MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
It looks good on you! :) and I love your hair color. :eyelove: how do you keep it so vibrant? I recently died my hair plum purple but it just keeps fading out. :sigh:
FS has me kind of scared. First 2 pics without liner. Second 2 pics lined with Stone


Well-known member
I feel so bad for everyone that shops at my store. We didn't get our shipment of just the Lavender Jade lipstick and we were scheduled to receive it today. Girls were calling all day, and I love how committed and passionate they are for the lipstick, but our shipment never showed up. No idea when it is to arrive now. I'm that same exact customer, so I feel so bad for them! I hope everyone that wants it gets it one way or another. :( I imagine we are only getting a handful anyway, not nearly enough to satisfy the constant phone calls we were getting the entire day! So frustrating!


Well-known member
I'm returning my IG. It's chipping. I think I'm just going to get a green YSL polish I've quietly been lusting after for like a month and go sit in my corner. IG is so pretty but shouldn't be chipping after one day.

Yeah it's really frustrating. For $13.50 I expect better.

Quote: Originally Posted by SassyWonder

Really? I'm on day 3 and no chipping. Maybe its my topcoat thats saving me.
What top coat are you using? I've tried Seche Vite and a few others and none have made enough of a difference on my nails to be worth the hassle or the cost.


Well-known member
Yes! I'm gonna give it another shot but so far I'm scared, lol.
Exactly. I have to experiment with FS and see if can work it out. I think I just don't do well with orange.
On me, they're all super bright. There are just some lipsticks I don't want to fuss with so much just to make it work. I went ahead and got BK and FS while I 'thought about it' but ended up selling BK today. I tried RB at Bloomie's yesterday, just to see how it would look, and it gave me crackhead lips.


Active member
I feel so bad for everyone that shops at my store. We didn't get our shipment of just the Lavender Jade lipstick and we were scheduled to receive it today. Girls were calling all day, and I love how committed and passionate they are for the lipstick, but our shipment never showed up. No idea when it is to arrive now. I'm that same exact customer, so I feel so bad for them! I hope everyone that wants it gets it one way or another. :( I imagine we are only getting a handful anyway, not nearly enough to satisfy the constant phone calls we were getting the entire day! So frustrating!
I can imagine how frustrating it must be for MAC mua's, you can't do much If you didn't even receive the stock :(


Well-known member
The scarcity of this collection sort of broke my connection with MAC. It just goes *poof* before any reasonable human who values their sleep can make an order. Gag me with a spoon. I'm not fighting for this anymore.
I've literally only been on this site a few times since the heartbreak of not getting what I wanted
I decided I'd be fine if I only just got the IG. If I missed the lippies ok maybe " could buy them somewhere else but that nail polish selling out was like really? I couldn't even bring myself to comment. Btw you all look great!


Well-known member
Yes, thank goodness! It is clear that they are kissing cousins though, and very similar, but the pink undertones are definitely there and you will appreciate the nuance in color! I've taken various photos and they just don't capture the difference. It's like that shot of Party Parrot and BK that we saw earlier in the thread where they looked practically identical. You will swatch them and know exactly what I am talking about!
I would like there to be even MORE pink, quite honestly, but it is a very pretty lippy in any case!

With your skin tone, SO is going to be gorgeous on you! It is such a beautiful BP! Definitely backup worthy!
I haven't had a chance to compare it to LVER yet, but hopefully I'll get some time later today :)
Enjoy your goodies too doll!
I will get my BK and SO next week, can't wait to swatch it
The nuances make all the difference to me, just like Moxie/Good Kisser/Pleasurebomb/All Fired Up - they are all quite different to me but not exactly worlds apart to others!

Did you have a chance to compare to LVER? I'm really loving all of these Pinky Coral Reds

I'm sure SO and BK is bombshell stunning on you

I am planning my purchases on the MAC is Beauty thread now - hope to see you there too!!!


Well-known member
I felt the same way until I paired it with Nightingale. Pure Love!!
I agree. The first time I tried LJ on I wore it with a drak liner and blended it. I keep forgetting that I have Nightinggale. Lol. That's what happens when you have too much makeup. That sounds like a winning combo. I will definitely try the two together. I see LJ as a shade that I will mix more often than not. For example, I could see myself mixing LJ with Heroine, RiRi Boy, Strong Woman, etc.... just to name a few.


Well-known member
Oh, that's too bad. I know you were hoping that Lavender Jade would be close enough to RRB or at least darker than Dodgy Girl. I actually didn't pick up Lavender Jade. I noticed that it was more neon than Dodgy Girl in some swatches before the collection released, so I decided to skip.
Truth be told, you'll be okay without it. Trust me ladies. there is not a huge difference between DG and LJ to sweat it.If you have one and not the other you'll be just fine.

Quote: Originally Posted by MACGirl1908

FS has me kind of scared. First 2 pics without liner. Second 2 pics lined with Stone

Gorgeous. Looks beautiful with or without the liner. I need to find my Cork and Stone liner. I hope I have them. I'm not even sure.