Went to put an application for part time mac artist at my local department store mac counter, the counter manager was there and took me into the office to interview. It went so good and said I was the best they've seen (as far as applicants), my makeup was done great, and I had the "mac look" and she "loved my image" LOL We discussed why I wanted to work for MAC, how I rate myself on my skills, and even started talking to me about Basic. Last thing she said was she doesn't make decisions without her assistant manager,(who was off), but she really likes me and to come back tomorrow to meet her. Would they hire me without a demo? (This is a mac counter in a small town btw)


Well-known member
I dropped off my resume at macys on state st. in chicago and I had a few interview back in late december with the store manager then I was called back to do makeup then another call to meet denise im waiting to here from them they said it takes a while I had all one on one interviews with all the managers within a week. Did I loose it or am I just waiting for real on a hiring postion. I also appied around christmas whay now? Im worried
Call back and follow up. Closed mouths don't get fed :) interview/hiring process can take a while at MAC


Well-known member
I don't ever know when MAC is hiring. It's not posted anywhere, ever. Or maybe I'm not looking in the right places. I absolutely love MAC and I'm friends with all the girls that work there. They all know me and are always so sweet to me… LOL, I'm such a nerd. Anyways, I've never applied to MAC. I mean, I do freelance and I would love to work for them, like any make-up obsessed person would. But I have never applied. I guess for me, it's very intimidating and I'm such a perfectionist so I'm always questioning and criticizing everything I do.

Currently, I work for Kiehl's and my staff and manager are wonderful and I enjoy learning about skin care and ingredients. Kiehl's is owned by Loreal and that was something that attracted me to the company. I can't really complain but I would love to work for someone like MAC, because it is straight up make-up.


New member
Hi I have been thinking about applying as a mac freelance makeup artist. I have a question though. As a freelance makeup artist are you able to use your business tax ID number instead of using your social security number? I like to keep my income as a freelance makeup artist separate from my regular 9-5 job. Thank you in advance
Hi Ladies/Gents,

So, I have a few questions for some of you that are newly hired with the company. I was called back on Jan. 7th,2014 saying that i was hired, and that i would be on the bench so to speak until they find me a home...had an additional interview the following month and was told the intervirew went really well and they would be back to me in a couple weeks...Here we are almost 3 months later in total, and still nothing! And i have seen that there are openings for positions throughout my area, and havent been called yet.

I have attempted to contact the 2 ladies that i had the interviews with several times, all without success. No one gets back to me at all. Im really at my wits end, since i have turned down other positions, just so i could work for MAC. Seein as this is really the company i want to work for, I really don't know who to call anymore or who to reach out to. I never in my 13 years of being in the industry ever dealt with a hiring process of this duration.

So, can anyone please let me know how long it took you to hear something at all, and if you havent, what did you do to start working???? I cant sit around anymore, and i am truly at my witts end with all this wondering and wating. I would really love to just start working and start doing what i love.

Thanks so much lovies, any advice or insight would be so much appreciated!
Have a fantastic day!

Im still waiting and it has been over 3 months....Im not sure how things work with the hiring process with this company, but i can tell you from my personal exp. that it is still waiting too...hope you hear something soon! All the best!

Hey beautiful, I have an interview tomorrow for a permanent position at my local counter.. Wish me good luck.. !!

Can you tell me how long it was before you started working? I was hired in Jan 2014 and was told they would get back to me and after a month I had an additional interview and was told it went really well and that she would call me in a week or two....Fast forward 3months and I still havent received a call from anyone, what should I do? I have tried to touch base with both ladies and they refuse to call me back to let me know whats going on..It sucks because I really want to work for MAC but I have turned down another position 2 ago thinking that i would be working already! Does anyone else have this happen to them with the hiring process???


New member
Hi guys!! I am in need of help. I just got an interview with MAC for a 3rd Key position next week! I'm very excited but the manager asked me over the phone that I should bring a resume and a business plan? I am currently a key holder at another company but I have never had to make a business plan and I've never asked anyone I've interviewed to bring one in. I've asked a few friends and co-workers and they all said it's a bit odd... Anyways! Anybody know anything about this? And if anyone has tips on a 3rd key interview process/questions that'd be awesome! Thanks :)


Hi guys!! I am in need of help. I just got an interview with MAC for a 3rd Key position next week! I'm very excited but the manager asked me over the phone that I should bring a resume and a business plan? I am currently a key holder at another company but I have never had to make a business plan and I've never asked anyone I've interviewed to bring one in. I've asked a few friends and co-workers and they all said it's a bit odd... Anyways! Anybody know anything about this? And if anyone has tips on a 3rd key interview process/questions that'd be awesome! Thanks :)
That's so odd. I've never heard of that. Don't be afraid to ask her to clarify what she means by business plan. A real business plan takes weeks sometimes months to come up with so I doubt she wants something full scaled given that you have a very limited amount of information to even work from if any. I would just maybe come up with strategies that you think would help bring business to the counter. Hope this helps!
Hi, Im still waiting and it has been over 3 months....Im not sure how things work with the hiring process with this company, but i can tell you from my personal exp. that it is still waiting too...hope you hear something soon! All the best! =)
I would go up to the counter and ask as opposed to calling. Depending on the location, MAC stores get pretty busy. Assuming you got a freelance position, those hours aren't consistent and each counter can request certain MUAs which may not leave room for you. I have waited three months in between freelance jobs so I know how you feel.
That's so odd. I've never heard of that. Don't be afraid to ask her to clarify what she means by business plan. A real business plan takes weeks sometimes months to come up with so I doubt she wants something full scaled given that you have a very limited amount of information to even work from if any. I would just maybe come up with strategies that you think would help bring business to the counter. Hope this helps!
I would go up to the counter and ask as opposed to calling. Depending on the location, MAC stores get pretty busy. Assuming you got a freelance position, those hours aren't consistent and each counter can request certain MUAs which may not leave room for you. I have waited three months in between freelance jobs so I know how you feel.

Hello Thanks for your reply!!!
I didnt get a freelance position or at least not to my knowledge. From what i was told, they were interested in my management exp. I am still waiting(almost 4 month)...i haven't heard back from anyone, its really frustrating because i have a friend of mine who works at MAC ask her manager about my situation and both managers said that its pretty crappy that no one has called me back with any information! Also, they said they don't know what they would tell me to come in for a management position, when 99.9% of the time they never hire out of the company for those types of positions! I really have no one else to reach out to! I have turned down a few freelance gigs just so it wouldn't conflict with anything they(MAC) would have me do and they just left me hanging!

Also, now, because of all this waiting, jobs are slim in my area and i unfortunately am left with no work, very little money and too many bills! I never thought a company like MAC would treat people(who are willing to bend over backwards to work for them) in such a way! Its truly heartbreaking! I wish i had someone to actually talk to, and not just a voicemail!


Well-known member
Illest, I was in your spot a few weeks ago. I personally knew I wasn't ready to manage at MAC but they were interested in me managing, so I went through four interviews, all with positive feedback, but did not get the job. I understood, and they offered me a freelance position, which I accepted. It's been about two to three weeks, and I haven't heard back, but for me it's because my freelance paperwork isn't in yet. From what I've read from other girls on Specktra, it can take a while, so that could be the case. Either way girl, stay on top of it, call them every so often and hopefully you will get a hold of someone. In the meantime, if you are offered a freelance position and want to avoid a conflict of interest by freelancing elsewhere, I know these forums address the rules MAC has about it (although I *think* you are free to freelance wherever you like). I know MAC usually hires from within for 3rd key positions, but maybe since you are an outsider the process takes longer (passing their notes and feedback about you to the higher ups, processing other applicants info). HTH and good luck!
Either way girl, stay on top of it, call them every so often and hopefully you will get a hold of someone. In the meantime, if you are offered a freelance position and want to avoid a conflict of interest by freelancing elsewhere, I know these forums address the rules MAC has about it (although I *think* you are free to freelance wherever you like). I know MAC usually hires from within for 3rd key positions, but maybe since you are an outsider the process takes longer (passing their notes and feedback about you to the higher ups, processing other applicants info). HTH and good luck!
THANK YOU for your reply! Really means a lot! Im hanging in there for sure, and I will definitely keep up with checking in, this is definitely a spot I don't intend on losing! =) All the best you and your Freelancing and if you can, or care to keep me posted on your progress as well! =)


Hello Thanks for your reply!!! I didnt get a freelance position or at least not to my knowledge. From what i was told, they were interested in my management exp. I am still waiting(almost 4 month)...i haven't heard back from anyone, its really frustrating because i have a friend of mine who works at MAC ask her manager about my situation and both managers said that its pretty crappy that no one has called me back with any information! Also, they said they don't know what they would tell me to come in for a management position, when 99.9% of the time they never hire out of the company for those types of positions! I really have no one else to reach out to! I have turned down a few freelance gigs just so it wouldn't conflict with anything they(MAC) would have me do and they just left me hanging! Also, now, because of all this waiting, jobs are slim in my area and i unfortunately am left with no work, very little money and too many bills! I never thought a company like MAC would treat people(who are willing to bend over backwards to work for them) in such a way! Its truly heartbreaking! I wish i had someone to actually talk to, and not just a voicemail!
Oh so sorry to hear that. :( Here's the number to MAC coorporate offices: (212) 572-4200. Maybe you'll be able to get through to someone there and get some answers. Good luck! :)

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