20 Things That We Don't Know About You!


Well-known member
1. I have a scar that is the entire length of my leg...my sister pulled me through a barbwire fence when I was 4.
2. I am petrified of spiders...I hate all their little legs and their hairy little bodies. Even thinking about them makes me squirm.
3. I am not photogenic. I look nothing like what my pictures look like.
4. I only have 1 more week of Cosmetology school and Im scared to go out there and work on people...I dont want to mess anyone up.
5. I dont really have anyone that I can talk to about my secrets and I wish I did.
6. My makeup collection is worth more than my car.
7. Im scared of the dark. I dont walk past windows at night without a shade over them, Im scared someone is looking in at me.
8. Im athiest.
9. Im allergic to cats.
10. I know every word to Beauty and the Beast.
11. I HATE the word aint.
12. I hate the word Massachusetts..I cant pronounce it, thats why I hate it.
13. My 2 sisters are best friends and it makes me jealous, because even though I know they love me, I wish they would consider me a friend too.
14. I hate my stomach.
15. I have a secret obsession for high heels and corsets. I wish I could wear them every day.
16. I once had a dream about a car accident that freaked me out. A week later my niece, nephew and brother-in-law were hospitalized because a car full of kids ran over the line and smashed into them.
17. I have this wierd obsession with my teeth. Im super paranoid that Im going to bite into something hard and one of them is going to break off or fall out or something.
18. I want a nose job.
19. One of my favorite games is to turn on the radio and guess the song/singer before the other people in the car.
20. I would love to have a closet full of designer clothes, but am too broke.


Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
12. I have two Boston Terriers

Yay! I have a Bosty.

I used to have 3, but my two others were elderly(14 years old),they passed


Well-known member
My cat has white and carmel swirls on him. He has grass green eyes. He came into my life as kitten, because some threw him out of their SUV in front of my car. They obviously wanted me to hit and kill him. But, I am a very safe driver. I noticed the kitten just sat their and didn't respond to the cars at all. My rescue instincts kicked fast and I jumped out of my car into traffic and grabbed him up. He can't hear anything and I mean anything. He is a lap cat that will stay molded in your lap for hours if you let him. He loves dogs!

I have rescued a Momma dog in another state. I heard strange cries under my Grandparent's old house. Something told me these cries meant something was really wrong. I went out and found new born puppies that were starving (7) to death. The Momma dog was too skinny to feed her babies. I had to make a quick decision again. I dug under the house pulled her babies out from under the house and threw her in my car. I literally thought she would die on the ride to my house 200 miles away. I stopped at ever shelter and vets office on the way. They were all closed on a Sunday. I fed her and her babies. I wormed and got shots for her babies. I got homes for all her babies. The Momma dog had advanced heart worms and the vet didn't think she would make it, but I gave it a go. She had the treatment and has been spayed. She is the best dog you have ever met. She is doing great. Her name is Momma. She, in a way, saved a American Staffordshire Terrier dog (pitt looking dog) too, because some gang of guys were trying to fight this dog. Everyone was scared of this dog. I could tell he had been beaten and in dog fights. But, I knew this dog had sadness in his heart.

The only way that I could gain his trust was to show him one of Momma's puppies. From then on, he was the guard dog of those babies. I have trained him like a soldier to be able to be around the cats and be at my side. He is proof that abused dogs can become wonderful pets. They need a lot of love and they give it back 150% back to you.

In total I have two other dogs with Momma and the soldier like dog. They all get along perfect. I can walk all 4 of them at once, because I have trained them so well.

I also have 2 persians and a Katrina rescue cat with the deaf cat. (4 cats & 4 dogs) They all have stories, but I want to keep it short.


Active member
1. I can be a total sweetheart...
2...But I am a B!tch more then not
3. I have 3 boys and I want more
4. I hate shopping
5. I love sushi
6. I am adictted to chocolate.
7. I lost 30 pounds this yr so far.
8. I met my hubby online.
9. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats, any one want one?
10. I stay at home and would not trade it for all the money in the world.
11. I talk to myself
12. I answer myself
13. Scarey movies are my fav.
14. I read tons
15. I have a thing for muscle cars and the men that drive them.
16. I am the youngest of 7
17. One of my sisters died as a baby
18. I am bossy
19. I love to cook
20. I am Greek, Irish and polish hows that for a mix.


Well-known member
1. I have two careers (well three if you count writing); I'm *fingers crossed* starting work as a business lawyer in about a year and I've been in training to be a MA for a long, long time but still haven't submitted my work for marking.

2. I'm from Manchester in the north of England and I love it. Best city in the world!

3. I like really glammy disco music. The more cheesy the better

4. I obsess over Shu Uemura skincare products and have lots and lots and lots of them.

5. I can't really afford the above products

6. I love Vivienne Westwood, cups of tea, teapots, Shakespeare, Virginia Woolf and lots of other English things (but NOT the food).

7. I'm dead little (5'1).

8. I originally graduated in English literature and specialised in Oscar Wilde and I studied art and art history before I caught the make-up bug.

9. I've lived in Bridgeton, MO and in Dublin (oh and in London too, but I didn't like it).

10. I used to have a sushi addiction but it bankrupted me! I still love sashimi but eat it at home now...

11. I really love Madonna (hence the pic, duh)

12. I have about six pairs of shoes I've never ever worn outside of our flat (and a pair of boots that crippled me, but that's a different story)

13. I like old films like Audrey Hepburn and Bette Davis ones.

14. I'm a bit of a hippy and believe in things like positive energy and stuff like that and it takes a lot to get me mad! I'd rather spend time laughing than moaning.

15. I have uber-uber-curly hair and I get CHRONIC ingrown hairs that really, really, really annoy me.

16. I work on retail cosmetics counters but I'm scared to work on people that aren't my friends and have got away with working for about five months without doing makeup for any customers (I know that's bad but it doesn't mean my advice is rubbish).

17. My mum is a piano teacher, my gran was a milliner, my auntie is a farmer who makes lots of olive oil and my other auntie is an artist. I have a very, very eccentric family!

18. I used to do lots of drugs (don't anymore), used to be a chain-smoker (don't anymore) and used to drink loads (don't anymore, although I don't mind now and again

19. I am the worst dancer in the world. Ever.

20. I want to have four kids, two dogs and a pig. I love pigs!


Well-known member
1.im 20 but when i cut my hair shoulder length ppl think im 12

2.im 100%malaysian but customers always ask me where im from then say 'you're mixed black and...?' i dont see it at all!

3. i hate mascara coz its a PAIN to remove

4.my brother and i both have eczema. when my skin is improving, his become worse and vice versa. its so weird!

5.i always feel nauseated everyday,,,even though im not pregnant

6.i met my bf at work and a week later we went on a date. been 2gta nearly 2years

7.ive been the same weight since i was 15

8.i hate the dentists. i had one who was soo mean to kids he moved away. i still cant bear to get my teeth checked

9.i have a funny memory. i can remember stuff from years ago but never anything that happened 5secs ago :S

10.i have sooooo much make up yet i only use eyeliner and blush lol

11.im a gemini and yes my moods go all over the place

12.im really sensitive i can cry on demand and over the slightest thing. i bawled my eyes out at rainman

13.i still live at home in a 2bedroom house with parents and 2 siblings. i sahre a room with my sister and i know i have to move out soon coz im feeling too claustrophobic

14.i have a MASSIVE fear of walking outside then randomly gettin hit by a sharp object or falling over or cars speeding past me.

15.im not acadermic and hate learning but managed to get into a rubbish university first time then dropping out coz i hated it. now im due to start all over again just as my friends are graduating.

16.i dont want to go university buy im doing it for my parents

17.never really been outside the uk. going SC in 4hours tho lol

18.born and raised in london. but i think this country is nothing special

19.when i first meet ppl i tend to give them dirty looks. then when they get to know me, im the nicest person ever lol

20.i really dont know what i want to do in life..........


Well-known member
1. I'm 100% Serbian.

