20 Things That We Don't Know About You!


Well-known member
1.This one boy still has my heart and iPod..

2.My dad has told me;he wishes I was never born and he wanted to kill me.

3.I'm really vulgar.

4.I never really knew any of my grandparents because my mom's mother died when she was 15,her dad died when she was 17,my dad's mother died when I was about three months old,my dad's real dad died when he was uhmm in his teens,his mother married twice after that.The last man she married I consider my grandpa but he killed himself after I was a year old.

6.I was afraid to turn 15 because what happened to my mom.

7.I'm lonely alot of the time.

8.I love giraffes and ducks.

9.I forget how old I am all the time because I feel older.

10.I need a change of scenery.

11.I need to live in Portland.

12.I'm naturally blond.

13.I hate the Humaine Society.

14.I really hate girls,and only get along with a select few.

15.I'd really love to make music,but I'm afraid when people say I'm good they're just lying to make me feel good.Like American Idol..

16.I have obsessions,desires,dreams.

17.I eat ice alot.

18.I should wear my glasses.

19.I'm REALLY picky with music.But I do love my Grindcore,Death Metal,INDIEACOUSTICFOLK SHEIIIT,REAL Screamo,Electro Dance shit.

20.I actually ADORE my shrink.Hahaha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pei
Theleopardcake, Huggggsss~
You're a wonderful girl to be honest.
Think for urself always. Force urself to cheer up and think happy all the time. I wish u all the best and sincerely care for u. PM when u need someone to talk to.

With love,

thank you so much. i really appreciate it and (sorry i got your response a little late
) i'm glad that I've met someone so generous on an online community


Well-known member
20 things about me

1-My name is Anjelique Monique.with a J.and yes it rhymes.
2-I have an unhealthy obsession with Vin Diesel.hes only 21 years older than me...

3-I swear my best friend is gay, even though we have hooked up
4-Most people believe my cousin is my daughter..and she used to call me mama before she started calling my aunt mama.
5-I have huge feet.it sucks.
6-I hate drama.
7-Im very materialistic
8-I've watched Law and Order SVU allll day..on more than one occassion
9-my amazing friends from florida are visiting me tuesday.
10-i cry for no reason..a lot.
11-I used to dance and cheer..and wish I never quit.
12-Im taking my second year of nursing soon to be an LPN
13-Im 17.and my b day is december 1st
14-i really want to sleep with 2 of my highschool teachers.BADLY.and one is married but cheated on his pregnant wife before.
15-I go out with female teachers sometimes..to dinner and stuff.
16-my dad's fave color is purple
17-i dont like milk at all..or icecream that much
18-I always compare my self to other people.and have low self esteem
19-I loooooveeee NYC
20-i have a rediculous amount of makeup


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xmrsvindieselx
20 things about me

8-I've watched Law and Order SVU allll day..on more than one occassion

That's why I bought all the seasons on DVD. That show is AWESOME!


Well-known member
1. I have very low self confidence
2. Married with no kids
3. Can't have kids
4. I can't drive and don't want to learn
5. I have no interest in having a career
6. My digestive system doesn't work properly so I take enzymes to digest my food for me.
7. ^ makes it hard to lose weight but I lost 50lbs+ last year despite this
8. I am still overweight and now do Weightwatchers
9. I haven't spoken to my abusive Father for 8 years and don't intend to ever do so again.
10. I love animals but hate birds
11. I have two weird phobias Feathers, and Snow/Frost/Ice
12. I have an addictive personality.
13. Not many people get me! I'm kind of like Marmite..love me or hate me...there doesn't seem to be an inbetween
14. I love Eighties music
15. My iPod is my favourite material item
16. My language is foul
17. I only know one joke
18. My hubby is a magician (no I am not his assistant
19. I love wearing Black it lifts my spirits
20. I cry a lot especially at TV shows.


Well-known member
1. I do not listen to any of the bands/musicians out today. I am very much stuck in the 90s! Smashing Pumpkins? Bush? Marcy's playground? HECK YES.

2. I work in a giant science centre

3. My birthday is 09/09/90

4. I'm extremely lucky and everything I want to happen...Does!

5. I come off as a jerk, but I don't mean to be.

6. I love survival-horror films

7. Vampires > any other creepy thing

8. I hate Twilight

9. I am super, super emotional. Everything makes me cry.

10. I gossip way too much

11. I once listened to a song on repeat for 72 hours (monsters - matchbook romance, if you must know)

12. It's been exactly 3 years today since I've updated my original post.

13. I'm addicted to psychics (such a nasty habit)

14. It's super easy for me to finish someone's sentence, guess what they're going to say or what they are thinking. I've got a super intuition!

15. I am Canadian and I am oh-so-proud to be.

16. I pick up accents easily
I especially love English accents and always have an urge to speak that way. This sucks because I work in our city's biggest tourist attraction.

17. I sometimes wish I lived in a post-apocalyptic world and I was super bad-ass like Robert Neville in I Am Legend.

18. I love animals and will likely feel more sorry for an animal than a human.

19. I have no belief in our society changing its ways. We will only become a more stupid, fatter, useless people. I sometimes hope for the world to end because I meet so many idiots. I truly have no patience for stupidity.

20. I miss Michael Jackson


Well-known member
1. I'm a professional dancer, been dancing for 22 years, and teaching dance for the last 10.

2. I went to college for System Administration (IT) and dropped out in my first semester.

3. Now I'm working in IT and making 2.5 x more than I did in my last job (which was not IT related).

4. I only have my beginners (G1) licence.. and I'm almost 26. For those of you that don't live in Ontario - that means that I can only drive when I'm in a car with someone else who has had their full G licence for 4 years (or something like that).

5. My boyfriend travels 28 hours by bus every month to visit me for a few days.

6. We plan on moving in together as soon as possible, but immigration is a painstakingly long process
He lives in Michigan.

7. My (ex) best friend dropped off of the face of the planet when she met her boyfriend two years ago. Now they're engaged and she's started talking to me again. I have a sneaking suspicion it's because she needs a Maid of Honour and someone to hold a bridal shower for her, and not because she actually missed me.

8. I'm addicted to iced tea. *Sweetened* iced tea. I make it with the powder, and use way too much powder.

9. I weighed nearly 200lbs when I was 14, and dropped down to 130lbs by the time I was 15. I still thought I was fat when I weighed 130lbs. I've had body issues ever since.

10. I'm 150-155lbs now, and I can't seem to lose it.

11. I have video of myself onstage in a full parade-sized Cookie Monster costume, dancing with a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds. The little boy in the number couldn't stop staring at me.

12. I used to have hair that reached the top of my butt only a year ago. It's now shoulder length.

13. I don't eat red meat, and I've never eaten a hamburger in my entire life.

14. I've never smoked pot, or taken any kind of recreational drugs.

15. I have never smoked cigarettes, the only time I have had one anywhere near my lips was when I played Sandy in Grease.

16. I have an extensive collection of handbags.

17. All my grandparents have passed away. One grandfather was gone before I was born.

18. I started riding horses when I was four. I had a grey pony named Cindy. After she passed, I had a half Clydesdale/half Arab named Dhyjan. He passed away in 2003, and he was only a year younger than me.

19. I have a Newfoundland dog named Siegrio's Shoals Cove Bronwyn, or Winnie for short. I chose Bronwyn because it means Dark and Pure, and she's both.

20. I've been using MAC since 1998, but my collection is small as I've had a lot of skin problems with severe cystic acne and allergic reactions to a lot of products and had to go quite a while with no makeup


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JULIA
1- I can feel the emotions of other people. It's weird, and hard to explain.

I totally understand what your saying. I've often said the same thing.

Do you often get caught up in the same emotion that the other person is feeling? Thats what often happens to me.


Well-known member
1. i have an older sister, 22, and an older brother, 20.
2. my mom was a model for hallmark before she got married
3. my mom sells mary kay (funny that i prefer mac, eh)
4. i'm not that fond of my father
5. i live right on the coast, yet i hate the beach!
6. i can crack every single joint in my body.. from my jaws down to my toes
7. i have a phobia of peanut butter, warts, and androids (i kid you not... ps androids are lifelike robots...think the music video for The World Is Not Enough by Garbage)
8. i LOVE dance/techno but i also like hardcore and metal
9. i'm a part time nudist
whenever i'm not around anyone, i'm totally unclothed...lol
10. i've been in and out of anorexia and bulimia for several yearse
11. i love God, i accept Jesus as my personal saviour...but i'm not fond of calling myself a Christian because i hate organized religion..mostly because i think everyone at my church is two-faced and i dont trust my pastor.
12. my parents spoil the sh*t out of me and buy me basically anything...but i try to not let that go to my head and i try to accept that it's not going to be that way forever
13. i LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE psychology and body language. i have so many books and handed-down text books on social psychology it's not even funny. and i study them in my spare time

14. i also love chemistry...i think i want to be a chemist for mac :p
15. i have upwards of 300 shirts...i have three closets: one for pants/shorts, one for skirts/dresses, and one for shirts. a TON of clothes :roll:
16. i have a TERRIBLE singing voice but i sing all the time anyway :p
17. i was born and raised in the south...however i take after my grandmother, who's a northerner. i dont like buiscuits, cornbread, tea or grits. my accent is quite funny, i say some words very southern(when i get angry and start yelling, there's no doubt i'm southern) and some very northern (nee-yasty rather than nasty)
18. i want to live in germany for a while, and for iceland in a while

19. i speak fluent spanish and am trying to learn german on my own...in fact, hey, if you speak german, would you mind start writing me emails in german, so i can practice?

20. i tremble when i get nervous...i also have a very weak stomach and get nauseated very easy when i'm nervous/worried and also because of many foods


Well-known member
can i play again? LOL
reading over that i was liiiiike NO NO i should've said THAT !

so im doing it again
plus im procrastinating :roll:

1. i go to a nerd school. rated tenth best in the nation by newsweek
and my GPA there is a 3.7
2. i'm on shiny toy guns' top 8
3. i write poetry. i write compositions. short philosiphies and such. i still have a couple saved, but i lot of them got lost when my computer broke recently

4. my only definite goal for the "before i die..." list is to put out a photography book.
5. i do my own version of yoga...which is basically me stretching and relaxing in weird positions.
6. instruments i've given up on: guitar, synth, piano, djembe, violin
instuments i've kept trying: non-applicable
7. i have deja vu ALL the time
8. i have a three-footed dog (we rescued her--she had been abused), named Princess, and two guinea pigs, named Alaska and Oaxaca
9. i VERY rarely get high or drunk, but i'd be lying if i said i didn't
10. my hair is naturally stick straight
11. i have a fear of using public bathrooms
12. i'm really OCD about colors-- sometimes if i see a BIG display of things in color order, i get so excited i start sweating...certain things have to be in color order(like markers) or else i get anxious..with some things it doesn't much matter (like stripes on a shirt)
13. i dated one guy on and off for three years straight
14. i really like making lists
15. i'm really affectionate...with everyone i consider a friend. ill cuddle with my girlfriends and hold their hands as we walk around the mall and kiss them on the cheek
16. i go on a LOT of walks...and walk up to like 7 miles a night
17. i wear contacts/glasses
18. i'm 5'8
19. about 120 lb
20. the ONLY color my hair hasn't been is bright yellow and purple
it's been ALL shades of blonde, ALL shades of red/orange, ALL shades of brown, it's been black, turquoise, blue, green, and pink
and surprisingly it's still really soft! i got lucky i guess.


Active member
1 - I love to cook and I am pretty good at it too!
2 - I am a massive nrl fan - esp Cowboys and the Storm even though I live in Sydney
3 - My mum and dad grew up in the same town in N.Z but met in Sydney!
4 - I am the eldest child of 3
5 - My dad is living and working in Zurich for 1 year and my brother left tonight to visit him
6 - I bought an apartment yesterday - my first home
7 - I have been with my husband for 6.5 years - since I was 18 turning 19
8 - I work for 13 Barristers
9 - I have two cats - Snoopy and Pippy and 1 bird - Eric
10 - My favourite movie is the Castle
11 - I can't drink full fat milk - makes me feel sick
12 - I quit smoking 4 months ago and am so proud of myself
13 - My husband is my best friend
14 - I collect magazines and teacups, plates and saucers
15 - My auntie is married to someone who has won an Olympic Gold Medal
16 - I love Rap, R & B & Hip Hop - esp Savage, Aaradhna, Pharrell etc
17 - I drive a Lexus IS200
18 - I went to Hawaii for my honeymoon
19 - I don't get on with my in laws
20 - I do aquaerobics and love it!


Well-known member
whoa.. why hadn't i seen this post before? it's so interesting
I'm amazed by some of the things i've read here, there are gals who have been through too much (abuse, health issues, death of people, etc) and i want to say my honest respect to all of you who have chosen to share this with us *thank you!* I admire your strenght and spirit.
also, there are some posts where i could honestly say "wow it's almost like reading myself" :p lol
so, here are my 20 things =)

1. I'm MEXICAN and effing proud of it, i was born here, raised here, and still live here.
2. i'm a potty mouth :p everyone must have noticed it by now.
3. i love LOVE LOOOOVE my boyfriend, he was my 1st "formal" BF, we've been together for more than 8 years now. (and like Sanne, sometimes i wonder what good have i done to deserve such an awesome man) :loveya: :loveya:
4. I don't know if I want to get married, i'm not very religious just spiritual so living together would work for me.
5. My 1st kiss was also with a girl, i was 9 years old and i liked it. we "dated" for like 5 months, our parents never found out.
6. I was kind of phobic to having sex, i got anxiety attacks when i tried to have sex, i don't know why, once i almost fainted attempting intercourse, and it hurt like a MoFo. my boyfriend helped me get thru this and now... well let's just say now it's very different.
7. I love piercings and tattoos, i have 5 piercings and one tattoo (planning several more)
8. i think the reason why i love getting pierced and tattooed is because i'm addicted to phisical pain, why? because i can tolerate it way more than i can tolerate emotional pain.
9. I'm 23 and I still live with my parents, i just want to finish college so i can move in w/ boyfriend.
10. I don't get along with my mother. i can tolerate her, but that's just it.
11. i don't know why i chose to study psychology when i would have rather become a doctor, a tattooer/piercer, a programmer, or an architect.
12. I rarely drink soda because i don't like the bubbly feeling. i HATE the taste of cola, and the only soda i like is 7up or canada dry, but i wait till there's no gas to drink it. (or shake it like mad and then wait to open)
13. i love cooking AND eating
and i like to cook and eat exotic food, weird flavor combinations. and i'm an ACE baker

14. when i was in highschool, i used to cut myself because the scarring process amused me, and i liked to make "shapes" and then let them scar, now at my 20's i've learned that's part of heavy body mods and it's called scarification.
15. i'm PHOBIC to spiders, i can seriously cry if i so much as see one, even if it's dead.
16. I'm *extremely* messy but i'm so familiar with my mess, that i can find things more easily when my room is messed up than when i tidy it up.
17. i need 2 large pillows to sleep, and one small one that i hug so i don't squish my boobs when sleeping on my side.
18. i can do everything but write with my left hand too, even when i'm right handed.
19. I'm an internet junkie, i can't live without it, i have to be plugged in 24/7.

20. I'm fat, and i'm not proud of it, but i've tried everything to lose weight and failed, i'm sick of disappoinments, so i'm not trying anymore.
21. i don't know why, but i know i'm going to die in a car accident.


