Alright ladies, need some advice/help/support. Apologies in advance for the long posts. I've been doing really well lately with makeup and other material goods. I'm making sure to use cash with everything (I never use my cc anyway but I wanted more of the feeling of here's $100 for the week. That's it). So far its working and I'm really thinking through my purchases and I've found that sometimes I can just swatch and leave without purchasing. Recently, I've had a bit of a falling out with a friend. We didn't get into a fight or anything like that, honestly we've both just been busy and haven't had time for each other. Completely understandable. We used to date for a few months and agreed it wouldn't work out. This was like two years ago. And it really hurt me, not gonna lie. But I don't have feelings for him in that sense anymore. What hurts me now is that he remained friends with people who hurt me, who I've forgiven and moved on. He's also gotten into the habit of rubbing in how much he makes, where he's going on vacation, how nice his apartment is etc. Its gotten to the point where I've blocked him on social media because I don't want to see the pictures. It even bothers me more because I've literally clawed my way to where I am and he makes significantly more than me and is able to do these things without effort it seems. The last time he talked to me was about a month ago, right before my CPA and he asked me to proofread a paper for him for grad school. No hey, how are you. No how's the CPA studying. Nothing. I called him out and said that I wouldn't help him. He got pissy and whiny about it and we haven't really talked except for a few texts. Again, Nome of which he's asked me about how I'm doing or anything. Its always all about him and advice/favors. Part of me is saying just cut the cord and move on. This kid is seriously an ass hole and I have no clue what I'm holding on to. I'm no longer friends with that group so its not like we are in the same circles. I just don't feel like I deserve this. Bringing this back to makeup, I want to shop. And shop hard. I'm really trying to hold off. I'm doing really well and saving for the holidays and for my own vacation. I've cleaned out my stash again, staying away from Instagram, really playing with all my shadows, etc. But I just feel shitty. How do you guys let go of people? How do you deal with losing a close friend?