20 Things That We Don't Know About You!


Well-known member
yay this is funn

1. I'm very conservative and closed when I meet people, I wait to see if they are my type of person and If i could open up to them and be my goofy selse.

2. I was born in Armenia, and lived there in the sumemrs and would move to Russian in the winters until I was 8. Then I moved to America and have been living here since.

3. Once I finish highschool, then go to a university, I'm going to move to Europe, preferobally England or Russia.

4. I've secretly always wanted to be a Model, but I've always hid it from everyone because I don't want people to make fun of me.

5. I watch America's Next top model like its my religion. I even watch the reruns on VH1 although i've seen them over 5 times.

6. I'm afraid of getting my heartbroken, so If guys ask me out and i don't LOVE them, I don't take a chance.

7.I hate taking pictures because I'm not photogentic. AT ALL.

8. I love the fashion industry. I love mixing and matching clothing, and my style is very vintage colors, the forest greens, navy blues, whites, grays, and the pinks. I never wear any orange or yellows or like highlighter blue colors.

9. I've pretty much tried EVERYTHING in my life. And if i stuck to one, i'd be so damn good at it.

10. I've done- ice skating, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, soccer, web-designing, ballet, rythmic gymnastics, make up, snowboarding, surfing.. etc.

11. I'm attracted to the jerk type of guys.

12. I act so different by attractive guys.. I suddenly turn into this conservative girl, when i've known the guys for about 7 years, and it sucks.

13. I have blue eyes, when neither of my parents and only 1 of my grandparents has green eyes.

14. I'm 16 and I've never truely been in love. It's allright im still young.

15. 16 is the age when i started to think a lot about everything in life.. and i try to live life every moment and remember it.

16.I know 2 languages, but understand 3. (Armenian, and English I know, i Understand russian.)

17. I have a bad temper. Get me angry and I'm sure I'll make fun of somebody and hurt their feelings.

18. I run from my own problems, and a postpone things A LOT.

19.I love the beach, and everything about the ocean. If i was homeless, that's where i'd live.

20.Last but not least, I've always wanted to look like barbie... hah


Well-known member
1. I have naturally green eyes even though both my parents have brown

2. I'm addicted to chocolate, rainbow sherbert ice cream, and MAC

3. I've never dated hispanic men b/c my dad used to hit me (so I'm scared of them)

4. I earned my B.S. in Mathematics and I want to be an actuary (though I studied math to become a teacher and I'm great at it, but the pay sux)

5. My bf is my bf and we've been together for 40 months (he keeps track)

6. My bf is 1/2 black (Virgin Island) and part Portugese, French, and Burmese with a B.S. in CS with minors in math and physics (super nerd!)

7. I luv, luv, luv old movies... TCM and me are like this (fingers crossed)

8. I don't want kids cuz I'm afraid I'll be like my parents (see 3 and 18 )

9. I get my kicks out of making people laugh

10. I treat others like I want to be treated (and when I don't get that treatment back, I get really angry but I keep it inside)

11. I'm jealous of my sisters b/c they are alot prettier than I am

12. I secretly wish I could be a photographer/makeup artist

13. I'm not good at maintaining friendships b/c I used to move around a lot and never learned how

14. I have this obsessive need to check my email every 1/2 hour even though I know I won't have any new emails

15. My house has to be clean... I'll wake up in the middle of the night if it's not

16. I used to be a size 5 and now I'm a size 12 and I don't ever want to go back (I luv myself this way, I don't like guys staring at me)

17. I love the smell of coffee but I hate the taste

18. I overheard my mom telling her friend that I'd never made her proud and to this day, I haven't forgiven her for it

19. I broke my foot while snowboarding and when it gets really cold, it hurts like hell

20. I've had the opportunity to meet Alkaline Trio twice in my life and I want to do it again


Well-known member
1. I am mexican with a polynesian last name so ppl give me a funny look sometimes wen they try to spell it out!

2. I have a 7 month old son who I love to death and hope to raise in love and in God.

3. Today was my first wedding anniversary

4. I still cry when I get shots simply because I hve a deep fear of needles.

5. I am 18 years old.

6. I know spanish, english, some portugese and some german

7. I am addicted to avocadoes!

8. I loooooooooooove SHRIMP its the best thing ever!

9. I play soccer

10. I love starbucks alittle too much!

11. My great grandpa was rich in mexico.. only cus he tricked the indians out of their land.. ( kinda like what the americans did to the mexicans.. yeah)


13. I love Mexico and Im not afraid to say it.

14. I hate mexicans who deny where their from. ( I was born here but I have dual citizenship)

15. I am the 2nd of 5 sibling

16. My mom is only 35

17. My dad is only 36


19. I had a pet bunny named snowball who died

20. I am a woman above everything else.


Well-known member
1. I have two older brothers who I absolutely adore, but are very strangle-able at times.

2. I'm a Political Science/Psychology double major.

3. I plan on joining the military when I finish my degrees, but I'm not sure which branch yet.

4. My car's name is Heathcliff because that's what my grandmother was going to name my mom if she was a boy. It's my way of teasing them.

5. I respect my mother, but I *LOVE* my father.

6. I'm Irish and Spanish, but you'd never guess it from my auburn hair, light gray eyes and the bajillion freckles on my back.

7. I work in retail, and have almost lost my faith in humanity because of it.

8. I lived in NYC for 11 years, and I hated it so much that I will never do it again. Nice place to visit, though.

9. I lived in Florida for a short time and loved every minute of it.

10. I was a competitive cheerleader for six years, but I only joined it because I loved football and it was the only way my parents would let me go to every game.

11. I've sprained my ankles countless times between tumbling and dance. I've mastered the art of "walking it off"

12. I'm ambidexterous and got in trouble for it when I was in second grade because I switched my pencil halfway through what I was writing so it was in two different handwritings. They thought i had someone else do my homework for me.

13. I had my jaw dislocated when I had my widsom teeth removed.

14. I've been to every state on the east coast at least twice.

15. I'm afraid of cats, dentists, and escalators.

16. I'm one of those people who does stupid things/has weird things happen to them ALL the time. I have "Only Christin could do that" moments every day.

17. I love politics and debating.

18. I supposedly have a "New York" accent. I have no idea what that means- everyone else has accents, I'm normal.

19. My best friend and I have been mistaken for twins countless times.

20. I grow my hair every year just to donate it. I've been doing it for 9 years now.

MAC is love

Well-known member
1- i wanna do soooo many things...i have no idea what to major in
2- my sister is a MAC artist (who i haven't spoken to in years)
3-my mom and me actually get along. i love that woman!
4- obsession with hello kitty
5-going to cosmo school in the fall
6- can be very moody sometimes
7-i'm scared of the dark
8-i'm a sucker for sunflowers and daisy's
9-i'd rather buy MAC than a LV bag
10-i've never had my wisdom teeth removed
11-i'm scared of the dentist
12-in 1st grade i fell off the monkey bars and landed on my arm

13-i have a bf that is super sweet<3 but idk if i wanna be with him if i leave for college..
14-i'm 100% mexican (just born in US) yet i'm not that dark at all!
15-i have 3 brothers and 3 sisters (5 of them are half)
16-i speak spanish fluently
17-i hate bad drivers
18-i love food
19-i've never been to any other state in the US other than nevada
20-i adore my dog like no other


Well-known member
1. I'm 22, 5'6, love my curves & my hair [ash blonde ooo yeaaah]. Alot of peeps say I'm down to earth. I like that they say that =)
2. I have been to University and studied Criminology/ Crime & Justice and also Information Technology. I want to go back asap and study something design/drafting/architecture related... just not sure exactly.
3. I used to be a cheerleader & promo model but I found it all too superficial and I felt uncomfortable with the sleaziness.

4. I drive a 2002 Mitsubishi Mirage called Luigi and he is the colour of Teal Pigment

5. I am addicted to coffee but I only drink it at work.
6. My favourite foods are strawberries & cream, cucumber, peanut butter [gotta be crunchy. Thats a must.]
7. My favourite movie is In God's Hands. Favourite bands are 311 and Spank Rock.
8. I love love love my Nintendo DS [Animal Crossing Wild World addict] and my Sidekick II.
9. I hate my job [Im a receptionist and I had over 500 calls today
] and I want to be an Architectural Draftsperson.
10. I've never seen snow.
11. I love the beach.
12. I do drugs. Not crazily. I know my limits.
13. I've never smoked a cigarette and I don't plan on starting any time soon.
14. I wish I was Mexican and was from the Bay Area in Cali. I love Hyphy hahaha.
15. I don't believe in negativity. It's not helpful to anyone. I don't like bitchy people and I try actively to be nice to everyone I meet.
16. I have green eyes but I wish they were brown. This forum makes me want that more than anything. You all have such beautiful gorgeous eyes! Ahhh *drool*
17. I love clubbing, love raving, love the casino [roulette & poker]. I have a bjillion close friends and I love them all. Love my boyf of 2 years more than anything.
18. My horoscope is always right and I follow it religiously. Speaking of religion.. I'm a semi-buddhist. I believe in the principles, I just don't attend church/ temple/ etc or try to force my belief on anyone.
19. I love the smell of grass, the ocean, etc. I love looking out over landscapes, up to the sky, out to sea.
20. I absolutely adore palm trees, hotel parties and all of you!


Hi Girls!

This is such a cool thread. The spirit of camaraderie here, is so uplifting. Anyway, here's mine.

1. I think Dita von Teese is gorgeous

2. Im an introvert

3. I find surgery fascinating. I occasionally
watch surgical videos online.

4. Like you, I enjoy make-up

5. Doing autopsies is my dream job

6. Im not a good cook. I dont like frying.

7. Im an agnostic

8. I'm a housewife. No kids.

9. I find it challenging to discipline and motivate
myself. For example, Ive been putting off
studying for the GRE.

10. I like ducks. They look perpetually neat and
their wobbly butts are amusing.

11. Im asian. Korean-filipino

12. I like listening to opera. La Traviata is my

13. I'm always daunted to approach mac counters.
I somehow find the MUA's intimidating.

14. I think Pierce Brosnan looks stinky.

15. I just dreamt last night that i lost all my
teeth. They just suddenly crumbled like
eggshells. A few years ago, I dreamt that I
puked my intestines out.

16. Im 5'3, 107 pounds

17. At the back of my mind, i earnestly hope
that there really is a god.

19. For me, books are indispensable.

20. Im scared of worms and serpents


Well-known member
My Turn!

1. I have lived in the same apt in NY since birth (I am now 22)
2. I went to college wanting to be a doctor and changed my mind 3 yrs into being pre med
3. I have been battling anorexia since age 16, and have gotten down to the 70 lb range twice (not proud of this)
4. I am absolutely addicted to shopping and especially shopping for makeup
5. I am a very jealous person.
6. I care too much about what other people think
7. I haven't been able to keep a best friend because they always betray me
8. I am naturally a 30g bra size, and I am proud of it
9. I adore sushi
10. Sometimes i prefer to read by myself than to go out
11. I am really outgoing and always try to make people laugh
12. My mother is like my best friend, although she also knows what to say to send me into a rage
13. I have an insane temper, especially when dealing with family
14. My bf is my first bf and we have been together almost 3 yrs
15. All of my grandparents died before I was born
16. I am first generation american, my sister was even born in the ukraine
17. I think softcore porn is a waste of time
18. I am in love with Darren Hayes, even though he is gay
19. My favorite series ever was charmed
20. I was a professional competitive dancer for 14+ years. Had to stop when I went away to college


Well-known member
1. I'm 25 years old, most people think I'm about 17.
2. I'm 4'11" and have big boobs.
3. I work at UPS with a bunch of guys.
4. I hate my job.
5. I'm currently attending college for a health care office degree.

