Age - Do you look yours


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I personally can't look at myself and judge. I will say that people RARELY guess my age. Most people assume I'm in my early 20s. A guy, who was 22, thought I was 19 or 20. LOL. I was like, sweetie I am 27. He couldn't believe it. I have had several people who think my 25 year old brother is older than I am.


Well-known member
Im 26 and I do NOT look my age. People are always shocked when I tell them my age...I guess that's a good thing.

However, when I deal with anything regarding my daughter it really makes me upset that people dont take me seriously. They usually think Im her older sister.

But I guess it really is a good thing I dont look my age
If it wasn't for the little wrinkles starting to form around my eyes...I'd believe I was 18 too


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♥MiCHiE♥ - I wouldn't have guessed you are 31. Nope.

Lipshock - I could see why someone would guess 18, but then again you do kind of look like you're about 21.


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The makeup helps---slightly. Without it, I'm getting hit on by all the old men
, 'cause you know they like 'em young.


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well i started going clubbing when i was 16 coz all my friends did [u have to be 18 here obviously lol] and i never got i.d'd once. and as soon as i turned 17 i started getting i.d'd in most places which pissed me off. but im 18 december 31st so i cant wait. Most people say i look about 21 when i dress up which i thinks good coz i kno i can get served at the bar but when im at college i look my age sometimes older depending on what im wearing etc. when i wear no makeup etc.. i look about 12 lol


Well-known member
I'm usually mistaken for being older than I am. When I was 14 my singing teacher thought I was at least 17, which I thought was cool at the time. It means my fake ID's usually pass as real, but I'm hoping I don't always look older.


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Originally Posted by glam8babe
well i started going clubbing when i was 16 coz all my friends did [u have to be 18 here obviously lol] and i never got i.d'd once. and as soon as i turned 17 i started getting i.d'd in most places which pissed me off. but im 18 december 31st so i cant wait. Most people say i look about 21 when i dress up which i thinks good coz i kno i can get served at the bar but when im at college i look my age sometimes older depending on what im wearing etc. when i wear no makeup etc.. i look about 12 lol

heh so true! i started going to bars/clubs in actual town newcastle when i was 15 and IF on the rare occasion i did get asked for ID i would just simply say no and tell them my 'birthdate' they then would just say no probs just bring it with u next time and once inside i could buy a million drinks and never get asked for ID heh
now that i am 18 id say 7 out of 10 times i get asked for ID which i hate as its such a faff and a bit embarrasing if they proper inspect your licence to see if its real.

i personally dont think i look very young (well not a questionable 18 at least) and have long dark brown hair and dont dress like a complete tart when i go out usually stick with a trendyish dress then i see about 16 year olds wearing bright pink boob tubes and denim glitter skirts with plastered on make up with ott glitter eyes and tacky heels and they get practically escorted inside lol does NOT make sense


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I've always looked older. I'm 18 now and most people assume I'm at least 25. But I've always looked a bit older than I really am. I think it's to do with how you project yourself and so on.


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IM 17. some people that dont know me say i look 15& some even say i look 18, 19. usually i get the 15-16 alot. :[


Well-known member
I'm almost 35 and people usually think I'm around 27, so I'm not complaining

I don't really do anything special. I'm blessed with a good set of genes (my mom and aunt also look about 10 years younger), I have a healthy lifestyle, drink lots of water and I'm taking really good care of my skin.

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
im always being mistaken for older than i am
people ask me what college i go to, and i go "uhhhh highschool?"
i dont get carded that often, but i guess not many younger kids buy lottery tickets, haha. i think they're fun! and since a lot of places dont card me, my friends have me buy their cigarettes. i think it makes me seem older when i buy more than one pack, like, not many kids under 18 seem to be smoking 3 packs of cigarettes often enough to buy them all at once. haha. also people at mac have suggested i apply, and i tell them i will when im 18, and they are like " mean you're not?"

haha. i guess its alright. online im told i look around 20-23 ish


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I personally think I look my age and always have. But apparently no one else thinks this.

When I was in my third year of veterinary school, I almost got rounded up by the truancy officer one day when I went to lunch. I was 22 at the time and the police officer thought I was an adolescent skipping school. I also went to see an animated movie(Toy Story?) with my mother around this time. They were going to charge me the under 13 admission price.

When I was 27-30, I was an officer in the Air Force. Ran into lots of people who didn't even believe I was old enough to serve. Constantly got hit on by 18-20 year old enlisted men when I was out of uniform: they didn't realize that I was an officer and much older.

It's not any different now that I live in New Zealand; the drinking age here is 18 and I routinely get carded. And I still get hit on by teenage/early 20's men. I'm in graduate school and the undergraduates seem to think that I'm their age.

It's just really weird. I'm 33.

I think in my case, race plays a large part. The people who assume that I'm younger than I actually am are usually Caucasian/Anglo. My skin is dark, so I don't show signs of sun damage easily. I don't have any wrinkles or age spots, and I think a lot of paler people my age do. So I think people look at me and go "no wrinkles, so she's young and prematurely grey." Just a theory...........


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I've looked 20 since I was about 12 or 13. My parents & brothers make fun of me because in the school pics we have hanging around the house you can see how they've matured, where I can barely tell what grade I was in when the pics were taken.

Though I suppose since I'm 20 now, my age has finally caught up with my looks, lol.


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im 25 and people think always say 'omg i though your were 20!' my reply is GOOD!!!!

hopefully when im 30 ill look 25,i dont have one wrinkle yet...and i hope it stays that way!(yes i know it wont!)


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i look younger than most my age
but im cool with it.
i dont look really young, but i definitely dont look old for my age.


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I think I look like I am in my mid-20s. When I was in my early 20s, someone asked me if my parents knew that I was skipping high school. Oh Well. I am in my early-30s...very early....oh I mean I am 24!!


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Im 20, but i often get mistaken for really young like 16-17. especially if im wearing no make up. the car salesguy thought i was still in high school. he kept asking me how old i was because he didnt believe i was in college.


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I think I look my age. A lot of people say I look older than 18, but thats probably because of my body. I think I look about 18.

I work with all older ladies, so I'm sure I look 18 to them. Guys don't seem to care what age I look lol, they just stare either way. I would kind of rather look maybe 20-22 right now, because I'm tired of everyone treating me like I/my opinion don't mean anything because I'm so young. Thats not a nice feeling. I'm sure if I looked a little bit older people wouldn't act that way, but I am very mature for my age (I think)

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