Tom Ford Beauty Discussion


Well-known member
thanks for reminding me to use! which one? i think i was so excited about TF and the cute bag that i did not go through the actual contents! I did notice that they had quality over quantity, much better than how most NM gwp bags have been! good job for NM!  i wish we had a list of summer goodies so we could plan our attack!  the only thing i can rule out are the bronzers thus far! 
Yes the gwp has awesome stuff in the bag I'm kinda scared to use the Tf primers my skin is so sensitive but that bodywash is so nice its called molton brown ylang ylang I loveeee it


Well-known member
My issue with Macy's at least the ones near me, they rarely get the new stuff and when they do, it is weeks after NM gets it. NM takes customer service super seriously. They do not want it out on a blog they suck. They do try to fix and rebuild relationships. Unlike some stores. As in gee, did you actually expect me to help you? I was chatting with my co-worker about my hot date, and now you want me to stop and get something for you? Or the super air brains, who make comments as to why do you want that? Gee, I don't know so maybe you get to your job??? Or the grumpy old ones who have no clue about the internet. As in rolling their eyes when you bring in pics of a upcoming collection. And dare to ask, when is there shipment expect????


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about your son! I hope he feels better soon! I always swatch ravish but never take the plunge. I do own Wicked, though, and it's a BEAUTIFUL blush! It's really pigmented though. I only need a tiny swipe. If you buff it in really well, it gives off this gorgeous glow. I think it would look amazing on you! I don't know anything about the TF foundation stick unfortunately. :( His foundations are a little out of my price range I think. Well, if I got the chance to sample one and find it to be HG... then I'd invest. I'm super super pale and often find it hard to find a match. For some reason I feel like he won't have a light enough shade for me.  HTH! 
Hi Hun thank you for the well wishes :) Thanks for the info too about ravish and wicked The foundation is very expensive isn't it :( would love it all though lol :)))) f sticks and foundation and blushs galore


Well-known member
I don't prefer HE mascaras and I don't like some of the pics I've seen of it used but I find myself wanting a TF mascara because of the look of the tube... I feel like it's a bigger version of the lovely brush handle lol

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
did anyone order Paradisco? im thinkin I should go ahead n order it and just be surprised whenever it gets here!! that can be my May TF purchase. I have sable smoke, flame and wicked blush on the way for my March TF


Well-known member
did anyone order Paradisco? im thinkin I should go ahead n order it and just be surprised whenever it gets here!! that can be my May TF purchase. I have sable smoke, flame and wicked blush on the way for my March TF
I have Paradisco, and it is lovely.


Well-known member
have you tried a skunk brush? i use a skunk w/light hand on TF narcissist - HTH 
I have and has worked for me pretty well.
  :haha: [COLOR=0000FF]I also have the TF cheek brush which is excellent for use with ANY blush.  As for Wicked----I barely touch the product, getting the smallest amount possible on the[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   brush, building to the desired [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]intensity instead of the other way around.  I keep one side of the brush clean and use that clean side to blend and buff.[/COLOR]
Great tips thanks! I so didnt want that gorgeous brush to go to waste.


Well-known member
Update on my terrible SA experience at TF:

I was contacted this morning by the head cosmetics manager of that location. She was super sweet. She said she read my email and said she would be speaking to the woman today, and her behavior is unacceptable. I let her know that I've never had that type of experience, and I also took the time to compliment how great my usual SA is. I didn't go into this looking for much out of it, because truly... if I could have my way, my only wish is for that SA to get fired. I'm not sure if that is a terrible thing to say, she did disrespect me after all. However, Thursday I am going in while my lovely SA is there and the cosmetics manager will be to. I'm getting a full makeover / makeup lesson from them and a complimentary gift. I thought that was a very nice gesture. I always love getting to try and play with new products I usually wouldn't. Maybe I'll discover some new loves! (My wallet shudders to think about it.)

ETA: So far, NM truly has wonderful customer service. It seems, so far, that they're really trying to rectify my opinion of their store. That's good news to me. I would have been really upset if they forgot to call me or barely tried to help sooth the situation. We'll see how Thursday goes. :)
I'm so glad they're taking steps to rectify the situation and make it up to you.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about your son! I hope he feels better soon! I always swatch ravish but never take the plunge. I do own Wicked, though, and it's a BEAUTIFUL blush! It's really pigmented though. I only need a tiny swipe. If you buff it in really well, it gives off this gorgeous glow. I think it would look amazing on you!

I don't know anything about the TF foundation stick unfortunately. :( His foundations are a little out of my price range I think. Well, if I got the chance to sample one and find it to be HG... then I'd invest. I'm super super pale and often find it hard to find a match. For some reason I feel like he won't have a light enough shade for me.

I am super pale, the TF Alabaster is really good. So is the Dior Nude Air 010. Kevyn Aucoin has a good one for super pale,. You do have to be sure it has the correct undertones. Many such as Chanel have gone to fit the Asian pale skin, hence it is way too yellow on me. There is no Chanel foundation that matches my super pale with pink undertones. I think it was SX 002, or something like that for Aucoin. TF new foundation is not light enough for me. I think the lightest is cream. I do like the Alabaster. As for a sample, they will give it to you.


Well-known member
My issue with Macy's at least the ones near me, they rarely get the new stuff and when they do, it is weeks after NM gets it. NM takes customer service super seriously. They do not want it out on a blog they suck. They do try to fix and rebuild relationships. Unlike some stores. As in gee, did you actually expect me to help you? I was chatting with my co-worker about my hot date, and now you want me to stop and get something for you? Or the super air brains, who make comments as to why do you want that? Gee, I don't know so maybe you get to your job??? Or the grumpy old ones who have no clue about the internet. As in rolling their eyes when you bring in pics of a upcoming collection. And dare to ask, when is there shipment expect????
My most recent issue with Macy's was related to an online product that they appeared to have in stock. Once I put the item in my cart and checked out, they showed
the item as backordered. I think they did that deliberately to bolster their sales. What that actually did was piss me off. I called and canceled the order. They are
always only a last resort option for me.


Well-known member not a lipgloss kinda gal but I love how it feels on the lips. not tacky n smooth and comfortable on the lips! I wouldn't purchase another gloss tho for so much lol. Pink guilt is versatile.
Nice,I'm not a lip gloss girl either. I rarely use them. I think I'll give one of his a try at some point.


Well-known member
I do, plus a backup.

She texted me pics of the Pink Glow eye & cheek palette, sheer lip colors in Skinnydip, Rose Soleil, Paradisco, and Sweet Spot, Pink Sand cream cheek color, shimmering body oil, and Nude Dip.

I'm so glad they're taking steps to rectify the situation and make it up to you.
That's my girl!!!!!


Well-known member
​Glammy you are suffering from product's common amongst makeup addicts but it is rarely fatal and is even curable with the right approach.

My most recent issue with Macy's was related to an online product that they appeared to have in stock. Once I put the item in my cart and checked out, they showed
the item as backordered. I think they did that deliberately to bolster their sales. What that actually did was piss me off. I called and canceled the order. They are
always only a last resort option for me.
They also charge out the butt for shipping. I refuse to pay for shipping. Since I am on a rant, the new MAC collection being released 3/26 in the States, all of the eyeliners are re-promotes. Would be nice if they stated that. I own every one of them. So when you need sales, guess MAC just drags the oldies, claim they are new.

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