Search results

  1. HOTasFCUK

    Pussy Cat Dolls.......make-up looks?

    Hey has anybody been watching the search for the next PCD? If you do, the make-up always looks freakin' amazing! Anybody got any tips or idead on how to create some of those looks? Thanks!
  2. HOTasFCUK

    Glitter eyeliners........

    Hey i was wondering who makes the best glitter eyeliners? I have oxidate from MAC but i was wondering about other brands as well! Thanks!!!!
  3. HOTasFCUK

    Colour collections help? Strapless, Casanova, & Cherche La Femme?

    Hey i was wondering what colour collections these two lipstick and one lipgloss are from? I tried looking in the colour stories but i have to go through each one! Can anyone help? I have all 3 from the Holiday formal black sets but i want to know originally what collections they are from...
  4. HOTasFCUK

    Quick "stupid" question...i depotted but where do i get magnets?

    Hey everyone i have a quick question before i head out shopping today! I depotted some eyeshadows last night (first time ever!) and now i'm going to pick up some palettes at MAC. Stupid me, i tried popping the eyeshadows in a palette i have to see how it will look & i realized they have no...
  5. HOTasFCUK

    MAC Myth Lipstick

    Hey! I tried my MAC Myth lipstick for the first time the other day & i don't get the hype with this lipstick. I'm an NC20 & this colour looked awful on me, almost like a layer of a peachy coloured glue! Got any nice combos or tips with wearing this lipstick? I wanna make it work...i wanna buy...
  6. HOTasFCUK

    MAC Black Tied eyeshadow.....messy...HELP!

    Hey!!! I finally picked up Black Tied and i love the colour in the pot but i made the biggest mess when i tried to do a smokey eye. The colour went on too light and of course, made a mess all over my face! How do you guys get it to work for you? Any tips or tricks? I'm scared to use it...
  7. HOTasFCUK

    Which PIGMENT do you HATE????

    I find copper sparkle hard to work with! Its so chunky and all over the place! Which pigment do you hate????
  8. HOTasFCUK

    *Holy Grail and Rare PIGMENTS*

    Hey! I was wondering what is the most hardest to find, sought after holy grail pigment out there???? Thanks!!!
  9. HOTasFCUK

    A bunch of MAC questions that i have!

    Ok i have a few MAC questions! 1. How much does the blush 6 slot palette cost? 2. How much do the blush & blushcreme re-fills cost? 3. Are the natural MSF's & satinfinish foundations permanent? 4. Is it true you can buy empty pigment containers? If so, for how much? hmmmm i think thats it...
  10. HOTasFCUK

    Does anybody here work at MAC but not as a make-up artist?

    Hey i was wondering if anybody here or someone you may know works for MAC but not as a make-up artist? I guess maybe in head office? I'd love to work there or even for the 1-800 number taking orders! I heard it is so hard to get in there and the head office is only ten minutes away from my house...
  11. HOTasFCUK

    Glitter eyeliners....any tips or tricks???

    Hey! I just got oxidate last week & finally tried it out tonight. Yeah i can barely draw a straight line with regualr liner! LOL! First i had put on my blacktrack fluidline then i put on the oxidate glitter. Its seems as though i kinda smeared everything but i did wait for the fluidline to dry...
  12. HOTasFCUK

    *NEW MAC EYESHADOWS* What do i pair it with? *HELP*

    Hey everyone!!! So i got my hands on the beloved Moth Brown and i also picked up Greensmoke! I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions of what colours i could use with these, especially to create a smokey eye! Please keep in mind i only like colours that are gold, bronze, silver, peachy...
  13. HOTasFCUK

    *I'm out of control HAUL but my boyfriend supports it!*

    Did a big haul this week two times!!! I really thought i would only get moth brown from Barbie but i'm ready to go back again for more! Here's what i got: *BARBIE* -Fab blush -Fashion Pack lipgloss (i keep this in the box in my purse-i'm scared the Barbie logo will wear off!) -Moth Brown...
  14. HOTasFCUK

    *NEW* Collections in the Color Stories!?

    Hey! I was checking out the complete list of color stories and a noticed a few new ones that aren't in this section yet. I saw Dollymix eyeshadow quad, Hybrid Theory, Moon Bathe, & Sun Strip Does anybody have any info on these upcoing collections??? Thanks!
  15. HOTasFCUK

    *BARBIE* Rave about it here!!!

    Hey everyone! I picked up some Barbie today! Here's what i got: FAB blush FASHION PACK lipgloss MOTHBROWN eyeshadow I love, love, love Fab blush. Its shimmery & such a beautiful colour! Fashion Pack is a very sweet looking colour-almost peachy pink! i need to explain this...
  16. HOTasFCUK

    Paulina Rubia LE lipstick *RUBIO*

    .......on ebay & i love it! Looks very nice but i know its Canada getting it or can we get it online??? I'd love to know! Thanks!!! This is not my auction! I just spend too much time on ebay
  17. HOTasFCUK

    MAC 212 eye do i use this!!!???? cousin bought me the MAC eye brush set for Christmas and i have no clue how to use the 212 brush. Its hard as a rock and now i'm assuming it's used to line eyes with fluidline?? LOL it freaked me out...i never seen such a hard brush & i even got the same kind in a Wal-Mart brush set...
  18. HOTasFCUK

    Need dupes for Sunplosion & Botanical....HELP!!!

    Hey everyone!!!! I've been forever looking to get Sunplosion at a good price and i'm also kicking myself for not buying Botanical when i had the chance but i was wondering what other MAC eyeshadows come very close to the two or what can i combine to achieve the same colours??! Thanks!!!!!
  19. HOTasFCUK

    What are the Hard To Find & Most Sought After items from 2006 Collections?

    Hey everyone!!!! I was wondering what you guys think would be the most hard to find and most sought after items from all the 2006 collections??? Basically what items from 2006 were the new Parrot or Pleasureflush?? I think the Parrot craze has died down and same for Who's That Lady lipgelee (wow...
  20. HOTasFCUK

    I spy DANSE............

    Hey!!! I was on ebay and came across some items from DANSE! Has anybody seen these? I really like the Jete eyeshadow and the others i want to see in person! *note* Those are not my listings!!! What do you guys think?