2008 Presidential Candidates Comparison ( Side By side)... DOn't know what to think.

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Well-known member
This whole discussion is so odd to me. I don't understand why Matt Damon's point of view on Sarah Palin is even relevant?

I also don't get why so many on here are so hypocritical. People post one thing about how a particular poster acts or speaks, etc. and then, turns around and does the same exact thing.

If you are deciding on who the President of the United States should be with just your "heart", then I hate to say it, you will be making a huge mistake. Decisions like this need to be made with your brain. I've made decisions in the past based solely on what my heart was telling me. Whoa! Were those some doozies!

Please note that I am not saying voting one way or another is the only way to use your brain. You can be either party and still vote intelligently for either candidate. I just have trouble with arguments that are based on personal feelings versus facts. It becomes to much of a war of words....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
I feel the "governing body" should, ideally, be comprised of medical practitioners and patients,
*not* by (usually primarily male, but male or female)
government officials.

Again, government intervention is necessary to mandate that the procedure is available to patients.
If you had listened the other night, you would have noticed that McCain said "Leave it to the states to decide." because he's a Federalist. he said that he thought it was a bad decision, but he said that because he stated that he felt that the decision should be mandated within the states individually in order to keep the federal government smaller.
Those are key points for what you're arguing.
The ONLY reason you're wanting the Federal Govt to uphold RvW is because it's enforcing the position YOU believe in, whereas if it disagreed with your position, you would be railing and yelling about "State's rights! State's rights! Leave it to the people in the state to decide! State's rights!!"

]No, Shimmer, it is not.
You are excellent at debate, and I am not, in this case, for reasons ranging from my priorities at this very moment, (my son wants my attention) to my lack of knowledge in some ares. BUT...

A) Yes, I am excellent at debate.
B) I don't care what your priorities are, if you can't manage them and maintain a coherent posting pattern for the sake of debate, perhaps you need to focus your energies on one or the other, but not both.
If your son needs the attention, pay it to him, but don't use him as an excuse when your posts are systematically dismantled by myself or another member, claiming "Oh, I was distracted by my son, you know the 4 year olds special needs child I'm raising..."

Shimmer, I feel you simply want to argue, which is evident to all who follow us around this thread, whether they lurk, thank, or actually post.

That's quite interesting given my posting history in this thread has HUGE gaps in it. Further to the point, I've generally abstained from the debate simply due to lack of interest in attempting to reason with people who refuse to see anything other than their own focus.
I wish you no harm.

Why do so few people post? Well, Specktra *is* mainly a forum for makeup discussion...But I cannot help imagining some people feel intimidated, especially when they might step on the toes of mods.
Mods are people, just like the rest of us.)

We certainly are, and we have the same distractions anyone else does.
He backs abortion rights and doesn't want to see the landmark decision upholding legalized abortion - Roe v. Wade - overturned, nor does he support a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion. "
(link below)
Of course, I present the view of my candidate (as found all over the Internet, not simply in this one article.)
Of course, I will be biased. Politics is never objective, as it's about "people".]

I must choose the person/people whose values *most* resound within me.

Please do so.
Understand that I will be doing the same.

Go ahead & shoot holes in what I've written, what I have not answered you on...it's alright, as I have to go about my Day.

I'm sure you'll offer your rebuttal tomorrow or the next day.

My views and what type of person I am are widely known in this tiny microcosm of the world. I needn't keep discussing them. I'm sure I will return, though, (so difficult to resist) but I have a Life besides here (as you do; I was not saying you don't, Shimmer.)

I'm glad you're not implying I don't.
May our country be about equality, a celebration of diversity, a fabric of people from everywhere, a place people may look to and say, "The USA is a country of free, peaceful people." I am such a hippy; yes, I know.

Hope your Day is beautiful!




Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
Shimmer, I feel you simply want to argue, which is evident to all who follow us around this thread, whether they lurk, thank, or actually post.

Wow! What a huge assumption. I actually feel this way about you right now (the simply wanting to argue part) to be quite honest, Cheryl. And, normally I don't.

It is totally unreasonable and unfair to declare your "feelings" about another poster as being "evident" to everyone else.


Well-known member
Actually, you brought up a really good symbolic image of what is happening to Palin and happened to Hillary.

Yes, it's a witch-hunt alright. A 2008 modern day witch hunt. Those people did not bring it upon themselves for what they suffered.

Where in the world does anyone bring it on themselves to suffer from unjustified defamation of character and slander? Where was the trial? What were the charges?

Oh, but the masses chanted, "Hang them!" "Burn Them!" "They are the devil and should burn in Hell!" It did not take much to persuade the crowd. Fear was at the bottom of it all.

From this media, it's looking like somethings are not willing to change and neither does the power of $$$ to burn someone at the stake.


Well-known member
"he is saying *he thinks* we, the public, the American people"

He does? "We" means the American people? Is it His public, your public or the American public. The American public is divided on the candidates, so it's not the American people.

I am confused. I thought "we" was supposed to be some condescending meaning.

Is there a PC Bible out there? I really need one, because I took red's "we" as "We", the people of the United States of America". We are using English, but not speaking the same meanings. It's confusing.

That is a huge problem here, Cheryl. What language and words can the American people use to please all to discuss these challenges that are before this Nation?

