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  1. HOTasFCUK

    eBay haul!!!

    So here's my post from last week and scroll down to find otu what happend!!! I'm so pissed!!! I finally got a few things that i had been hunting for awhile and i've never tried any of these so hopefully iw on't be disappointed! I('d been trying to get this eyeshadow since the spring and i...
  2. HOTasFCUK

    Mixing PIGMENTS to make new colours!!?? Anyone tried?

    Hey i was wondering if anyone here mixes their pigments to make *new* colours and if so, can you please tell me your combos? I'd love to know and try some out! So far i have these pigments & i'm wondering if anyone has mixed any of these together: tan melon sunpepper shimmertime dazzleray...
  3. HOTasFCUK

    Estee Lauder Warehouse SALE - Markham, Ontario!

    Hey guys! I just found out the there will be another Estee Lauder/MAC warehouse sale at the Markham Fairgrounds Sept. 15-17 here in Ontario!!!!!! This is the 3rd one this year! Has anybody heard anything about it? Now i must go on my quest for some tickets!!!!!
  4. HOTasFCUK

    Mini Pigment set on Ebay....NEW or OLD? When were these released?

    Hey! I came across this 6 piece set on eBay and i've never seen them before!!! Are they from an older collection or perhaps......a new holiday one??? The pigment colours are listed as copper, gold, silver sparkles, ruby sparkles, red, & white. They look real to me but the names don't! I hope...
  5. HOTasFCUK

    My "I need to use up one of my gift cards" HAUL!!!

    So i still had two gift cards left totalling $50 & since i got my hair done on Friday, i was in the mood for some new make-up! I still got a $100 gift card to spend but i'm waiting for A Muse & especially for the eyeshadows from Technacolour (did i say that right???) Well here's what i got...
  6. HOTasFCUK

    FAKE Sunplosion???!!!!

    Hey! I was searching MAC Sunplosion on eBay & found this & i was wondering if it's real or what? Judging from the title it sounds fake for sure and by looking at the colour it looks fake 'cuz i've seen pictures of Sunplosion & this looks way too light! So what do you guys think...
  7. HOTasFCUK

    MAC Brush Cleaner *Dumbest Question Ever*

    Helllllllllloooooo!!! So i feel like a total idiot for even having to ask this but how do i use the brush cleaner????? Ok everybody stopped laughing now LOL let me expalin myself!!!! Do i soak my brushes in the cleaner & then airdry them? Or do rinse them with water after??? How long do i...
  8. HOTasFCUK

    Finally used a gift certificate HAUL!!!!!

    So a few months ago i got $230 worth of MAC gifts cards and i finally spent $'s what i got! -expensive pink e/s -bronze e/s -tempting e/s -falling star e/s -4 pan palette -goldensoft lipgelee -sample of tan pigment -$30 gift card for a friend's bday and i asked the MUA for relaxing...
  9. HOTasFCUK

    How do they do this........lure collection already on eBay!

    Hey.....i searched "mac collection" on eBay and i ended up finding the Lure collection which of course is yet to be released. I was wondering how do people get a hold of this? I'm guessing they work for MAC or maybe attended a workshop or event and got them??? Has anyone seen this? I think...
  10. HOTasFCUK


    I have a cranberry LE or DC??? I couldn't imagine why anybody would wear an eyeshadow of this colour until i saw some FOTD's and fell in love with it! I have to have it!!!!!! I just keep forgetting to ask my counter or check for it so can anybody help me out? Thanks!
  11. HOTasFCUK

    JEAN MINI......& THEN WHAT??!!!!!!! Need a REC!

    Hey!!! Yesterday i bought a really cute denim mini from the Guess? store. I want to wear it with black tights underneath (its cold in Toronto!) and i was thinking of wearing it with a long white tee and a cute Guess? hoodie. Now what do i wear on my feet??? I have a nice pair of lacoste running...
  12. HOTasFCUK

    Most Wanted Postcards???

    Hey I have just started collecting MAC postcards and was just wondering what are the most hard to find MAC postcards and which ones are rare and also which ones you guys would pay a lot of money for!!! I've heard of some selling for over $100!!! I was just wondering which ones and why those in...
  13. HOTasFCUK

    Bright red hair.....make-up recs?????

    Hey everyone.....I used to have really vibrant fire red hair and after I turned 19 I decided to change & went back to black/brown because I just needed something different. Well now i'm turning 21 (march 1st people don't forget it LOL) & i miss my red hair!!!!! I'm thinking of going back to it...
  14. HOTasFCUK

    Anyone heard of these LIP LACQUERS?

    Hey everyone I was on a Canadian site and a girl is selling some MAC lipglosses and i was just wondering if anyone had heard of any of these colours, knows what collection they are part of, or even knows when they came out? Here they are: Babied Love-In Jumbled Sheena I checked one of...
  15. HOTasFCUK

    Who's that lady lipgelee......eyeshadow???

    I love the "who's that lady" lipgelee and i was just wondering what eyeshadow or even pigment would you guys say is the eye version of the gloss? I love the shade of lipgloss and would like an eyeshadow with that really sparkly pink colour so what would you all recommend?? Thanks!!!!!
  16. HOTasFCUK

    Head Office Jobs

    Hey everyone!!! I was just wondering if anyone here works for head office especially the one in Toronto. If so, what are the jobs in there? I really want to get a job at the head office but i have no clue where to start! i heard you might need a connection to get in but is there any other way...
  17. HOTasFCUK

    Flip-Top vs. Screw Top Eyeshadow

    Hey!!!! Ok I have a question! I thought MAC eyeshadows could only be bought with the flip top because that is the only way I've ever seen them besides the palettes. I was on the other day looking at Wishful from the Ornamentalism collection and they had the flip top and screw top. I've...
  18. HOTasFCUK

    Shiseido eyeshadow duo in bronze & antique gold

    Hello, I have been going crazy the last past couple of years trying to find this Shiseido eyeshadow duo in bronze and antique gold. I believe its been discontinued now but since you girls are such pros i was wondering if anyone could help me track one down or give me any options as to where i...
  19. HOTasFCUK

    MAC BAnshee eyeshadow

    Hey everyone!!!! I was on the other day and i saw a listing for the MAC Banshee eyeshadow and i really love that colour and I think i'm going to bid on it. I was just wondering what you guys think about that colour and how it really looks 'cuz the seller didn't give such a great...
  20. HOTasFCUK

    HEY!!! New member from Toronto!!!

    Hey everyone!!! I love this site and I can't wait to start using the forum! Well I'm 20 years old from Toronto, Ontario, Canada and obsessed with make-up like everyone else here! Hope everyone keeps up the good work with this site 'cuz i really enjoy!!! Bye!!!