What's Your Favorite Purple Lipstick(s)?


Well-known member
This thread reminds me I did a purple swatch post on my blog the other day . Am I allowed to post it if it's relevant to the thread? Don't want to come off as advertising.


Well-known member
I'll just post it this way
1st row left to right Nyx violet Nyx lavender Impulse psychedelic Impulse space cadet MBA exotic orchid Paranormal Revlon shameless Mac goddess of the sea Heroine Dodgy girl 2nd row Revlon midnight plum Mac up the amp Mac instigator Revlon va va voom Occ technopagan Occ pagan Occ rollergirl Kat Von d poe Wonderchilde


Well-known member
Funny thing is I am actually a pink lipstick kind of girl lol. All the purple I've collected these past few months or so.


Well-known member
A recount of my lippies, made me realize that I'm missing quite a few. Including my beloved Heroine. :mad: thank goodness it's perm, otherwise I would lose it :lol: