25% Off On MAC Holiday Items


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sedated_xtc
I think she's right...at least on the Canadian site, it's only on the little darling sets and nothing else =(

In Store specials differ from the website....As a matter of fact the MAC in MACY's by my house is offering 25% off their Red She Said ..I just called...the Pro Store is not however.


Well-known member
It's great that they did this for the people that still want to buy the holiday items, but for those of us that already paid full price, it is a bit on the sucky side. Basically, I wasted about $40. AND the quality this year was by far the worst yet. Oh well, lesson learned for next year. I'm inclined to skip them all together next year.


Well-known member
I skipped the whole Holiday sets this year...Thank goodness...They just did not appeal to me....and now that I know I would have gotten the price shaft I am so happy I did skip them


Well-known member
I guess i will wait next year to purchase anything. I had bought the cool eyes pallet and viva glam cool lips and a warm pigments a regular price. Kinda sucky, but oh well.


Well-known member
yeah im a little upset that I already bought what I wanted...I would have waited if I would have known.

I bought a couple things for myself yesterday (nothing big, probably less than $20) but Im supposed to be xmas shopping! So with that said, I think Ill buy my sister the warm pigment set. She likes colors like that. And its like $22. Thats not bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
It's great that they did this for the people that still want to buy the holiday items, but for those of us that already paid full price, it is a bit on the sucky side. Basically, I wasted about $40. AND the quality this year was by far the worst yet. Oh well, lesson learned for next year. I'm inclined to skip them all together next year.

I couldn't agree more. Although I haven't bought any of the holiday sets, it's not fair to the others who paid the full price when the collection first came out.


Well-known member
The good thing is I passed on the Eye brushes and now I think I will get them. Bad thing is I bought both piggy sets. Hey lesson learned


Well-known member
I caved and bought the little darlings warm pigment set. At 22.13, I could not pass it up. Also got another 217 brush (!!) Yes, I know, I have loads of brushes, but that brush, it's just so right. I wanted to have one to use exclusively for concealer (works brilliantly to buff it into the skin) and the other one for eyeshadows.


Well-known member
WoW, I just got the e.mail today 25% off. and don't know what to buy?? help me guys any suggestions??
Ok, can anyone tell me how long it will be valid??


Well-known member
You are my brush guru Rachel!

I am happy for you guys who can enjoy the sale! It is annoying if you already bought a lot before the sale but at least you can safe a bit now.

If we would have that sale here I would buy the basic and face brush set now.

And probably the warm pigments too even though I already bought two of them as samples.


Well-known member
I really want the charming Garnet:Glamour Basics and the 3 Rose Lips and What ???????????


Well-known member
Ok that sale was really bad......LOL....i got no sleep so I could whip on over to the mall before work yesterday morning....figuring i didnt really need anything due to my surplus of makeup as it is...I thought I'd get myself some lipglasses and perhaps my sister a set for christmas....when I went to pay for them low and behold...the pro discount was in effect 25% sounded good..but 40% was even better......soooooooo......I managed to buy myself one of EVERY eyeshadow sets.....2 lipglass sets-for me....my sisters set...plus an eyeshadow and lipglass set for my mom!! Needless to say......it was not a cheap morning!! LOL.... but well worth it!!!!


Well-known member
I wish the Red She Said stuff would go on sale too. I had to skip the collection for my sanity. Why can't I live near TISH1127's counter...? Sad face.


Well-known member
I was alllllll set to skip everything from the Holiday stuff (with the exception of the brushes I already bought) and then I got the 25% off email... with free shipping...

Sooo I bought both pigments sets, and a l/g set. I may hit up a MAC near me after Christmas for the other l/g sets, too.