MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
I don't know if I am prepared to say that just yet. I like it. I don't love it. I will wear it this spring though. RiRi Boy is my fav. I will probably wear LJ over RRB.
Oh, that's too bad. I know you were hoping that Lavender Jade would be close enough to RRB or at least darker than Dodgy Girl. I actually didn't pick up Lavender Jade. I noticed that it was more neon than Dodgy Girl in some swatches before the collection released, so I decided to skip.


Well-known member
No BK today as well!! Now the weekend!! 3 days 3 DAYS it said out for delivery before changing the status to unscheduled delay!!! We didn't even get any snow this week :cry:
Same here from nordies:(We did get snow but should have got it today..Now have to wait till Monday:(


Well-known member
I have a few that smell like coconut cream pie. Plastic and floral
Yeah plastic and a little like some sort of cheap floral perfume. I don't know how to describe it.

It doesn't bother me too much, thankfully. The smell goes away after a few minutes.


Well-known member
Yeah, Dodgy Girl is a dry matte. I usually wear it with Itchy, Scratchy, Sexy from the Simpsons collection. It helps tremendously with how the lipstick looks as it darkens it a bit and of course adds a gloss. I never picked up the other lipsticks in that collection though because they would've come off ashy on me. 
I should try that mix, I have that. I've mixed it with RiRi Boy and Nicki VG 2 lipglass. I usually get away with pale colors because of my complexion and small lips (which at any other time pisses me off) but not with RH. Think I mixed that with an orange or coral.


Well-known member
Thanks for effin up again MAC. I didn't want FS, LJ assholes!! I could only get a refund. I guess I'm not the only one with this issue.


Well-known member
Thanks for effin up again MAC. I didn't want FS, LJ assholes!! I could only get a refund. I guess I'm not the only one with this issue.
You're freaking kidding me. What did your email confirmation say?! Ridic! This happens often?? It has never happened to me before.


Lavender Jade with Heroine Liner. No blending, just straight up lining. I want to experiment some more but I just had to try it. Great application, feels moist even though matte. I'm wearing "work makeup", FYI. Aka, no real effort!
Wearing lj with nightmoth and vg rihanna 2. On my cheeks I'm wearing cheeky bugger and so as a highlighter.
Wearing lj with nightmoth and vg rihanna 2. On my cheeks I'm wearing cheeky bugger and so as a highlighter.
Looks super pretty on you!


Well-known member
Just painted my nails with Imperial Green, we'll see how long it lasts! Pics in the daylight tomorrow