Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Hey guys. Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that my grandma passed away this morning. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I know she is with my grandpa now and with our Lord. Thank you guys.
Oh I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Big, big, big hugs and happy thoughts being sent your way.


Well-known member
Oh my sweet Pixie. I too have quite a list. You're not alone! :hug: Stila liquid liner Bora Bora. :)
That's a lovely look! What eyeliner did you use?
So sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time.
Hey guys. Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that my grandma passed away this morning. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I know she is with my grandpa now and with our Lord. Thank you guys.


Well-known member

Anna, so sorry to hear of your loss. Console yourself with the fact that she had a wonderful life and gave you so much love to share. My prayers and best wishes for you and family.


Well-known member
My low buy went to shit. (Sits in corner. Next to chair. . Lol. But I anticipated it... The other collections are a mostly skip. Only getting three lippys of Osbournes and skipping lorde and moody. Somy big large list for Aa doesn't seem so bad
not a problem darling.. I have a big supply of Sparky Chairs -- in all sizes and colours. lol


Well-known member
Hey guys. Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that my grandma passed away this morning. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I know she is with my grandpa now and with our Lord. Thank you guys.
Oh my dear, I am so so sorry to hear about your Grandma's passing but you are right, she is in a good place. My condolences.


Well-known member
I'm a silent visitor to the thread---I'd be a major hypocrite to say I'm interested in a Low Buy. At my age, I'm on a YOLO buy. Myself and others have joked that if we
joined the thread it would go up in flames and/or self destruct. That's not to say that I don't admire each and everyone of you. What I see in this thread transcends your
individual and collective financial goals. I see love, I see support, I see friendship---all at a very low cost. You're all so amazing!!!

To Pixie, @Naynadine, @ILove Makeup84, @HerGreyness, @Paint&InkChick, and Debbs my dear sweet Debbs, and anyone else here going through life's hardships be
it family illness or loss, relationships or school, I may not know how to Low Buy, but I do know how to pray and to care. In reading your heartfelt posts I have prayed and I
do care. I wish for nothing but the best for each and everyone of you.


It's been a heck of a few weeks/months for me with losing family members, personal stress and emotional upheaval due to relationships with other people but I believe we all will survive and THRIVE through it all! Thanks for the prayers as I know we all appreciate it!

Happy mothers day special ladies... Sorry for my silence, dealing with some family issues and will admit I've been self medicating for the stress with makeup.... *shame* but it's effective dammit! Xo to all
It seems a lot of us have been going through some serious things lately but the operative word is THROUGH! I've been guilty of self medicating with snacks (not good for my "summertime fine" plan) and random mini makeup treats (not quite splurges but still). I consciously slipped today with AA but I've decided not to beat myself up over it. *dusts self off and in gets in position to start again

Quote: Originally Posted by ILoveMakeup84

Hey guys. Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that my grandma passed away this morning. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I know she is with my grandpa now and with our Lord. Thank you guys.
I'm so sorry for your loss and my prayers are with you and your family to be strong and find peace in the midst of the storm.


Well-known member
I just found a new reason to low-buy.

IDK if there are any other Simmers here but...


Okay sorry. But I have to have this and I think it'll be about $60 when it comes out so I'll put back a little money here and there for it.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by mosha010

My low buy went to shit. (Sits in corner. Next to chair. . Lol. But I anticipated it... The other collections are a mostly skip. Only getting three lippys of Osbournes and skipping lorde and moody. Somy big large list for Aa doesn't seem so bad

not a problem darling.. I have a big supply of Sparky Chairs -- in all sizes and colours. lol

Anna, so sorry to hear of your loss. Console yourself with the fact that she had a wonderful life and gave you so much love to share. My prayers and best wishes for you and family.
@ilovemakeup84 I'm so so so so very sorry about your loss. Grammas are the coolest and I can't even begin imagine the sorrow in your heart. Sending u my prayers and hugs. @hg: yea I need a small chair so I can reach the floor lol. But with arm restraints and possibly a muzzle so i can't order through the phone or ordering Siri to type for me.