6. I have never intentionally farted in front of anyone Ive ever dated. Farting in front of boys is just too embarrassing for me.
7. I LOVE zombie movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. I absolutely love zombie makeup/theatrical stuff!!!!!!!
9. My feet are so small that I have to shop in the kids shoe section.
10. I'm childfree and I plan on being that way for a long time, if not forever.

11. I LOVE animals especially dogs and birds.
12. I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't want one either.
13. I usually don't trust anyone I date.
14. I have a crappy self esteem.
15. I'm really shy and usually don't talk a lot in front of people I don't know.

16. I love to travel, but rarely have the money to.
17. I like to watch 80s tv shows, I have this obsession with the Golden Girls.
18. I also like cheesy 80's music.
19. I'm usually broke.
20. MAC gives me ladywood.


Well-known member
01. I have a son named landon who is 20 months old

02. I moved in with my boyfriend when I was 17 years old & we're still together & counting

03. My younger sister & I have the same birthday's (August 11) but we're 5 years apart.

04. I have nearly $10,000 worth of MAC makeup. Go figure.

05. I'm 100% Filipina but born & raised on Maui.

06. I work at the Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa. Look me up. I might just send something to your room if you're on vacation & staying at our hotel

07. I have a really bad temper! Sometimes, hard to control.

08. I don't care for fish unless it's Ahi & it has to be prepared sashimi or poke style which means it's RAW.
Sounds disgusting but almost every local person LOVES it!

09. 97% of time I go somewhere, I'm always using Black clothing. I don't know why. It's my favorite!

10. I smoke cigarettes. Eeewww, i know.

11. I'm not an alcoholic or anything but I can handle my alcohol pretty well. Most times, I can drink a large bottle of Jager (bombs) by myself & still be perfectly fine.

12. I'm a racer chic

13. I thought my boyfriend how to drive stick. Hahaha.

14. I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. It's paradise & we call it Maui, Hawaii.

15. I used to be a webdesigner but I stopped. Very time consuming & hard work.

16. I get irritated easily.

17. I don't really like buying expensive handbags. I have a few but it's a waste because all it does is sit in my closet in it's dust bag, collecting dust. I'm afraid of using them & getting them all dirty

18. I was once addicted to myspace but then it got boring after I discovered Specktra

19. I hate mint flavored ice cream. YUCK!

20. I am an MTV, Court TV & informercial junkie. Haha. I watch these channels all day, everyday.


Well-known member
1. I collect Pez dispensers.

2. I love animals and my black lab Cookie is like my child so I spoil him.

3. I'm scared of the dark and I've never slept without a nightlight.

4. I could live off cupcakes!

5. I have trouble sleeping and have all my life, I usually go to bed around 5 am.

6. I'm only 5'2" and I love being short!

7. I love Hello Kitty.

8. When I get mad/upset I have to buy myself something, retail therepy never fails!

9. I have alot of dreams involving MAC.

10. I have a pretty bad caffeine addiction.

11. I'm a huge Star Wars nerd.

12. I love the smell of fake tans and pool chemicals.

13. My best friend in the world is my boyfriend.

14. I have two younger half sisters that mean the world to me.

15. I love Marilyn Monroe.

16. I'm obsessed with The OC and I cried for over an hour after the last episode.

17. I can't go anywhere without chapstick, I even keep a tube in my bed!

18. My favorite color is the whole rainbow.

19. I worry too much, and I freak out about every little sound when I'm alone.

20. I'm about to start school to be an esthitician, even though I was in cosmotology for all 4 years of high school and should have more than enough done to take the exam for that or cosmetology, I was lazy and careless then.


Well-known member
1. I have multiples piercings: three on one ear lobe, two on one earlobe, one cartilage, and a navel piercing.

