MAC X Cinderella Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
I ordered this brush and the mystery princess powder , my brush has already shipped but my powder hasn't I just checked my bank account and I have a pending credit for the exact amount of my macys order , so weird I never received a cancelation email for the BP. But I'm now assuming that they refunded my money bc they canceled the BP. But my brush will be here Monday I'll have to email them to make sure they charge me for the brush.


Well-known member
So what I am getting from this blue brush fiasco is that if they do exist, MAC probably had less than 50 produced or some crazy low number and then just couldn't be bothered to continue making the rest for whatever reason and they were all offloaded to Macy's? That's


Well-known member
I ordered this brush and the mystery princess powder , my brush has already shipped but my powder hasn't I just checked my bank account and I have a pending credit for the exact amount of my macys order , so weird I never received a cancelation email for the BP. But I'm now assuming that they refunded my money bc they canceled the BP. But my brush will be here Monday I'll have to email them to make sure they charge me for the brush.
Macy's does this sometimes or will have double charges pending until one falls off


Well-known member
And then I haven't even mentioned my nail polish collection. My inventory list contains 179 polishes, and I know some Nails Inc ones are missing, and the more cheapo (drug store brand) ones are not even on it!!
Oh dear. I'm way worse with nail polish then I am with makeup. I'm over the 300 mark in nail polishes. Not counting my collectibles... But I went on a no/low nail polish buy about 8 months ago to try to control it. I have two helmers and need to buy a third. I have so got to destash!!!


Well-known member
Yeah they suck the chat I asked about a product, they asked for the product #. I said it wasn't on the site so I didn't have it and they couldn't help me. Meanwhile you tell Nordstrom chat about a product and they find it just based on the name and brand.
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience!! Nordstrom has the best customer service across the board IMO. I was looking for a purse once and this lady worked so hard to find it! I've always had a great experience with Nordstrom.


Well-known member
And then I haven't even mentioned my nail polish collection. My inventory list contains 179 polishes, and I know some Nails Inc ones are missing, and the more cheapo (drug store brand) ones are not even on it!!
Oh dear. I'm way worse with nail polish then I am with makeup. I'm over the 300 mark in nail polishes. Not counting my collectibles... But I went on a no/low nail polish buy about 8 months ago to try to control it. I have two helmers and need to buy a third. I have so got to destash!!!
Is there a dedicated nail polish thread somewhere? That way I would not have to threadjack this one, lol! I think I need some of those helmers too...


Well-known member
Is there a dedicated nail polish thread somewhere? That way I would not have to threadjack this one, lol! I think I need some of those helmers too...
The IKEA ones are the best! Sometimes you can get a free shipping coupon through either IKEA itself or buying them through Amazon!


Well-known member
That is FAR from whining.  And not even whining about makeup and first world problems.  ;)
You just made me chuckle out loud. I'm sitting here getting my infusion now, surrounded by chemo patients. My problems are nothing compared to theirs! And I have other MAC goodies waiting for me at home to look forward to; I saw the Nordy's package when I was leaving. Rosy Rim lipliner to go with Royal Ball, and a small size Prrr gloss to try out. Plus an order from Sephora I don't remember.....


Well-known member
How did you get free shipping on a $38 purchase!? That's good. Macy's is $50 for beauty I believe, $99 regular.
I think she said she had a beauty powder as well in the original order but then the BP got cancelled probably after order confirmation. Fingers crossed when she opens that package, that brush will be blue!!


Well-known member
I think she said she had a beauty powder as well in the original order but then the BP got cancelled probably after order confirmation. Fingers crossed when she opens that package, that brush will be blue!!
I hope so too! I think they are blue, I mean two different product #'s and prices. They have to be! Why create all that work if they weren't!?