2. I came to the USA 5 years ago.

3. I lived through few wars.

4. I am in a long-distance relationship (4 years and counting)

5. I don't eat any meat except fish.

6. I hate fishing.

7. I can't swim.

8. I hate spiders and I think I have arachnophobia, my boyfriend
finds this funny.

9. I believe I'm a very good driver.

10. My major is psychology and I want to become sex therapist.

11. I lost my virginity when I was 18 and a half with my current boyfriend and he's the only one I had ever slept with.

12. I squirt (lol,lol)

13. I didn't know I had an accent until boys started telling me how sexy it was! hahaha

14. I secretly wish my boyfriend would propose.

15. I think my English sucks!

16. I would like to know more languages.

17. I want to travel a lot.

18. I can only satisfy my thirst with really, really (and I mean really) cold water.

19. I LOVE sleeping and napping.

20. I didn't shave my legs in a week or so... I don't even know why! I'm so lazy


New member
1) I have just registered, this is my first post, but I've been lurking year for years thanks to MUA (Make Up Alley)

2) I honestly believe I'm a gay man in a womans body, and I am FLAMING. (I'm no diva, however.)

3) I had the most normal childhood ever - house in the midwest 'burbs, parents married, little brother, pet dog, public school, church every Sunday - but I'm completely whacko.

4) I'm a closet goth - I'm too self conscious to go all out Vampire style, but 80% of my clothing black (even though its from the GAP), I have severe depression at times, and religiously listen to Depeche Mode, The Cure, Siouxsie, Cocteau Twins, etc. I used to cut and still pick at myself pretty bad. I've saved all my pathetic highschool poems.

5) I used to be obsessed with Angelina Jolie - I could tolerate Billy Bob but as soon as she started collecting kids I became uninterested. She was the only one I'd go lesbo for.

6) I love pink in all its forms (Not the singer Pink, but she's kinda cool too.) I inhale Pink Sugar Perfume constantly. Pink and Black are the two colors I couldn't live with out, although I'd be sad without Violet and Silver.

7) I'm a total Art nerd - painting, sculpting, interior design, jewlery making, fashion, photography, make-up, hair - I love it all and have a really hard time time focusing on just one.

8) I have ADD something fierce. I'm also a total caffeine addict, but I really don't like coffee unless there's tons of sweet stuff in it. I prefer Coca-Cola (just the regular, plain kind, thanks). I always carry No Doze with me too.

9) I collected My Little Ponies as a child and had just about everyone that came out. I even had the huge pink castle. My friend and I use to stage little soap opera episodes, including secret love affairs and illegitimate pregnancies. When they started to appear in stores again, I had to really curb myself from buying them all.

10) I was born, raised, and still live in NE Ohio, but in about 6 months I'm moving to outside Orlando Florida. I live alone in a one-bedroom and I'm moving back in with my parents who have retired down there. I want to figure out what the hell I'm doing and what I wanna do "when I grow up". I'm 27 soon to be 28.

11) I love to drink, but only the girly foofy drinks. Margaritas, Daquiris, Cosmos, I love 'em all. I'm a happy, silly drunk who loves to dance and make evryone laugh.

12) For some reason, I find older (like 40) dark, borderline-ugly men sexier than hell. Especially if they are weird and gothy-like. Bonus if maybe just the slightest bit creepy and pervy. I'm grossing myself out now...

13) I did a year of college, had a nervous breakdown and never went back. Since then I have been a waitress, a telemarketer, a phone collector, and factory worker, a retail slut at the mall, a welder, a convienence store clerk, a sample lady at the grocery store, a daycare helper, IT tech support person, a phone sex operator, a fileclerk and, most currently, customer support for a medical supply company. You could say I'm well-rpounded.

14) I'm a total Daddy's girl and I love him more than anyone. I don't get along that great with my mom, but she's ok. As a result, I really don't feel the need to have a boyfriend, but I'm fiercely protective of my relationships with my girlfriends. I would die without having a female support system.

