MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
I was sent info to find one thank you though! It is such a favorite for a lot of members, I wish they'd bring it out permanently! Mattes are my favorite formula so I am so excited for DG! I want 3. I feel greedy saying that!
Yay! Im so glad you might be able to finally get one. And I agree about it being made permanent. So many people seem to love it and it's a colour that is missing from their permanent range IMO. Maybe they will at some point like CYY and Heroine. They were released twice and did so well they brought them back perm. Nope, wanting 3 DGs is definitely not greedy, just good sense if you ask me lol. I think I'm going to get 2 if I can afford it. I thought I'd be most excited about KYY but its now DG that I need the most.


Well-known member
I was sent info to find one thank you though! It is such a favorite for a lot of members, I wish they'd bring it out permanently! Mattes are my favorite formula so I am so excited for DG! I want 3. I feel greedy saying that!

pompom.gif glad to hear that!!!

LW is going to look gorgeous on you


Well-known member
I don't post a whole lot, but I read through all of the posts on this thread. I've been having a lot of trouble with insomnia and anxiety for the last few months and I can honestly say that coming on here when I'm having a bad night and listening to you ladies just makes me feel so much better. :grouphug:
I'm an anxiety person too. Reading the threads & random beauty blogs/videos always helps me as well. Or, going for a walk.. Burn off the nervous energy. :) I'm new here and trying to focus on making edited, smart choices for budget's sake and because in reality my makeup habit can stand to be toned down a bit!! The l/s look gorg but not for me. I'm tempted by Sharons MSF because of the highlighter but so many people say GMS pulls orange that I'm hemming and hawing over that. Also wanting to see more blush swatches soon... So easy to get caught up in the excitement of collections!


Well-known member
Sharon has the patent polish lip pencils Kelly has the lipsticks
Ah! Thats right I remembering seeing that now. I am in love with the patentpolish. They are a dry lips girls dream lol. I only own kittenish though. Hope some swatches leak before it releases in two weeks! Kellys lipsticks are so fun cant wait! Ive been watching fashion police alot more kellys laugh


Well-known member
So convenient, I am free the day before and the day after this collection but not the day of. I think that the lipglosses may be pretty safe to obtain the next day tho. Pedro blush duo from bestie, maybe a few glosses from this and/or Pedro and I am good until Moody Bloom. Will miss the excitement and chase but thankfully personally not necessary.


Well-known member
Yay! Full photos up on Temptalia

Thank you both Nadine and Alexis! I love the look of DG and I hope, hope,hope it's a true lavender. I am still a little pissed it won't look like that photo above of Kelly wearing it where it appears more blueish silvery. Maybe we will get one that looks like that in a future collection. Who knows with MAC.

OT: My baby boy Maurice passed away yesterday. I am beyond devastated. He would have been 15yrs young in August. He did suffer a major stroke and was paralyzed from the waist down, but he still managed to pull himself everywhere and was still playful and loving. I miss him so much.

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