Well-known member
I'm glad it's a little quiet in here... Maybe no one will see this...
I had a fall from grace ladies! I over-bought from AA's! My limit was kicked to the curb and I fell victim to that beautiful packaging! My limit of 3 items... out the window!
I. Bought. EIGHT. Things. From. AA.

*hangs head and awaits @mosha010 to come and take my "Fairy Low Buymother" crown*
Ooh you're naughty. S'ok, I broke my low-buy too.


Well-known member
Hey guys. Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that my grandma passed away this morning. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I know she is with my grandpa now and with our Lord. Thank you guys.
Sorry to hear, I'll be thinking of you and your family.


Well-known member
Hey guys. Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that my grandma passed away this morning. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I know she is with my grandpa now and with our Lord. Thank you guys.
I'm so sorry for your loss, hon. May she Rest In Peace with your Grandpa. She's in a better place. We're here for you for anything.


Well-known member
So a quick update before I go to bed in a couple mins:

My Dr says I need to have steroid injections in my right hand to make it usable properly again. No idea how long I'll have to wait for that treatment to start. He's had a letter from the liver specialist dated to friggin' March (WE'RE IN MAY) telling him he wants more bloods and a liver biopsy -- I'm hoping to god that he's just misread my notes because I had a liver biopsy last August and it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Fingers crossed on that. The bloods are still being taken though as they now want to check calcium levels and are checking again for diabetes, lupus, anaemia etc. He's also requested an internal exam (as ladies, we can all cringe at the thought) be done to check my pelvic muscles aren't completely useless as I'm having extreme issues controlling my bladder and it's also overly sensitive. Wetting oneself at 23 is not something you get a gold star for.

As for my Mom: We found a lump a couple months back and she was sent for an xray but they messed it up and never fixed it. They've now found a 2nd lump and are sending her for a CT scan. We're *hoping* it's nothing, because she also has her own medical issues she's dealing with (bowel incontinence waiting on surgery) -- cancer is the last thing we need to happen. No one deserves it of course, not trying to say anyone does.. but my god if we could just catch a break for once. That'd be nice.

I've spent all of today in bed. I was downstairs for an hour and felt so shaky/light headed/dizzy that I just took my butt back up. I've slept the entire day. Dan came home and helped me by staying upstairs so I could shower and be on hand to help me if I fell - thankfully didn't. But I've taken all my meds. Pain meds, sleeping meds and the other 3 I'm on regularly.. so I'm about headed to crash and hopefully sleep all night.

I don't think I've forgotten anything.

Other than of course a massive thank you again to all who took part in wearing blue for M.E. on Monday. I really appreciate it! The M.E. charity in the UK is only £51K away from being able to afford to do a clinical treatment trial on a new medicine to see if it helps us. The goal is £350,000 - we're at £299K last I checked. So close! I'd love to be a part of the trial but have no idea how I could go about applying. Something I'll need to look into when I have the ability to do so.

Gonna head to bed. Hopefully tomorrow won't be as bad and I can try to catch up on everything.

Thank you all again for being here for me. For listening to me rant/complain and being the pick-me-up I need. You're all the most genuine, kind-hearted, caring and amazing people I've ever come across.


Well-known member
Hey guys. Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that my grandma passed away this morning. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I know she is with my grandpa now and with our Lord. Thank you guys.
Praying for you and your family in this moment of loss.


Well-known member
So a quick update before I go to bed in a couple mins:

My Dr says I need to have steroid injections in my right hand to make it usable properly again. No idea how long I'll have to wait for that treatment to start. He's had a letter from the liver specialist dated to friggin' March (WE'RE IN MAY) telling him he wants more bloods and a liver biopsy -- I'm hoping to god that he's just misread my notes because I had a liver biopsy last August and it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Fingers crossed on that. The bloods are still being taken though as they now want to check calcium levels and are checking again for diabetes, lupus, anaemia etc. He's also requested an internal exam (as ladies, we can all cringe at the thought) be done to check my pelvic muscles aren't completely useless as I'm having extreme issues controlling my bladder and it's also overly sensitive. Wetting oneself at 23 is not something you get a gold star for.

