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  1. CantAffordMAC


    Okay So i went a little crazy this month. Lollipop Loving l/s Fleshpot l/s Bonus Beat l/g Sock Hop l/g Dual Eye Pencils in Nighthawk/Front Row and Fab orchid/Dash lily Smooth Harmony BP Trio 1 3 pairs of She's bad lashes Plus Blot Powder in DARK And MAC wipes... Then From specktra i got...
  2. CantAffordMAC

    Studio Fix...weird spots

    Hey guys. I use studio fix foundation, this is my second one. After using it for awhile, I notice these hard discolored patches on it. Its kind of gross. I am thinking its from my foundation sponge, maybe. But I don't have oily skin. I change my sponge once or twice a week. The patches come off...
  3. CantAffordMAC

    New Drama...Its Long (Of Course)

    This is something where I could actually use advice. Im sure you all remember that me and my boyfriend broke up. Alright well last week, I went through his phone because he wasn't being honest to me. I found text messages from a girl from his church...very flirtatious. Him telling her how good...
  4. CantAffordMAC

    My getting over the boyfriend haul yea its over. Officially. But i feel pretty good about it. No more crying--just hauling I ordered: 187 brush (AGHHHHHHH IM SO EXCITED) Moisturelush face cream Prep+Prime Lip Hug Me Lipstick Eriko doll from fafi A pack of 10 false eyelashes from ebay (for $7!) I returned my Perky...
  5. CantAffordMAC

    Slimshine recommendations

    I am a C4/NC42 and I want to get some slimshines. I was looking at Bare, but then i decided it would probably end up looking too nude on me (i am getting bored with just nudes). I want a sheer wash of color and I know slimshines are probably good for this. Any recommendations for these would...
  6. CantAffordMAC

    We "broke up" Loooong Story

    So for the past couple weeks my boyfriend has been acting different. I would call him, he wouldn't pick up the phone and he wouldn't call me back for like an hour. I'd text him and he wouldn't text me back for like 30 minutes. He'd come over and just walk in the house and I'd have to approach...
  7. CantAffordMAC

    Fa La La La Fafi

    I think I'm finally done with my "haul" I ordered Sugar Trance l/g Utterly Frivolous l/s Not So Innocent l/s online. Then I finally went to the store today and got the Monoka doll, Perky Paint Pot, and Hipness Blush. I thought I'd be getting a lot more (like Strawbaby and High Top l/s) but I...
  8. CantAffordMAC

    19 Years Ago Today...

    I was born. Its my birthday! lol Whoopeeee
  9. CantAffordMAC

    Need a new hair color badly...

    This is a (bad) picture of me from a year ago. excuse it, but its close to what I have in my hair now I have a red in my hair thats a little more vibrant than that. But the thing I hate is that my hair looks dark brown unless I'm outside or underneath a light. Thats the only time you can see...
  10. CantAffordMAC

    My eyeshadow application is all wrong...I think.

    Okay so my eyeshadow has been buggin me lately. I've learned that it takes time to blend, and to use little circles instead of wiping. I think I've been doing okay. But lately its like, I can't get it shaped properly. I took some pictures (please excuse the poor quality, they are on my cell...
  11. CantAffordMAC

    Nars Lip Lacquer Smell

    I bought a used Chelsea Girls lacquer on Specktra. it looked like she always used a brush, there were no finger marks at all, it looked good. I looked at the code on the bottom and it says AC6 I think, which would mean it was made in 2006...? It has a funny smell to it. Kind of like...
  12. CantAffordMAC

    Who argues about candles???

    So me and my boyfriend will be moving in together in about a month. I bought some Yankee candles a couple weeks ago (they were having a semi-annual sale) So I got 4 of them for fall and wintertime. I want our house to be cozy and warm and nice-smelling. So then my boyfriend keeps telling me...
  13. CantAffordMAC

    Extra $600 on Income Tax?

    Can someone please explain this in plain English? Thats one reason I can't keep up with the government/political issues...I don't understand! Here's what the tax rebate plan means to you - Cleveland Business News – The Latest Breaking News, Earnings Reports and Stories from The Plain Dealer
  14. CantAffordMAC

    Makeup Bag Questions

    I am wondering--Do you guys carry your makeup with you all day long? I carry certain things with me all the time: Foundation, Concealer, Liner, Lipstick/Gloss, Eyeshadows.... I actually need a bigger makeup bag, but it already takes up most of my purse as it is. I feel as though I should...
  15. CantAffordMAC

    Smokey Eye For the Daytime..

    I don't think theres a thread like this already. Anywho, I am trying to do smokey eyes with colors other than black/white. Anytime I go anywhere special I do black and white smokey eyes. Then I realized that I wear this no matter what time of day it is. I've worn this to the mall like last...
  16. CantAffordMAC

    I'm really starting to get pissed off...LONG!

    I'm always having issues with friends. I've had this one friend since like September 04. We started doing everything together. She's 2 years older than me so it was always kind of like she was the leader and I was the follower. She was kind of loose...she knew a lot of guys and was always out...
  17. CantAffordMAC

    Weird Feelings Towards Makeup

    Do any of you ever feel...wrong for loving makeup? Sometimes when i buy makeup online and the package comes, I get sooo happy, and then end up feeling kind of sad. I'm not sure if its because nobody is excited except for me..? Like I'll tell my boyfriend "Ooooh baby look, isn't this pretty? Do...
  18. CantAffordMAC

    Simple, Everyday Hairstyles

    So I used to get relaxers, and that effed my hair up. I have about 4 inches of dead/weird hair (I have naturally curly hair, but since the relaxer, my ends don't curl. So they are like straight) Its actually pretty awful. I'm in the process of growing this relaxer out (And hope to have those...
  19. CantAffordMAC

    Putting Concealer on Lips?

    I did a search for this and didn't find the same question I've seen and heard of people putting concealer on their lips before their lipstick (in case their lips are pigmented, to help the lipstick show more). Well my only question is: my concealer is very orange. NC42...I guess it goes with...
  20. CantAffordMAC

    Pressing Pigment Troubles

    (I put this here because I figured it was the best place for people to see it and reply) Ugh. I bought all these empty tins to press my pigments. Well, first let me start off by saying they aren't real pigments. I think that may be the problem. I tried pressing Fyrinnae shadows with 70%...