Bwahahaaa, or BOGO! Hahaha, we're so bad
I love a good BOGOF on lipstick (whenever that offer happens)... But on a brighter note, I'm home and had to try on Faux Heaux (gonna have to change/add to my database later on this evening)...
How the f*** is it so sparkly in the tube??? let me go look at my Morange and Diva-ish,seeing that they're both Amps EDIT: I have a feeling this post is gonna be pic heavy... RR is quite a hottie in the tube, but NC45 on the lips...
I was looking forward to swatching QS, it's very sheer. It actually reminds me of GotS...
And I just made GotS, when adding DO to QS...
Finally Flowerscope, I'm not really a fan of pinks but this... I quite like it