Search results

  1. HOTasFCUK

    Gardasil vaccine.....yes or no???

    Hey everyone! So i have a few questions! Has anybody here received this vaccination or knows somebody that has? What do you think about it? I went to the doctor's yesterday and i asked her about it and she saids it would be a really smart thing to do. Next week, i'm going to get a test to make...
  2. HOTasFCUK

    So how successful was FAFI compared to Barbie Loves MAC???

    Hey everyone!!! First off, i'm dying to get to my MAC counter to check out Fafi but i haven't had a chance!!! LOL i keep checking out the swatches! Anyways, i've been hearing a lot of people saying if Fafi was going to beat the Barbie Collection from last year and i think......not even...
  3. HOTasFCUK

    For the sake of beauty....i ended up in the E.R.!!!

    What a disaster!!! So yesterday i went for my monthly facial/microdermabrasion at 11 am and then at 5:30, i went to do my hair. The last time i got it done was in December and my very dark roots looked bad (my hair is blondish/brown) so i said let's do the same thing but more blonde. So the...
  4. HOTasFCUK

    Look at this Fafi lot on

    Hey everyone! I was trying to find some more pics of the new Fafi collection and i found this lot. Ummmm am i reading this right? And why are people bidding on it? It says you don't get what's in the picture and its just to elt you know the prices of the Fafi collection... Is this a scam?? I...
  5. HOTasFCUK

    Coco Beach & Maroon pigment....what collections?

    Hey everyone just a quick question!!! What collections did these two pigment come from? I tried doing a search and even checked the colour stories but i could only find them in the holiday charms and i want to read the descriptions for it! Thanks!!!
  6. HOTasFCUK

    Lust lipglass?

    Does anybody know what collection this is from? I did a search and couldn't find anything! Thanks!!!
  7. HOTasFCUK

    Other jobs at MAC??

    Hey everyone i was wondering if anyone here has any info on the other jobs at MAC such as head office or even warehouse or phone orders? I know where the head office is here in Toronto but i always wondered where is the call center? How can you find a job for these places? I also heard its very...
  8. HOTasFCUK

    Other jobs at MAC???

    Hey everyone i was wondering if anyone here has any info on the other jobs at MAC such as head office or even warehouse or phone orders? I know where the head office is here in Toronto but i always wondered where is the call center? How can you find a job for these places? I also heard its very...
  9. HOTasFCUK

    Charred eyeshadow.....teach me how to work it!!!

    Hey everyone! I was wondering how you guys use Charred eyeshaow? I really like it and i was wondering what you use it with and what other colours would make it work or even what else to use to make a smokey eye! Thanks happy new year!!!!
  10. HOTasFCUK

    How do you use the reflects glitters???

    Hey!! I got a sample yesterday of the antique gold reflects glitter from the Originals Colelction when i dropped by MAC! I couldn't believe how sexy it looked! Its really nice on too but i was wondering how you guys use your glitters and if you have an helpful tips or tricks? I'm going back on...
  11. HOTasFCUK

    Is there a list of MSF's that can tell me which ones...

    are super, chunky glittery & which ones aren't? I tried doing a search but didn't find much. Can we make a list?? I find Naked You really glittery to the point were chunks of sparkles fall off my cheeks. I also have Gold Spill & Global Glow & i find they leave a nice veil of shimmer!! So let's...
  12. HOTasFCUK

    wrong colour, lost the receipt...can i return/exchange?

    Hey i have a question!!! A few months ago, i got my mom the MAC mineralize satinfinish foundation in NC30 but she never uses it and i need NC20. Its way to dark for me. Will MAC let me exchange it without the receipt? I highly doubt it but its worth a shot asking you guys! If i'm stuck with...
  13. HOTasFCUK

    MSF-WARMED? Is this new, upcoming, sample, or working name?

    Hey i found this lot on eBay which has a MSF called "warmed". The seller even writes what they know about it and they seem unsure if its an old working name, a new one, or even just a sample! I was thinking it might be Global Glow (i guess thats where they got "warmed") but the pic looks dark...
  14. HOTasFCUK

    Is this real? GLEAM LIPSTICK....compact size?

    Hey i came across this on eBay and i couldn't believe how small this lipstick looked! The description says its compact size. When did MAC ever make a compact size lipstick? Can someone please authenticate this for me? Thanks!
  15. HOTasFCUK

    Acrylic long do you keep yours on?

    Hey i was wondering how many of you here who wear acrylic nails get them filled? How many times will you have them filled before ripping them off and getting them re-done? In the summer i had them on and got them filled once but after they grew out again, they look awful so i ripped them off and...
  16. HOTasFCUK

    New Pigment? Anybody seen this before? M&G Gold pigment?!

    Hey! I know i'm such an eBay lurker and always trying to find weird MAC things so i came across this pigment! The seller says its never been released and will be in the future but i'm not sure if thats the case or maybe it was an old, working name? Its called M&G Gold. It almost looks like Gold...
  17. HOTasFCUK

    Can someone please AUTHENTIC this Lily White Pigment?

    Hey everyone i was wondering if someone could tell me if this is real or not. I'm leaning towards the "no" side but the seller has a ton of legit items and good feedback but it just seems so cheap! Anyways i want to hear your opinions! Thanks! Take a look...
  18. HOTasFCUK

    FAKE pigments! This seller named them after MAC eyeshadow!

    Check out these fake pigments......mythology, da bling, star violet, silver ring, flash track.......the list goes on! The crazy thing is i found a few other sellers with the same crap unless its really the same seller, different accounts. I searched mac mythology and 3 pigments came up! here's...
  19. HOTasFCUK

    Does anybody remember the name of this gift set from Sephora?

    Hey i was wondering if anybody might remember this from a few years ago because its driving me nuts! I remember Sephora had these gift sets around Christmas, 2 or 3 of them and the theme was pink (i'm not sure if proceeds went to charity) and there was a make-up set and a body set and i think a...
  20. HOTasFCUK

    My Buffalo Shopping HAUL!!! Crazy day!

    Hey everyone! I finally got a chance to head over to Buffalo yesterday since the American dollar is so great for us Canadians!!! But what a crazy day!!! The line at the Lewiston bridge was about an hour just to get in! So we hit the outlets and we were already behind schedule! The CCO there was...