2. I have three citizenships: American, Bahraini, and Italian. All legal.

3. I hate girls who correct you on manners.

4. Despite being half-Arab, I act, dress, talk, and act like Eurotrash :X

5. I use parasols when I walk around in a city or am on the beach. Completely paranoid about pale skin.

6. My brother has a pilot's license and I am afraid to go in his little propeller plane.

7. I can't sleep unless all the doors on the floor are locked and shut.

8. I'm one of six children.

9. About half my family (three brothers) are Muslim, two of my brothers are Catholic, and I'm the lone atheist.

10. I was born in NYC, and have lived in Anchorage, Alaska; Hong Kong; Manama, Bahrain; Amman, Jordan; and Oslo, Norway. But I consider myself Bahraini since I've lived there for the longest time and most of my family is there (and Italy).

11. I get grossed out by slutty clothing.

12. I collect parody pornography ("Pulp Friction", "The Perfect Secratery", "The Hole", etc..)

13. I've been dyeing my hair since I was 12.

14. I love cranberries, the smell, taste, and color of them.

15. I have a fear of falling on my face and losing all my teeth.

16. I can't stand it when people randomly start to sing in class.

17. I intuitively know what bothers people... I mean, what they're the most self-concious about.

19. My father doesn't know I have a navel piercing.

20. I have two dogs (Bichon Frise, Toy Poodle), one ferret (Dante), two vipers (Armand and Marius), and one python (Vittorio). The vipers are actually my brother's but I take care of them anyways.


Well-known member
ohhh lets see if i can come up with all 20

1. i'm a total princess and it doesn't help that my mom's nickname for me is princess

2. my school, living expenses, and other necessities are paid for by my parents until i'm done school

3. i'm secretly worried about ending up alone (i don't do bfs well and i haven't met anyone new in a long... LONG time)

4. despite what ppl say, i am korean. 100% korean. both my parents are korean. many ppl think i'm at least half korean and half_______

5. though i'm asian, i'm tall and curvey i'm 5'8" and have 34D boobs

6. my mom says considering all the junk i eat, i don't gain weight fast. its true i eat junk food half the time especially when i'm in school cuz i'm really lazy. but if i really ate consciously, i can loose a lot of weight fast!

7. i love working out but i have to be motivated. for example if i don't force myself to go on monday, or even tuesday the latest, most likely i won't go for the week. but when i'm there i'mt here for min 3 hrs

8. though i'm studying music in university i hate playing the flute.

9. i learnt about harsh reality of musician's life in gr.4. after i got my first rejection letter to this performing arts school

10. i'm impatient. if theres something i want I WANT IT NOW!

11. my way of snowboarding confuse a lot of ppl. my board is set up as goofy, i ride goofy, but on my way to the lift i'm regular

12. i can't burp out loud. i tried. can't i just get a burst of air coming out but no sound

13. oh yeah to one of my above statements, i'm tall for an asian, standing at 5'8". i have REALLY long torso. my legs are infact same height as girls that are 5'2. sometimes regular length jeans are too long for me and they end up being dragged. i wear 30-32" length

14. i have had cosmetic surgery done. i have these nasty holes on my forehead from chickenpox scars and i had a scar revision but its still there

15. i plan on getting my nose done perhaps next summer. i think my nose can be better and also in hopes that i'd stop doing bunny noses

16. though i may not show it, i'm really self conscious. sometimes i even cry about it

17. i'm really scared of the future. because i want to be a teacher and there are so many teachers i'm scared that i won't get hired. if i do get hired, i'm scared how i'm going to live. teachers in ontario's salery start from 38 000

18. i'm 5'8" i weigh 145lbs (somedays 150 lbs) and my body is made up of only 22% fat (keep in mind my 34D cup boobs) and 22% is perfect,fit, healthy 20 year old's body fat % but i feel like 145 is a big scary number. though i know ur bf% is more important than what the scale tells u because muscle weighs more than fat and i've got a lot of muscle

