MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
I'm so happy I woke up and decided to look to see if it was up anywhere and it's my bday :cheer: I got BK and FS from Nordie but I was so sad not to have LJ...great gift for myself!!! :pompom:


Well-known member
I never know what's going on with MAC releases but glad I managed to catch this one! Stuck to Romantic Breakdown and Forbidden Sunrise because everything else is so similar to stuff I already have. It's so pretty but I need to be thrifty (as best I can be haha).


Well-known member
I feel so bad for people who are at work or went back to sleep assuming that MAC wasn't launching the collection today. They are going to be so upset and rightfully so. Anyways, I'm really glad I managed to grab the items I was stalking.


Well-known member
I'm so happy I woke up and decided to look to see if it was up anywhere and it's my bday
I got BK and FS from Nordie but I was so sad not to have LJ...great gift for myself!!!


Well-known member
...I got the email and my fingers snapped and picked up Burmese Kiss, Forbidden Sunrise and Lavendar Jade... And Summer Opal (I've never owned a beauty powder) I figured the colors would be great with the lip pencils I got from Pencilled In. ...yall the Mac addiction is real! I told myself I was gonna skip this. what's wrong with me????


Well-known member
Holy cow. I stayed up till the Nordie's launch and got BK and FS and I happened to be awakened by my puppies in time to snag LJ unexpectantly from the Mac site... I'm not super happy though cause if I knew they were launching too, I would've just bought from Mac! This collection has had too many surprises. It better be worth it.


Active member
Just woke up and went through a full roller coaster of emotions checking Nordstrom then seeing the email and going into a full blown panic. Got Summer Opal now I can live my life.


Well-known member
Okay I lied. I went back for Imperial Green. Can't wear it to work but that's what pedis are for!

Seems like the MAC site isn't too crazy yet? No lag time or anything that I've experienced with other big releases. So maybe people who missed out on Nordies (like me) can still get it on this :D


Well-known member
Holy crap, just grabbed the green polish off mac's site. I wish I knew if my Nordies order is safe... Tempted to order doubles just in case.


Well-known member
Guess I'll go back to stalking MAC if this is how Nordstrom launches go.

I thought you got your goodies? I don't think I can handle MAC. I hate how Nordies was my go too, and now it's not a lil secret anymore.
I got most of it, with the exception of Lavender Jade.

It was nature's call that woke me up just now (fortunately - normally I hate having to get out of bed before my alarm goes off), and happened to check my messages and saw that this was up on MAC's site.


Well-known member
Okay I lied. I went back for Imperial Green. Can't wear it to work but that's what pedis are for!

Seems like the MAC site isn't too crazy yet? No lag time or anything that I've experienced with other big releases. So maybe people who missed out on Nordies (like me) can still get it on this :D
Probably because they did a surprise launch
People are going to be
when they see it launched randomly.