Search results

  1. CantAffordMAC

    How do you wear your boots?

    I know theres a lot of topics on boots, but hopefully there isn't one like this. Everytime I wear tall boots (not quite hitting the knee yet), I wear them with jeans tucked into them, so the boots are on the outside. This is the only way I've ever worn them I think. I want to venture away...
  2. CantAffordMAC

    Trying to blend shadows but wiping them off

    OKay, so with many of my eye looks, I apply a lighter color on the inner lid, then a darker color on the outer lid. Then I'll apply a lighter color underneath my brow and on top of my outer (dark) color. Then I get to blending. but it seems like once I start blending, the dark starts wiping off...
  3. CantAffordMAC

    Me?? Hauling??

    So I bought 2 eyeshadows from Fyrinnae October 4th, (plus 2 perfume oils...before they discontinued). They finally arrived today. The eyeshadows were Equality (which is a freakin ridiculous metallic silver...I love it) and Japan (which is supposed to be a dark shimmery teal, but looks really...
  4. CantAffordMAC

    Keeping in touch with friends

    I was just you guys find it awkward to keep in touch with old friends? I think I have a problem with this. I moved out of state about 6 years ago, and I found it very weird when i tried to call my old friends. Then, I just graduated and I don't keep in touch with those people...
  5. CantAffordMAC

    Hairstylists smocks/everyday clothing

    I know most everyone on here is a makeup artist, but this question is mainly for hair stylists. I am just a shampoo assistant for right now, but I wear a dumb smock everyday to protect my clothes. Its big and annoying, so I'm looking to find a better one. I'd like a cute, form-fitting one. If...
  6. CantAffordMAC

    How fast does your man...ahem..finish?

    So. How long does it take for your man to come? Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and a half, and after a year, our sex life changed. Its still pretty good, but he comes really fast now. Some nights we'll only have sex for 5 minutes or less. The longest we go now is maybe, 15-20...
  7. CantAffordMAC

    When is it time to stop shopping in Juniors?

    LoL. I'm only 18 so i think I have a few more years in the juniors department. Is there a certain time when you should move onto Woman's clothing? Is it just when the clothes don't fit right, or when the styles get too juvenile? A place like Kohl's is probably the best option...because a lot...
  8. CantAffordMAC

    Guess who I met last night?

    So me and my boyfriend went to Boston Market, but they were still cooking the chicken. So we went to a different one. We were at the counter ordering our food and this guy walks in. I see him and immediately recognize him from somewhere. He was standing right next to me but I couldn't put my...
  9. CantAffordMAC

    I want this lip color!

    Hey guys. I'm in love with this lip color...what should I use to achieve this look? I am a C4 (or NC42). Thanks a lot.
  10. CantAffordMAC

    Fyrinnae Cherry Ice Cream Perfume Oil

    So I've heard a lot of good things about this perfume oil. And I had my heart set on buying it. I just went on the website, and its not coming up. Is this discontinued?? Does anyone know whats going on with it?
  11. CantAffordMAC

    Ugly Celebrities That Are Just So Hot!

    Okay. I know theres some celebrities out there, that you guys think aren't really attractive, but theres just something about them that turns you on... I know I have at least one. And his name is Jamie Foxx. He is kind of funny looking to me (although he is kind of sexy with those sunglasses...
  12. CantAffordMAC

    Nevada/Nye County child sex tape

    I guess a young man found a video tape "in the desert" and turned it into police 5 months later (after showing it to other people). The tape shows a man committing sex acts to a 4 or 5 yr. old girl. Supposedly the things he does in this video are WAY beyond belief, and nobody could really...
  13. CantAffordMAC

    I might just splurge on MAC but I need help!

    hey guys, I'm going out of state Saturday where there might be a CCO I can stop at. I have a bunch of questions. I'm not familiar with MAC products, and I only have a few. I first went to MAC for a concealer, and she said I was an NC42. But they didn't have the NC42 in cream concealer, so she...
  14. CantAffordMAC

    SO AGGRAVATED (really long)

    I am so tired of the way things are going right now. I am literally not making enough to survive. I have no bills, no expenses, and I don't buy anything that I need except for food. Between food (i do my own grocery shopping because I have to), lending my boyfriend money, and helping out with...
  15. CantAffordMAC

    Baby Shower gifts

    So my brother and his girlfriend are having a baby in November, and I have been to baby showers before. I already have all the baby's stuff ready, but I was wondering if you new moms ever received anything for you at the shower. I just thought maybe it'd be a nice idea. I've heard people joke...
  16. CantAffordMAC

    Breast Reductions

    I know theres a topic on what surgeries we've had/want to have but its old and I only want to know about breast reductions. Has anyone here gotten one? I have made up my mind after struggling for some time with the decision...I didn't want scars or pain, but I am ready to go through with the...
  17. CantAffordMAC

    Boyfriend's friends?

    Hey guys...I'm wondering if your boyfriend/husbands/partners have friends that you don't care for. Mine does...a lot of his friends are rude or don't acknowledge me when I'm around. But that doesn't even really bother me too much. He has one friend that is a disgusting person, and he's always...
  18. CantAffordMAC

    Greg Behrendt Is Cancelled!

    Why does it seem like I was the only one who liked this show? Seriously, I really like him as a talk show host...he's hilarious, and he gives good advice. Some of his jokes were cheesy, but it was a good show overall. I don't see how jerry springer can stay on the air for 20 years, and greg...
  19. CantAffordMAC

    Making the Band 4

    Sigh. This season was SO GOOD! By far, the best making the band. There was a ridiculous amount of talent. I got chills hearing some of the guys sing. I love how there was so much love and friendship in the house, instead of drama and fighting. That made it such a better show. I love: Brian A...
  20. CantAffordMAC

    Nc40, Nc45, C2, C3, C4 ????????????????

    I'm sorry guys I couldn't figure out any other name for this topic, lol. I always thought since I was a NC42 in concealer, I'd be an NC42 in foundation. But my studio fix says C4. Why? Are foundations named with NC or just C? I just don't get that. Thanks guys...