19. i have massively huge calves so i can never wear knee high boots nor skinny/straight leg jeans

20. i really don't know how to apply make up. i don't understand the whole sections of your face and ur eyes. i just dab colours here and there and vola i look decent. and id on't plan on learning about the different parts of ur eyelids because what i've got going works. but i know ur supposed to put lighter colour right below ur brows


Well-known member
1. I'm addicted to World of Warcraft.
2. I'm a trained opera singer.
3. I was never vaccinated and my daughter and future children will not be vaccinated either.
4. I can only sleep sideways or diagonally in the bed.
5. I have 6 brothers and sister and only 2 of them, I really like.
6. I work in a children's hospital but I'm holding out and waiting for that MAC job. :p
7. I can't stand cigarettes. EWW!
8. I'm a conservative.
9. I'm Roman Catholic and super proud of my faith.
10. I'm a great cook; I learned from my grandma, whose father was a German Baker.

11. I don't believe in luck --- I think everything happens for a reason.
12. I am VERY pro-life.
13. I used to be addicted to hair dye, but I'm better now.
14. I don't believe in circumcision.

15. I was raised by my grandparents.
16. I have been to Italy and Germany and much of the Caribbean and Mexico and Canada. I want to go back to Italy. <3
17. I got to see Pope John Paul II before he died.
18. My birthday is August 21.
19. My engagement ring is Tanzanite and Diamond. Sooo gorgeous.
20. I'm addicted to MAC Shadesticks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tsukiyomi

17. I got to see Pope John Paul II before he died.

thats cool! i was supposed to perform for Pope JPII when he did world youth day in toronto back in gr.9. he stayed at the st joseph's convent (right next to my high school) but my band director was pissed that i was leaving the school to go to the performing arts school, he pulled me out of the ensemble.
wish i met him he's so awesome. rest in peace jpII


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jennzy
thats cool! i was supposed to perform for Pope JPII when he did world youth day in toronto back in gr.9. he stayed at the st joseph's convent (right next to my high school) but my band director was pissed that i was leaving the school to go to the performing arts school, he pulled me out of the ensemble.
wish i met him he's so awesome. rest in peace jpII

He was so adorable. I saw him over in Rome at St. Peter's while he was giving an audience. He was sitting in his chair and he had on these red shoes and I remember noticing that his feet didn't touch the floor.


Well-known member
Here is mine!!! BTW This is a fun thread, I love people, everyone is so interesting!!

20. I love blood..literally. Blood and guts. Nothing makes me nauseated. Someday I will be an RN.

19. I almost lost my husband to a horrible car accident after we had only been married six months. My 3 year anniversary is in September.

18. I believe in dreams. I believe that my grandmother comforted me in a dream after she had passed..

17. ..and I have a tattoo for it.

16. I am addicted to diet coke. Bad. I will have one even if I am up at 6 am.

15. I care too much about other peoples opinion of me.

14. I drive my dream car. I wanted it since I was 14 and I cried when my husband bought it for me.

13. I love my mom more than anything else in the world. She is my best friend.

12. I am deathly afraid of chainsaws. Even the noise could bring me to tears if close enough.

11. I am scared of losing my parents. I do not know how I will go on without them.

10. I love gross horror films.

9. I have a girlcrush on Sheri Moon Zombie. I love watching her ass in 'House of 1000 Corpses.'

8. I have a little black Pomeranian named Sophie. She sleeps in my bed with me when my husband is out of town.

7. I realized I was a typical american housewife when my husband came home from work and I was crying to Oprah.

6. I have no enemies.

5. I sit too much on the computer when I could be doing something productive.

4. I play the violin and piano.

3. I hate to clean unless I am by myself with nothing else to do.

2. I am in the process of buying my second home and it is literally being built across the street from where I live now.

1. I am used to getting what I want. Sometimes I still throw fits. A happy wife is a happy life.


Well-known member
I can't remember if I've posted in here or not.

