MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
But hopefully they restock online like they did this am with the Cinderella collection. So ppl can get another shot @ it.


Well-known member
Definitely!! But I also see their marketing strategy there and by God, it works. I peaked into the drawers and 5th ave looked very decently stocked. Maybe everything just flew out really fast, thats obviously bound to happen with all this hype. It really sucks and I've been disappointed before but honestly with experience you become totally hip to their strategy. I rarely miss out on items anymore, if I really want something theres a way to get it. Where theres a will, theres a way.
Specktra defeinitely makes it easy to get what I want. If it were not for Specktra I would be up a creek without a paddle.


Well-known member
It's not like MAC can only make money if they only make a small amount of items and have big hype about it. If they make a ton of each item, they will still sell out. Maybe it might take a couple of days instead of just a few more minutes, but they would certainly sell out eventually. They don't need to make such a tiny amount that only a small portion of the people who want an item will get it. The hype comes before the release. As long as it's hyped up before hand and people are interested in the product, then you don't need the hype of only having 4 items at a store to make people want to buy it. People WANT the product. Just make more so you can get all of your sales! This is a stupid business model that doesn't make sense.


Well-known member
Well, that explains how a store could run out so fast. Ridiculous. Can't they limit the number (sort of like they do online)?
According to the girl that assisted me there was a 3 item limit. Whether that's always enforced or not is the question :/

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
My pro store is 1 of each item when it's limited and especially on launch day. Just to try and let as many ppl get something but guess it depends on how much stock a store actually gets
When I went to RHPS launch party last year in Soho, the PRO store (which is my usual store) had more than enough stock for the evening... they had around 10 of everything for the evening. And the rest of the stock was for everyone else the next day


Well-known member
Sigh. Six! Girl, I read somewhere that-- depending on how hard you press-- someone could get somewhere around 350 swipes of lipstick. (In her experiment, she counted a swipe as both lips being covered. She got about 350 by using an accurate milligram scale, and would weigh the product after a "swipe" down to the 100th decimal point, did a bunch of trials, and averaged them together.) That being said... if you wore the lipstick every damn day, once in the morning and 1 re-application, it would take just shy of 3 years to use up 6 tubes! And that's using it every day... twice!! That's when I know someone doesn't need 6 of one product. Lol. Dang.
Amen. NOBODY needs 6 of the same lipstick unless you're a professional makeup artist or you have like, 2 lipsticks that you always wear. Plus, something better is always coming along! Always!


Well-known member
Agreed. Hi five, Katniss!


Well-known member
Sigh. Six! Girl, I read somewhere that-- depending on how hard you press-- someone could get somewhere around 350 swipes of lipstick. (In her experiment, she counted a swipe as both lips being covered. She got about 350 by using an accurate milligram scale, and would weigh the product after a "swipe" down to the 100th decimal point, did a bunch of trials, and averaged them together.) That being said... if you wore the lipstick every damn day, once in the morning and 1 re-application, it would take just shy of 3 years to use up 6 tubes! And that's using it every day... twice!! That's when I know someone doesn't need 6 of one product. Lol. Dang.
That's exactly why I'm debating selling some of my backups from other launches. I have so many lipsticks in general that I can never finish a tube! I used to finish tubes back when I was in college and broke and only had one or two colors lol. I do finish lip glasses a plenty, though, but lipsticks, I think it's safe for me to let some go.


Well-known member
YES! Yes, I agree about the tester thing. My first nightmare store release was with RHPS. I had 3 finals that day and couldn't make it out to a store to save my life. Not to mention, no MAC counter in damn Tallahassee ever gets any of the hyped LE collections. I usually rely online or have my sister back home pick stuff up for me. She went to the mall for me before it opened... was 3rd in line... And couldn't get me FrankNFurter. They told her they "only got three, and had to open one and use it for a tester." My poor sister! She felt so bad that she couldn't get it for me. That's why I went out of my way to get LJ for her than I usually would for a MAC lipstick.
Why can't Mac simply send 20-30 of each LE item. What's the point of spending millions of dollars on advertising only to send two sellable products to a counter. Please!! What is the point????


Well-known member
It's not like MAC can only make money if they only make a small amount of items and have big hype about it. If they make a ton of each item, they will still sell out. Maybe it might take a couple of days instead of just a few more minutes, but they would certainly sell out eventually. They don't need to make such a tiny amount that only a small portion of the people who want an item will get it. The hype comes before the release. As long as it's hyped up before hand and people are interested in the product, then you don't need the hype of only having 4 items at a store to make people want to buy it. People WANT the product. Just make more so you can get all of your sales! This is a stupid business model that doesn't make sense.
Just speaking for myself, but I know that if stuff was easier to get and hung around, I wouldn't feel as pressured to buy. Impulse buy, because I know there may be no other chance. MAC is excellent at marketing, they are telling us what we want and why we want it. We want it because it's rare, it's hard to get, it's like a badge of respect. It doesn't win the likes of the masses, but I totally get their marketing strategy.


Well-known member
I went to Macys to do (personal) security for my sis who works at the MAC counter. (I'm not a real security guard, just looking out for her because in the past, things have gotten crazy during LE launches.) LMAO at the stampede that was headed our way once the doors opened! They were literally running...OMG, I felt like the dope man with the last hit! LOL, that ish' was scary AF!


Well-known member
I went to Macys to do (personal) security for my sis who works at the MAC counter. (I'm not a real security guard, just looking out for her because in the past, things have gotten crazy during LE launches.) LMAO at the stampede that was headed our way once the doors opened! They were literally running...OMG, I felt like the dope man with the last hit! LOL, that ish' was scary AF!
Girl, I am dying!!


Well-known member
I went to Macys to do (personal) security for my sis who works at the MAC counter. (I'm not a real security guard, just looking out for her because in the past, things have gotten crazy during LE launches.) LMAO at the stampede that was headed our way once the doors opened! They were literally running...OMG, I felt like the dope man with the last hit! LOL, that ish' was scary AF!
ha I died @ "the last hit!" Lol


Well-known member
I went to Macys to do (personal) security for my sis who works at the MAC counter. (I'm not a real security guard, just looking out for her because in the past, things have gotten crazy during LE launches.) LMAO at the stampede that was headed our way once the doors opened! They were literally running...OMG, I felt like the dope man with the last hit! LOL, that ish' was scary AF!


Well-known member
I went to Macys to do (personal) security for my sis who works at the MAC counter. (I'm not a real security guard, just looking out for her because in the past, things have gotten crazy during LE launches.) LMAO at the stampede that was headed our way once the doors opened! They were literally running...OMG, I felt like the dope man with the last hit! LOL, that ish' was scary AF!

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
I went to Macys to do (personal) security for my sis who works at the MAC counter. (I'm not a real security guard, just looking out for her because in the past, things have gotten crazy during LE launches.) LMAO at the stampede that was headed our way once the doors opened! They were literally running...OMG, I felt like the dope man with the last hit! LOL, that ish' was scary AF!
Wow, remind me to not go to Selfridges on a collection launch day


Well-known member
LMAO! seriously though! This one lady put herself on me (she got too dayum close) she was breathing hard and said "I need that royal ball" LMFAO!!! ish' was epic!!!