Search results

  1. CantAffordMAC

    Using eyeshadow wet

    When you guys use your eyeshadow wet, do you wet the brush and then dip/rub into your shadow, or do you combine a little bit of eyeshadow and water and mix that separately??
  2. CantAffordMAC

    Baby Fever way too early

    So I got pregnant about a year ago and had an abortion in September because I was only 17 and me and my boyfriend felt that was the right choice for us at the time. But I always think about this decision, and I don't obsess over it, but I do feel very guilty. Now I'm always telling my...
  3. CantAffordMAC

    My frustrating and racist situation at work(long)

    Okay. So I work in a hair salon in a nice/rich/predominantly white town. I live in this town. About a month ago, my boyfriend was coming to my job to pick me up. So he comes up the stairs and walks into the salon. My boss's husband was standing at the door holding it open for a client, and when...
  4. CantAffordMAC

    Questions about picture taking

    I already read the guidelines, but this is a different kind of question (I'm really sorry if its still not in the same place) I want to start posting pictures of my makeup. the only camera I have available is the Kodak easy share Z710. I don't know anything about cameras, but I have been trying...
  5. CantAffordMAC

    Making love vs. ......?

    Hey everyone. I'm wondering if you guys think there is a difference between having sex and making love. I guess it may sound like a dumb question to some.. I always thought that making love was the slow, romantic, long sex. no dirty talk and no smacking and hair pulling lol. I don't even think...
  6. CantAffordMAC

    Only one eyeshadow??

    I know that mostly everyone likes to apply different shadows and blend them. My question is, do you guys ever just use one color and thats it?? sometimes i dont have time to apply a lot of makeup and i just wanna throw a color from my lashline up to my crease(no highlight, no other colors)...
  7. CantAffordMAC

    Is your boyfriend the breadwinner...or you?

    I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who thinks guys should still be like...the head of the household. When it comes to money, I still think the guy should be the actual breadwinner. I'm not saying that its wrong for you to make more money than you boyfriend/husband...that isn't really what...
  8. CantAffordMAC

    Hit me and I'll hit you back?

    how do you guys feel about a girl hitting a guy, or a guy hitting a girl? Obviously, nobody should be hitting anyone in the relationship, because I think it goes both ways. But I also don't think that a female should get hit after hitting a guy. I say this mainly because most guys are bigger...
  9. CantAffordMAC

    Steps in a makeup application

    I'm wondering what you guys use, altogether. After washing my face, I'll use a toner and a moisturizer (occasionally....i have to get better at taking care of my skin) after all that, i just put on foundation (studio fix) with a sponge. I don't use any concealer, or setting powder or anything...
  10. CantAffordMAC

    I Keep Bringing up the Past!!!

    hey guys...I know this is extremely immature but it seems like I'm constantly bringing up the past in my relationship. example: my boyfriend and his friends went to philly around 11 one night, and i dont hear from him until almost 3 in the morning. I'm so mad i could scream, and I ask him what...
  11. CantAffordMAC

    Why Depot?

    I'm having a really hard time getting used to the boards, and tried FAQs and tried using the search engine, but I had no luck!--so im sorry if this already exists Why do you depot? Is it just to save space and have all of your colors available in one palette? I've never heard the term...
  12. CantAffordMAC

    Two different eye looks @ the same time

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this... What do you guys think of doing one eye one color, and the other eye another color? I've seen this done before, one eye was a smokey dark blue, and the other was a smokey dark green. It looked cool, not bad, and you could tell there was...
  13. CantAffordMAC

    Trying to find a makeup school/classes

    I just graduated from a vocational high school and I'm a licensed cosmetologist. We never really went over makeup in all actually. But this is what I want to do. I'm having some trouble finding a school or even classes on makeup. Everywhere I look pretty much incorporates hair and...