1. My first, middle, and last name each have 6 letters. Out of those 18 letters, 9 are vowels and 9 are consonants. It wasn't intentional, either. I just noticed a couple of years ago.
2. I've never been inside a hospital in my life. I wasn't even born in one.
3. I can solve a Rubiks cube in less than 5 minutes.
4. I have naturally blonde hair and dark brown eyebrows.
5. I say the word "comfortable" with four syllables, and... a lot of people laugh at me when I say it. Hah.
6. I have associative synesthesia (look it up) in which I visualize colors in response to music.
7. I love pink, rainbows, and leopard print.
8. I can't sleep unless my head is completely under the covers.
9. Continuing on that topic, I also can't sleep unless I'm wearing thick socks. Otherwise I can't stop imagining a spider biting my feet.
10. My room is painted pink.
11. I'm obsessed with analysing vocals in songs. Usually if I'm riding in the car with someone and listening to the radio, I'll end up giving them a constant commentary of what I like, don't like, or think is interesting about the vocals of whatever song is playing, whether they care or not. I also have the highest and lowest notes I've ever heard from all of my favorite singers memorised.
12. I wear belts sideways. Like, with the buckle on my left hip instead of in the front. I started doing it a couple of years ago, and I'm not sure why I do it. Now I automatically put belts on that way, and it doesn't even occur to me that it's different unless someone asks me why I wear belts sideways.
13. When I was younger (like 11 and earlier), I thought makeup was stupid and I hated the color pink. Hahahaahhhh.
14. I like to write, but I don't finish stories. As a matter of fact, I just start them. I'll think of an idea for a story, write 5 to 10 pages of it, and then get bored with it and move on to my next idea.
15. High-pitched sounds don't hurt my ears. For example, I participate in theatre and choir at school, so I hear microphone feedback often. It's weird when it happens and everyone else is freaking out and covering their ears, while it doesn't affect me at all. It just feels like any other sound.
16. I'm bad at completing lists.


Well-known member
1.) I'm addicted to peanut butter. I can't resist

2.) I'm uuuuuber shy to ppl i don't know and it takes me forever to be myself

3.) that said, i'm actually extremelyyyyy loud and funny enough that many ppl have told me i should do stand up. lol

4.) i'm almost 21 and i've yet to have a boyfriend

5.) i'm a mutt: i'm 1/2 iranian, 1/8 armenian, 1/8 irish (i have the freckles to prove it), 1/8 french canadian, and the rest is scottish and english

6.) i don't actually own any MAC...YET. i'm waiting til i get back to school so i can get my own PO box and buy stuff.

7.) when i'm on break from college i work at mcdonalds (if you ever get chicken selects they're only good when they're fresh, so ask them to cook some for you if they're not fairly fresh)

8.) i'm going to college in ri, studying biology, and plan on going to dental school in two years (i'm a junior now)

9.) when i walk down stairs, i turn my body and feet to the right. idk why i do it, but i've done it since forever

10.) i vacuum insects

11.) i looove taking pictures... i'm a wanna-be amateur photographer haha

12.) i don't have a car anymore, and havn't driven in over 2 years. i only drove on the highway once during my driving lessons loool

13.) i plan on living in the city/on the border of a city so i can use public xportation

14.) i sleep on my stomach and i magically always wake up on my back

15.) i shed hair like whoa llol

16.) i've always wanted 3 piercings in each ear, and i finally did it almost a year ago and i love it

17.) i never knew that i had really curly hair until a few months ago. don't ask me how i never knew...i thought it was wavy, but nopee, i get these goo
orgeous banana curls and i love them

18.) the first thing i do in the morning is turn on my comp. and check my email and specktra

19.) cherries are my favorite food ever

20.) i can't stand talking on the phone, and if i have to talk to someone for over 30 seconds i get ticked like no other. no clue why since i'm actually a really patient person. hhaa

ok, that was reaaaaally random

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