15) Spirtuality is something that interests me greatly, especially the Occult, and Wicca, although I am a hard core agnostic. I'm an armchair astrologer and I dabble in Tarot, Runes, Pendulums, Crystals, Dream Interpretations, etc, but I don't take it that seriously.

16) I consider myself to be very worldly and educated other culures and countries. I'm from conservative white bread America where people actually still support the war in Iraq and Dubya, but I don't fit in, I never have. I'm caucasian (Anglo-French-Celtic mainly) but I prefer the exotic, old-world type aesthetic rather than the Blonde-blue eyed cheerleader aryan superstar type one.

17) I will most likely never be married or have children, not that I disagree with it, but its not my thang. I do however adore babies/children and animals and tend to get along very well with both.

18) I was and can still be a total bookworm. Thank GOD Harry Potter wasn't around when I was in school or I totally would have flunked out. I'm outgoing and extroverted but when I turned 11 or 12 I lost all my friends and I decided that books were better than people anyway. I didn't do all the normal teenage stuff like go to parties or dances or anything like that - I just stayed home and read. Now, I wanna go out and party and flirt to compensate for all the fun I missed.

19) I am often told that I'm very witty and funny, but personally I think a lot of what I say is really cheesy and dorky. I can be sharply sarcastic and my sense of humor is very dark and grim. Sometimes people love it but I definitely put off a few individuals here and there.

20) Oh, and I LOVE meat. I can't help it, I feel really bad but I can't get enough flesh. Especially steak, rare and dripping blood. Add a potato with lots of butter, a salad and a nice red wine and I am just as happy as can be.
Unless its followed with a slice of cheesecake and a joint


Well-known member
1 LOVE disney stuff.
2 My favorite disney movie of all time is alice in wonderland. I still watch it lol
3 My favorite designer is heatherette and it would be a dream come true if I could have a custom heatherette dress
4 Im crazy and I love to have a good time
5 I always know how to break awkward silences...but usually only end up making them worse LOL
6 Purple has been / will always be my favorite color!
7 I always change the color of my room. Its been bright aqua, green, orange, and purple
8 I love heels but I never wear them
9 I really want to go blonde but am too scared too!
10 Im in love with drake bell and I think I was the oldest girl there at his concert this summer :loveya:
11 All of my clothes are green. I cant help but buying green things
12 I suck at driving. Really bad.
13 I need to work out
14 California is my favorite state and I visit there every summer
15 I would love to go to Sydney Austraillia and plan to in summer of 2009
16 I learn song lyrics really quick. Even if i hate a song i'll know the lyrics after hearing it like twice
17 I wish it was summer all year long
18 I abosolutely LOVE halloween and dressing up. I decorate my house totally crazy for halloween too, and go all out in costumes
19 I like creepy haunted houses/ old supposedly haunted mansions
20 I love rollercoasters and always go to amusement parks when ive got the chance especially when out of state


Well-known member
This should be fun, hopefully I can think of 20 things....

1. I'm adopted, and I have no idea who my biological parents are.

2. I love makeup and this site although I wear it rarely because I am so bad putting it on and making it look good.

3. I'm a competitive figure skater and have been skating for 13 years.

4. I learned how to scuba dive last year and I love it.

5. I'm a video game geek, I love my Nintendo Wii.

6. I only want 1 child because I am afraid of wrecking my body and taking time off from skating.

7. I bite the skin around my nails, it's my worst bad habit that I am continually trying to break.

8. I'm an excellent speller

9. I wish I had bigger boobs!

10. I love my car, it's an Acura 3.2 CL and it's my baby.

11. Although, I am really lusting after a 2007 Acura TL in Navy Blue.

12. I love going to movies with my buddies.

13. I loved Jem dolls as a kid and I swear before I die, I will collect every single doll NRFB, although I haven't started yet!

14. I only have one close girl friend and that's my skating coach. As a rule, I don't really like most women and my best friends are men.