Active member
1.) I was born and raised in cuba, and came here when i was 9 with my mom and brother on a 21 foot boat.
2.)I a resident alien meaning i have a green card.
3.)Until 2 years ago, i used to be goth..Bad stage in my life.
4.)I became a fiancee and widow in a matter of a day...We met young i was 16..He was 17..We got engaged on Sept 9, 2002 and He passed away Sept 10 of an overdose.
5.)My best friend recently passed away of Cystic Fibrosis
6.)I dont really know my father nor i want too.
7.)My mom is crazy..LOL..But i couldnt live without her.
8.)i cant drive a car..
9.)im a snob when it comes to shopping..Name brands mean EVERYTHING to me..LOL
10.)I have 6 half brothers and 1 half sister..But no full blooded siblings..(My parents couldnt stay together)..
11.)My youngest brother just left for the army in July
12.)I have a cat named Prisilla who never comes out from hiding
13.)Im obsessed with Makeup but hardly wear it..LOL
14.)I bite my nails on a daily basis
15.)Im messy at home and overly clean at work.
16.)i dont know anything about cars
17.)i love emo guys
18.)I am Overly in love with penguins
19.)I buy things just to have them..Bad habit
20.)I always give into my friends..


Active member
1. I have an extensive vocabulary.
2. I am a sugar and cinnamon junkie.
3. I had to give up working with horses and horse riding (The one thing that brought me true happiness)due to the onset of arthritus in my back, neck, and hips.
4. I do interesting things with hair.
5. My make up never seems to improve.
6. I am a shark obsessive and would love to work with them one day.
7. I love music, in a highly eclectic and sometimes questionable fashion...
8. I have Borderline Personality Disorder.
9. I really do want to get better.
10.My cat acts very aloof, but I know he loves me...

11.I actually prefer the taste of Diet Coke above the regular.
12 .I have a substantial weakness for silly British things like red telephone boxes and tea and so on.
13.I want to do everything.
14.My reading speed is 556 words per minute.
15.I work very hard not to correct the grammar of people I speak to..I am a spelling and grammar nazi.
16.My boyfriend gave me a beautiful Swarovski Crystal necklace for our second anniversary. It didn't cost the earth but it is so pretty.
17.I like to eat Marmite straight from the jar.
18.I love the bath, and like to spend at least two hours in there whenever I can...
19.I use recreational drugs. This does not mean I am a bad person. I would never enter a situation where another person or animal would suffer as a result of what I do.
20.I am nineteen years old. I am terrified of being alone and not making something of my life.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
1. I work as a hostess at the Congress Center in Valencia

2. My grandmother is a very eccentric woman, and she's a singer

3. I have a thing for high heels

4. I only lost my virginity a few months ago, with my current boyfriend

5. I secretly wish I could become a pinup model

6. I don't have many friends, I spend a lot of time by myself

7. I would like to have a best girl friend

8. I'm in my last year of Uni, doing Audiovisuals

9. I lived in Liverpool, UK for 5 months

10. I don't take much care of my hair, and I should considering is arse-length

11. I hate cooking for myself, but love reading recipes and copying them when I cook for my boy

12. I wear glasses to read the blackboard at Uni

13. I have a 14 year old brother

14. I have an eyebrow obsession

15. I'm on the pill

16. I speak Spanish and English and I'm learning German

17. I've only had one boyfriend (my current boyfriend) and I hope I never have another one because I love him to death

18. I love receiving letters

19. My favourite band is the Smashing Pumpkins

20. I love the smell of freshly cut grass


Well-known member
I'm gonna try too!

1. I can't handle critisism well
2. I'm a dreamer and I love fantasy movies and fantasy books
3. I believe in ghosts and the supernatural, had a weird experience once myself.
4. My bf is my first bf ever, we are together for almost 6 years
5. When I get angry I throw with things LOL
6. I always read before I go to sleep
7. In the winter I sleep with socks on
8. I can't cook (my bf cooks everyday)
9. I love cats, especially my little kitten Purdy
10. Obsessed with lip-stuff (glosses and lippies)
11. I don't always look on the bright side of life
12. tries to go on a diet but can't resist cookies (the rest I can!)
13. I don't like my body (stretchmarks and so on....)
14. I have 1 older brother
15. I love pink and purple
16. Afraid of insects and everything creepy-crawly
17. I watch As the world turns every day, if I can't I record it
18. Laughs when bf is farting and burping (also when I do it)
19. I have a scar on my chin (I fell when I was a kid)
20. Obsessed with clean teeth, never go to bed without brushing them!