This dancing on glass around word semantics and who can use what words is failing to demonstrate any solutions to all the issues that the Nation faces.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That's actually NOT what she advocates.
She and McCain advocate allowing the STATES to determine the position on abortion, not the FEDERAL government. Meaning that instead of having Big Papa Gov't in DC decide what we can or can't do, it's up to your state to make those decisions.

What about what she believes!

How her beliefs will influence her choice of supreme court justices, if she were to be president; which I am sure is a statistically higher probability than Biden in an Obama presidency.



Well-known member
(I'm sorry about what happened to the 13-yr-old girl, SparklingWaves. That's horrible.)

Thank you for your kind words about my dear sweet friend. This is the month she took her life. Her favorite song was People and Places by Journey. Every year, I think of her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
... This is the month she took her life. Her favorite song was People and Places by Journey. Every year, I think of her.


Sending You HeartVibes



Well-known member
Originally Posted by missworld
What about what she believes!

How her beliefs will influence her choice of supreme court justices, if she were to be president; which I am sure is a statistically higher probability than Biden in an Obama presidency.


What about the people who share her beliefs?
What makes their beliefs less valid than yours?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
The ONLY reason you're wanting the Federal Govt to uphold RvW

Roe vs Wade is a very important judicial precedent.
It is not something like the age you can buy a beer, it should be a Federal law!

Originally Posted by Shimmer
If your son needs the attention, pay it to him, but don't use him as an excuse when your posts are systematically dismantled by myself or another member, claiming "Oh, I was distracted by my son, you know the 4 year olds special needs child I'm raising..."

Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'm sure you'll offer your rebuttal tomorrow or the next day.

I'll say no more... Tori put it best: "I believe in peace *****"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by missworld
Roe vs Wade is a very important judicial precedent.
It is not something like the age you can buy a beer, it should be a Federal law!

Of course it is. It took a state power and gave it to the federal government.
I'm not arguing a woman's right to choice. I'm arguing that states have a certain amount of power and responsibility that they should retain.

That's obvious on all levels, from social consciences to how you address others here.

I'll say no more... Tori put it best: "I believe in peace *****"


I find that distinctly hard to believe.


Well-known member
Does this mean that if I don't agree with you that the people who are "thanking" you and backing you up are also a "clique of sycophants"?

To say that Shimmer uses viperous repartee and then the call her a leader of a group of "sycophants" seems somewhat hypocritical. And to be honest, your posts seem much more heated and vicious than others that I've seen on here.

I don't give two shits if Shimmer is a moderator or not. Misschievious is a mod as well and I disagree with her on many points. Doesn't mean I don't think she is a good person, just means we have different views. I highly doubt that being a mod is keeping others from speaking out regarding their views. I'd venture to say that it is just because this thread has become frustrating and cumbersome and the closer we get to the election, the more we are talking about this all day long in our lives. Not everyone wants to come here and post about politics seeing as how this is predominately a makeup board.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa;1338660missworld wrote (below) "... large [I
elements of her campaign on her Hockey Momness!!!"
just to be clear....I know....semantics.....[/I]

My point still stands. She is not basing her campaign in large, medium or small elements of "Hockey Momness". The campaign is based on issues. Her use of the discriptor Hockey Mom was simply a way to refer to who she was as a person.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
"The USA is a country of free, peaceful people."

Not if Obama is elected! I don't consider it "Free" to have him or Gov't decide how to "spread my wealth around". I worked for it - it should be my (& each individual) right to decide how best to spend the money I earned!

Originally Posted by missworld

You are an adequate debater, who uses the sort of viperous repartee below, combined with the fact you have clique of sycophants to back you up.

I resent your above blanket statement. I do not even know Shimmer, nor am I ever influenced by anyone else - moderator or not. Her points & others here simply reflect common sense.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Not if Obama is elected! I don't consider it "Free" to have him or Gov't decide how to "spread my wealth around".....

He's out shopping for tights & a bow and arrow as we speak. Apparently he thinks he is Robin Hood.


Well-known member
Please all just take a moment and try to cool the emotions a bit, so that a valuable discussion can continue without personal attacks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
Not if Obama is elected! I don't consider it "Free" to have him or Gov't decide how to "spread my wealth around". I worked for it - it should be my (& each individual) right to decide how best to spend the money I earned!


That's the point. Money that *I* earn is MINE to spend as *I* see fit, not as the government determines it needs to be spent to make up for others' purposes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
He's out shopping for tights & a bow and arrow as we speak. Apparently he thinks he is Robin Hood.

I love this quote , i read it to DH before he walked out the door =D What a wonderful image I will have in my head now =D


Well-known member
sycophants ? So are you honestly saying one can not agree with Shimmer on these Particular subjects without ulterior motives ? In this particular area I agree with a lot of things that she says. I couldn't care less if she is a moderator. I don't care if she likes or agrees with me in any way shape or form. As I have stated before. Just b/c we agree in one thread does not make us a clique. We all disagree strongly in other subjects/ threads.

Each persons opinion is just as valid as yours even if it doesn't line up with opinions you may hold.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
He's out shopping for tights & a bow and arrow as we speak. Apparently he thinks he is Robin Hood.

I think Obama would look good in tights.

The thought of McCain wearing tights makes me want to puke.

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