15. I'm VERY observant and I have a very good memory. People always used to tell me I'd be an excellent detective.

16. I get scared of dumb things pretty easily! I hate that.

17. I am not scared of the dentist at all since I've worked for several. I love all things teeth! LOL.

18. I am becoming addicted to Revive Vitamin Water, but I feel guilty for drinking it because of the extra calories.

19. Then again, I feel guilty for a lot of things I eat. It's a skater thing!

20. I LOVE to laugh!


Well-known member
20 hmmmm...let's see how goes:
1. I'm going to school to become a Court Reporter.
2. I've been in school for 4 1/2 years & I hope I have what it takes to finish up.
3. I hate cockroaches...they scare me to death & are the ugliest things I've ever seen.
4. I never want to have children.
5. I love living in California, but hate how hot it gets. I want to live in a different city like San Diego, where it feels fresh and cool.
6. I'm highly doubting that I will ever meet my "match."
7. I always seem to attract flaky friends & wish I could meet better ones.
8. I love my parents & know I could count on them for anything.
9. I hope someday to become something that I am proud of & make others proud of me as well.
10. I haven't had a serious relationship in over 2 years.
11. My favorite color is black. It looks great on everyone.
12. I'm obsessed with detective/mystery shows: Forensic Files, 48 hours investigates, American Justice, Cold Case Files & Serial killers.
13. I hate getting together with my extended family.
14. I hate mornings! I'm not a morning person at all.
15. This is getting hard.........I love cooking, it makes me happy to find a great recipe that tastes delicious.
16. I'm not crafty, but I try to be.
17. I have 2 cats that are my babies!
18. I'm obsessed with makeup...big shocker, I know.
19. I love ice cream.
20. I hate driving & only do it when necessary...too much stress


Well-known member
1. I have a twin sister who lives and works in Brisbane, Australia.

2. I am married and pregnant with my first son due in October.

3. I have a very low voice, oftentimes people mistake me for a man when I talk on the phone.

4. Boxing is my favorite form of exercise...I will go back to it as soon as the doctor says I can.

5. I used to work as a writer/editorial assistant for a videogame magazine coz aside from make-up, I love videogames.

6. I love to cook..I wanted to become a chef before but didn't push through with it

7. I am estranged from my father...haven't spoken to him since 1997.

8. I am a Philosophy major and I absolutely love Nietzche and Camus.

9. I absolutely HATE my mother-in-law--I often fantasize about running her over with my car.

10. I have 5 tattoos.

11. I love the Beatles! I know every song and every lyric.

12. For the last 3 years I have been drinking 3 cups of green tea everyday.

13. I used to be a smoker--I quite when I became pregnant.

14. I used to smoke pot too.

15. I love dogs! I definitely love them more than some humans I know

16. I'm a frustrated musician...always wanted to get good at piano and guitar.

17. I excel in geography, I know every country and it's capital and its location in a map (what a geek lol)

18. I am totally NOT spiritual or religious--I find it hard to believe in anything.

19. But even then, I love Christmas

20. I love to travel...my goal in life is to see the world.


Well-known member
1. I never dreamed of wearing foundation, blush, concealer, or brow pencil before joining Specktra.

2. I've traveled to many countries, thanks to my parents who took us even when we were young. I hope to get rich and continue my world travels when I get older.
3. I've only ever been with one guy. We started dating when I was 15. It will be 5 years in Jan. '08. I'm pretty sure I'm going to marry him and I could not be happier.
4. I was a relay operator for 9 months. It left me with a totally new, not very positive perspective on deaf culture. And on teenage boys. And on Nigerians.
5. I am a huge fan of baking and I really would love to take some Wilton courses so I could get better at cake decorating.
6. On livejournal, over half my communities are food/baking related.
7. Despite all my "love yourself" comments all over the internet, I really wish I had bigger boobs and a flatter tummy. I can't keep from comparing myself to girls who naturally look like that.
8. I very rarely drink soda, but if I do, I really like Cherry Coke.
9. If I ever get "into" anything, I buy it obsessively. I don't have just a bag fetish, or shoe fetish, or perfume fetish, I have an everything fetish.