As for my Mom: We found a lump a couple months back and she was sent for an xray but they messed it up and never fixed it. They've now found a 2nd lump and are sending her for a CT scan. We're *hoping* it's nothing, because she also has her own medical issues she's dealing with (bowel incontinence waiting on surgery) -- cancer is the last thing we need to happen. No one deserves it of course, not trying to say anyone does.. but my god if we could just catch a break for once. That'd be nice.

I've spent all of today in bed. I was downstairs for an hour and felt so shaky/light headed/dizzy that I just took my butt back up. I've slept the entire day. Dan came home and helped me by staying upstairs so I could shower and be on hand to help me if I fell - thankfully didn't. But I've taken all my meds. Pain meds, sleeping meds and the other 3 I'm on regularly.. so I'm about headed to crash and hopefully sleep all night.

I don't think I've forgotten anything.

Other than of course a massive thank you again to all who took part in wearing blue for M.E. on Monday. I really appreciate it! The M.E. charity in the UK is only £51K away from being able to afford to do a clinical treatment trial on a new medicine to see if it helps us. The goal is £350,000 - we're at £299K last I checked. So close! I'd love to be a part of the trial but have no idea how I could go about applying. Something I'll need to look into when I have the ability to do so.

Gonna head to bed. Hopefully tomorrow won't be as bad and I can try to catch up on everything.

Thank you all again for being here for me. For listening to me rant/complain and being the pick-me-up I need. You're all the most genuine, kind-hearted, caring and amazing people I've ever come across.
Miss Peach, you're definitely going through some rough times. I hope you and your mother catch a few of those breaks you need if just to have a bit of a breather from the crap. I will cross my fingers and toes that you won't have to do a liver biopsy again. I've found all biopsies to be pretty damn uncomfortable... personally, I bawl like a toddler before I get poked for anything. I hope you sleep well tonight.


Well-known member
So a quick update before I go to bed in a couple mins: My Dr says I need to have steroid injections in my right hand to make it usable properly again.  No idea how long I'll have to wait for that treatment to start.  He's had a letter from the liver specialist dated to friggin' March (WE'RE IN MAY) telling him he wants more bloods and a liver biopsy -- I'm hoping to god that he's just misread my notes because I had a liver biopsy last August and it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced.  Fingers crossed on that.  The bloods are still being taken though as they now want to check calcium levels and are checking again for diabetes, lupus, anaemia etc.  He's also requested an internal exam (as ladies, we can all cringe at the thought) be done to check my pelvic muscles aren't completely useless as I'm having extreme issues controlling my bladder and it's also overly sensitive.  Wetting oneself at 23 is not something you get a gold star for. As for my Mom:  We found a lump a couple months back and she was sent for an xray but they messed it up and never fixed it.  They've now found a 2nd lump and are sending her for a CT scan.  We're *hoping* it's nothing, because she also has her own medical issues she's dealing with (bowel incontinence waiting on surgery) -- cancer is the last thing we need to happen.  No one deserves it of course, not trying to say anyone does.. but my god if we could just catch a break for once.  That'd be nice. I've spent all of today in bed.  I was downstairs for an hour and felt so shaky/light headed/dizzy that I just took my butt back up.  I've slept the entire day.  Dan came home and helped me by staying upstairs so I could shower and be on hand to help me if I fell - thankfully didn't.  But I've taken all my meds.  Pain meds, sleeping meds and the other 3 I'm on regularly.. so I'm about headed to crash and hopefully sleep all night.p I don't think I've forgotten anything. Other than of course a massive thank you again to all who took part in wearing blue for M.E. on Monday.  I really appreciate it!  The M.E. charity in the UK is only £51K away from being able to afford to do a clinical treatment trial on a new medicine to see if it helps us.  The goal is £350,000 - we're at £299K last I checked.  So close!  I'd love to be a part of the trial but have no idea how I could go about applying.  Something I'll need to look into when I have the ability to do so. Gonna head to bed.  Hopefully tomorrow won't be as bad and I can try to catch up on everything. Thank you all again for being here for me.  For listening to me rant/complain and being the pick-me-up I need.  You're all the most genuine, kind-hearted, caring and amazing people I've ever come across.
Peach, I'm so sorry that you have to go through all if this. So many tests! I hope that you feel well enough to have a day out of bed tomorrow. I also hope the steroid injections in your hand help. I've gotten them in my back before. The liver biopsy makes me cringe at the thought! I hope you don't have to do that again. I will pray that the lumps found on your Mom are benign. Please let me know when you find out. I am glad that the women here help to get you through all of the stuff you deal with every day. I am awake most all nights, which seem to be when you're awake, so feel free to message anytime you need to talk. :support:


Well-known member
Hey guys. Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that my grandma passed away this morning. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I know she is with my grandpa now and with our Lord. Thank you guys.
I'm so sorry to hear this! I am glad that you are looking at the positives of her being with your Grandpa again. I think it's hardest for those left behind because we miss them. Hang in there, it does get a little easier over time. Big hugs sent to you in my mind. :support:


Well-known member
So a quick update before I go to bed in a couple mins:

My Dr says I need to have steroid injections in my right hand to make it usable properly again. No idea how long I'll have to wait for that treatment to start. He's had a letter from the liver specialist dated to friggin' March (WE'RE IN MAY) telling him he wants more bloods and a liver biopsy -- I'm hoping to god that he's just misread my notes because I had a liver biopsy last August and it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Fingers crossed on that. The bloods are still being taken though as they now want to check calcium levels and are checking again for diabetes, lupus, anaemia etc. He's also requested an internal exam (as ladies, we can all cringe at the thought) be done to check my pelvic muscles aren't completely useless as I'm having extreme issues controlling my bladder and it's also overly sensitive. Wetting oneself at 23 is not something you get a gold star for.

As for my Mom: We found a lump a couple months back and she was sent for an xray but they messed it up and never fixed it. They've now found a 2nd lump and are sending her for a CT scan. We're *hoping* it's nothing, because she also has her own medical issues she's dealing with (bowel incontinence waiting on surgery) -- cancer is the last thing we need to happen. No one deserves it of course, not trying to say anyone does.. but my god if we could just catch a break for once. That'd be nice.

I've spent all of today in bed. I was downstairs for an hour and felt so shaky/light headed/dizzy that I just took my butt back up. I've slept the entire day. Dan came home and helped me by staying upstairs so I could shower and be on hand to help me if I fell - thankfully didn't. But I've taken all my meds. Pain meds, sleeping meds and the other 3 I'm on regularly.. so I'm about headed to crash and hopefully sleep all night.

I don't think I've forgotten anything.

Other than of course a massive thank you again to all who took part in wearing blue for M.E. on Monday. I really appreciate it! The M.E. charity in the UK is only £51K away from being able to afford to do a clinical treatment trial on a new medicine to see if it helps us. The goal is £350,000 - we're at £299K last I checked. So close! I'd love to be a part of the trial but have no idea how I could go about applying. Something I'll need to look into when I have the ability to do so.

Gonna head to bed. Hopefully tomorrow won't be as bad and I can try to catch up on everything.

Thank you all again for being here for me. For listening to me rant/complain and being the pick-me-up I need. You're all the most genuine, kind-hearted, caring and amazing people I've ever come across.
I don't know what to say. Just hope everything will be ok for you and your mom.

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