Well-known member
1) I have two cellphones, but I have yet to memorize the phone numbers for either of them. Ive had one phone for about 2 years, the other for 9 months. I moved 9 months ago, and I still dont have my new home phone number memorized.

2) I once ate rice pudding for all of my meals for a week. I love Kozy Shack.

3) I can't stand the sight or sound of babies getting injured/dying, people getting stabbed, or hit with heavy objects, or seriously injured when I watch movies. I make my boyfriend cover my eyes with his hands, and expect him to react quickly so I wont get upset or grossed out. I even expect him to do this as we are watching new movies in the movie theatre.

4) I moved to Hawaii from New Jersey 9 months ago. I purposely cover up my accent when I am at work.

5) I currently moderate for a forum with 62,401 registered members. As of this post, I have 2,371 posts. Before a site crash that occured last year, I had more than 10,000 posts.

6) I love to eat pasta and noodles. I love Nongshim Spicy Beef Ramyun. I enjoy making up my own pasta dishes.

7) I love to sleep and to take naps. My friends and family know its a lost cause to try to wake me up while I am sleeping.

8 ) I enjoy watching informercials. Back in highschool, I used to watch QvC and HomeShopping Network when I was bored.

9) I once fried an Oreo in butter and ate it. It was freaking delicious.

10) My apartment doesnt have air conditioning. We only have a tiny fan. Sometimes, I sit at work for a few extra hours so I can enjoy the free air conditioning.

11) I almost always buy items that are on sale. However, I will shell out full price for makeup and food.

12) My boyfriend owns more sneakers than I do. He has more than 80 pairs, and I own 10.

13) My current wardrobe is pathetic. I usually wear my work uniform or pajamas. I gained 25 pounds and havent bothered shopping for new clothes.

14) It is my dream to one day own and operate my own business.

15) I think that any and all things related to Harry Potter are cool.

16) Sometimes, I wish I had friends. My best friend is in college and I rarely see her. I miss her all the time.

17) I like to collect things. (cds, hello kitty, makeup)

18 ) I am adopted. I used to forget that I was Asian American because all my family and friends were Caucasian. The thought of me looking different from them, never really occured to me until i was in my early teens.

19) When I was little, I always wanted a Barbie House. My parents could never really afford one. When I was in 6th grade (12 years old, and over Barbie) , they bought a Barbie House for my little sister. I was pissed.

20) I love watching the Discovery, Food, and History Channels. Im a geek.


Well-known member
I don't know why I didn't see this post sooner...time to resurrect it!

1. I have two sons, ages 17 and 10, and have two stepdaughters, ages 18 & 16.

2. I didn't like my husband when I met him. He had big hair and facial hair (both of which I cannot stand on a man...thank god he shaved and cut his hair!)

3. I'll be married 13 years this November 20...

4. I hate living in Florida (except for the Keys...

5. I want to move to Colorado in two years and live in the mountains.

6. I run marathons, 1/2 marathons, 10Ks and 5Ks.

7. I started out doing triathlons, but I almost drowned in one, and stuck to running.

8. I used to despise running.

9. I am only 5'2"

10. I love that my legs are muscular.

11. I love candy...any kind...especially Cotton Candy Bubble Yum, candy corn and red licorice.

12. I hate black jelly beans and licorice.

13. I lost my virginity when I was 19 to my then-boyfriend. I wanted to get out of HS a virgin..I have no idea why!

14. I have always wanted a baby girl.

15. I wanted all my kids before I turned 30...my youngest was born when I was 29.

16. I am studying art at the university.

17. It's my 4th degree (and I am adding to my student loans!!)

18. I quit a VERY well paying job to go work for MAC and go back to school.

19. It was the best decision of my life.

20. I have smoked pot exactly 1 time in my life...and it was when I was in my mid-30's...I got an asthma attack and never did it again. I've never done any other type of drug.

That was fun!

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