10. I could live off of the chicken noodle dish at Swaddee Thai in AZ.
11. I have never been in debt and hopefully won't ever have to go into it.
12. I really want to buy Feline Kohl power pencil.
13. I keep donating blood even though I'm baaaaarely at the weight limit. They keep offering me ice cream coupons and stuff! How can I say no to that? hahaha.
14. I am a moderator on the Scarleteen.com forums. My semi-conservative parents would just DIE if they found out I was doling out advice on sex to young 'uns.
15. I wish my nose was smaller.
16. I want to buy an ice cream maker and make my own flavors.
17. I would LOVE to drive a Mini Cooper. A red and cream one.
18. If I could have any beauty wish granted to me immediately, it would be to have clear, non-scarred skin. I have the worst blackhead problem on my nose that just will NOT respond to any treatments.
19. I sometimes do things that I know won't look flattering. I don't know if it's to keep the creepy guys at bay, or just to see if I can "work past" these things and still look ok.
20. I currently own over 50 tarts from places like Yankee Candles and LOL Candles and all sorts of other places. I'm always on the hunt for new places to get really nice tarts from.


Well-known member
20 Things That We Don't Know About You!

1. I'm an artist (love to paint and draw)

2. I'm double jointed.

3. My nationality is Nicaraguan.

4. I saw a ghost when I was little (scary stuff)

5. I went to a psychic..a real one not Ms.Cleo type

6. I'm allergic to alcohol (yes i know..really sucks)

7. I'm only attracted to Black men

8. Favorite music is hip-hop...love Common!

9. I'm moving to NY next yr (I live in Miami right now)

10. I can put my whole fist in my mouth

11. I adore dogs

12. Terrified of cats..I think they look evil

13. Teeth are VERY important to me. Wouldnt date Brad Pitt if he had messed up teeth.

14. My dream is to work in the fashion industry

15. I think midgets are scary (sorry)

16. I almost faint everytime they take blood from me.

17. I'm in a long distance relationship.

18. I'm the best eyebrow shaper

19. Alot of people have told me I resemble Angelina Jolie but I think they're on crack..lol

20. I love L.A.M.B. by Gwen Stefani!


Well-known member
1)I'm from the middle east but study in England
2)I love watching tv
3)I have 2 little nephews who i die for
4)I love shopping
5)I don't have a lot of shoes
6)I have a scar on my forehead
7)I have a belly which i need to loose
8.I adore my sister
9)I have to drink tea every morning otherwise i'll be grumpy all day
10)I love going to uni
11)I prefer cold weather to extremly hot weather
12)I speak arabic and english
13)I don't have a driving lisence yet which sucks!
14)I hate snobby/rude people
15)I hate it when people look at me in a weird way because i have black hair and olive/golden skin
16)I love listening to arabic music, rnb and hiphop
17)I love watching sex and the city over and over and over AND over again
18)I love Sarah Jessica Parker
19)I am left handed
20)I am an extremely nice person


Well-known member
1. I love Indian food with a passion
2. I left the States when I was 19 and moved to Australia and didn't tell anyone...
3. I love the number 11
4. I wish I had more close friends
5. I really love reading the works of HP Lovecraft
6. I will never grow up - I still watch cartoons, play console and computer games and collect toys
7. I love old/antique looking objects
8. I have a massive jewelry collection
9. I LOVE music and the feelings it can evoke
10. I haven't been home or spoken to my sisters and brother in 12 years
11. I'm really self-conscious and consider myself shy but everyone I know totally disagrees and thinks the opposite
12. I am totally obsessed with Naruto >_<
13. I've got a degree in Multimedia Design
14. I have really, really tiny ears!
15. I love all things macabre
16. I wish I was French, or lived in France or was at least dating a hot Frenchman

17. I strive to be unique
18. I love cats
19. I love all of the beauty you can find in nature, especially flowers
20. I am a professional day dreamer


