MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
I was so set on skipping everything except Cheeky Bugger after seeing swatches/reviews, but I'm starting to change my mind. I think I might attempt to order all of the lippies online and if they don't work for me, I'm sure I will be able to get rid of them easily. I would like to go in store, but my bf is having oral surgery on the 5th and I have to be there with him.  
You should be fine because if I'm not mistaken it's set to release the 12th no? (In counters)


Well-known member
I can skip Kyy. I have happy go lucky and CYY and barely reach for either.


Well-known member
I had a dream about this collection last night... I got into a fight because someone was buying the last DG lipstick!


Well-known member
Lmao that's why I like going in store muahaha Your dream has me cracking up over here lol
Haha I always elbow people out of my way, as soon as I walk in the store I'm like a mad woman! Lol It was like two children fighting over a toy and I was screaming at her saying "it's mine, it's mine, get off it now"


Well-known member
Ok, Update! Sorry it took me so long but yesterday was a busy day cause it was my boyfriends birthday. But, I did go to the MAC Counter. The girl was really nice. They even still have stuff from the Maleficent and Alluring Aquatic Collections left. Anyway, they were super busy so I forgot to task. I went into Sephora and remembered I forgot to ask if they had the Osbourne Collection. and was going back to ask the girl that helped me cause she was so helpful. I went back and the girl was doing someone's makeup. So another girl asked me if I needed help and I said uh yeah I was wondering if you have the Osbourne Collection out yet and she said the who? I then said the Sharon and Kelly Collection and she said oh no that doesn't come out till June, and that was that.She wasn't near as friendly as the other girl :(.. I really didn't think she got what I was saying. And I didn't want to be like no do you HAVE it already. Like in storagea lol... I guess I should have been more precise with what I was I was asking but I didn't want to push it and they were so busy. So oh well! Sorry I didn't get swatches for you gals! I get shy sometimes with the Mac girls i don't know why.

Dolly Snow

:p current list..... 2 DG 2 SP RH KYY Cranberry l/l In synch l/l Cheeky Bugger blush Peaches &Cream blush for my sister Subject to change :haha:


Well-known member
lmao yes I did! I decided to make this a haul over me just buying a few things lol and you're one to talk lol bet your lost has grown
Haha fair enough. Well it diddd but I can't decide on some stuff so I'll prob end up skipping them :( I'm probably only guna buy what I told you, unless I see swatches that change my mind

Dolly Snow

Haha fair enough. Well it diddd but I can't decide on some stuff so I'll prob end up skipping them :( I'm probably only guna buy what I told you, unless I see swatches that change my mind
Oh boo! I hope swatches change your mind...i know right we need more swatches lol. Id like to take away from my list but so far not to many swatches. But I like your list so far :) I may take out kellys liner though.


Well-known member
Oh boo! I hope swatches change your mind...i know right we need more swatches lol. Id like to take away from my list but so far not to many swatches. But I like your list so far :) I may take out kellys liner though.
Yeah it's hard to decide when we see early swatches coz most bloggers have jacked up lighting and it messes with the true colours. So annoying. Knowing you you'll end up with a few things coz you're so indecisive!