Well-known member
1. I'm one of those people who goes "I'm going to fail!" and never ever do.
2. I'm one of the hardest workers I know and got my very coveted job without any previous cosmetic experience - even though that was mandatory.
3. When I graduated I had a studio fix powder, a paint, parfait amour, prolash, and a bonne bell eyeliner. Thats it for makeup. Now my place is exploding with all things cosmetics!!!
4. My boyfriend is my first boyfriend, together 5 years since we were just 15.
5. Two ladies I can never get enough of are Dita Von Teese and Shirley Manson.
6. I met Justin Timberlake's dancers and got free tickets to the FutureSexLoveShow!!!!
7. I try to attach myself to as few people as possible.
8. My cats are my babies...Inky and Oliver.
9. I've become the woman I have always wanted to be.
10. I'm very bad at doing dishes and am in desperate need of a dishwasher!!!
11. When I have a little girl one day her name will be Willow.
12. 99% of my closet is black clothing!
13. I'm going to be a teacher but my real passion is cosmetics.
14. I am the cheapest drunk I have ever met.
15. I have lots of fears and cannot watch any kind of scary movie.
16. I wish I could move things with my mind.
17. I think that the worst part of life is death.
18. My favorite food is my mom's guacamole.
19. I'm 5"3 and 110 pounds.
20. I want to be married more than anything!


Well-known member
1.) I'm an artist, painting and drawing and used to want to be a tattoo artist when I was kid
2.) I'm grown now and am I teacher (after school program for kids and am in school for my degree)
3.) my eyes are hazel and they tend to change colors with really strong emotions (all green, brown or the dark blues will come out)
4.) I'm tall for a girl 5'8''
5.) I hate the smell of popcorn, it makes me sick to my stomach
6.) when I was 6, I threw up after eating skittles and now I refuse to touch them
7.) I am considered jewish, but have never been to a service once in my life
8.) my close friend takes me to bible study once a week for the past six months
9.) during the summer I hardly wear shoes
10.) I played soccer for 12 years, and figure skated for 5
11.) I can not eat bacon, ham or anything pork (it was once wilber!)
12.) I live in push up bra's
13.) I've gotten art work of mine published (poetry, photography, and drawings - if you want to count as tattoos in this case)
14.) I only own seven pairs of shoes
15.) I often compete with class mates for grades now in college, however my parents thought I was going to drop out (fail out) of high school, and I almost failed out of middle school
16.) I cant sleep without the sound of my fans going
17.) I've had so many accidents though out my life and never had a broken bone (I've have had 5 teeth knocked out and put back in, made a mess on a nice wall after landing on it with my head, road my self into a parked car on my bike, torn ligaments in my knee, had one of my piercings ripped out, been run over by a car, been shot, was stabbed with a kitchen knife when play fighting, been hit with a metal baseball bat.. ect)
18.) I love the smell of coffee but the taste of it makes me sick
19.)I have way to many dvd's (over 350 last time I counted)
20.) it took me 5 times to pass the driving part to get my licence (I still think they were stupid to give it me)
21.) I've worked in politics
22.) I can't remember peoples names
23.) I'm a book worm
24.) I love jewelary and clothing that isnt common (all artist design, and custom designs for me)
25.) I love disney movies and have most all of them on dvd
26.) I'm scared of driving in the rain or snow
27.) when people say something is a super store (super walmart, target.. ect.) I tend to think of the stores logo with a cape flapping as it flys thought the sky
28.) and I'm bad at counting since I did so many of these, and I dont know when to stop


Well-known member
1. I love food and fine dinning but cant really afford to go to nice resturants!
2. Space scares the crap out of me..
3. i am extremely bad with names
4. i work in marketing in DC
5. when i was in high school i was a 3 sport athlete and now i barely work out
6. i live with 6 other roommates in an old fraternity house
7. my boyfriend lives in new york
8. i am very bad with money
9. when i am hungover i have an insatiable appetite
10. i watch WAY too much TV...anything and everything
11. i love animals, especially dogs
12. i love the smell of cigar smoke
13. i still sleep with stuffed animals
14. i am obssessed with having a comfortable bed (i have feather pillows, comforter and mattress)
15. i am extremely clumsy
16. i am very easily amused
17. I go on drives by myself to relax
18. i love watching chapel hill basketball, go heels!
19. the beach is my favorite place in the world
20. it took me a really long time to make this list