Age - Do you look yours


Well-known member
I'm 15. In normal clothes people think I'm uniform people think i'm 12.
Whenever I pickup the phone people think I'm 4 LOL (I have a high little baby voice) lol. What's funny is my younger brothers have the exact same voice as me so no one can tell who is who - maybe till they hit puberty lawl.


Well-known member
I find the older someone is, the younger they think I am. I was chatting to some elderly ladies (over 80) at work and they asked me how old I am and were shocked when I told them I am 25; they thought I was 17.

I am a 'mature' student at University and some of my fellow course mates had assumed I was the same age as them (19).

I do have a chubby face which probably attributes to my youthful looks, if I were thinner I'd probably look more my age. I have a few fine laughter lines around my eyes but they are barely detectable.


Well-known member
I get a mixed reaction, but mostly guess a couple of years younger than I am. I am 25 so really like it when ppl say I look younger. But everyone sees different attributes, some say I have a baby face and others will guess me a couple of years older cos I apparently have a more mature outlook / personality (due to older siblings).


Well-known member
I am 18 now and most people think I am around 22/23. I'm 5ft 9 aswell which seems to make people think I'm older for some reason too. Most of my friends are older than I am, my ex boyfriend was 20 and I suppose that just rubbed off on me. Maybe I share the mannerisms etc of that sort of age group and socialise in the way that age group would. I would say I look a lot older than I am. I never tended to dress like a teenager I always had to have something a little classier or unusual. With makeup on aswell obviously that makes a huge difference. I like to look well groomed!

Since I was 12 I passed for 18 at the movies. Then when I was about 15/16 I was easily served in bars. I've actually never been ID'd.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jot
The id thing makes me laugh - i kept getting asked for id in the supermarket when i'd done a shop for food - it amused me to think which under 18 would by nice wine, champagne and a rack of lamb! and pay with two different accounts.

This same thing has occurred to me. I get carded at the supermarket for buying good wine and "responsible" groceries. If I really was under 18, I probably would rather not have "good for you food" and some sort of Merlot.
I remember being a teen, and wine and lamb were really not what I was buying. I remember grocery runs at that age consisted of soda, M&Ms & ice cream.

I also think people must think I'm under 18, because I get carded at R movies and when I buy my Dad or friends cigarettes. (this doesn't happen much because I don't smoke myself)

But one time I had a good chuckle. I got asked to exit a swimming pool because I wasn't with a parent or guardian and when I got out of the pool I noticed that you had to be 14/15 or over to swim alone.
I was 22 at the time and we both had good laugh when I told the lifeguard my age and had to show ID. I was like...dang...I must look super young....

Of course...if I still look that much younger when I'm in my 30s+ I probably will be considered lucky.


Well-known member
I just turned 29, but am still carded constantly, and people think my two years younger sister is older then I am. Yay for taking care of your skin! I feel younger then I am too, and I think that contributes a lot to how others view me!


Well-known member
I'm 20 and a lot of people think I'm much older than I really am.

When I'm with my little brother and sister, a lot of people think I'm their mom and it irritates the hell out of me. I get those stupid people at the cell phone stand tell me, "Excuse me miss, want to buy a phone for your daughter?" or I had the "Have a Happy Mothers day" (I was alone). I got so mad this one time, I started to cry. hahaha

I get excited when people ask me for my i.d. I went to buy a cigarette cutter for my Dad and the s.a. asked me for my i.d, I was like "SURE!". haha...

I wish their was some miracle way so I could make myself look younger. haha


Well-known member
I look way younger than I am, like 6 years younger..
I suppose it's a good thing..

I have an older sister who is smaller than me. We're of same height though.
She does look younger too and people think that she looks like my younger sister. She's so happy because she thinks I look older than her. But no, it's my behaviour, wisdom and responsibilities that I carry that make me look older and wiser than her..

mona lisa

Well-known member
I look between six and thirteen years younger depending on who is asked. (Average guess is about eight to ten years younger.)


Well-known member
i'm 19, i look 17 without make-up and 21 with it. I think i look older, cause i never got carded in my life for now. But seriously, i have some fotos without any make-up in a tank top and some fotos with major make up in a dress, and thats like.. cant be the same person. LOL.

Nooo, Shimmer doesnt look her age and definitely dosnt look like she has children at that age, like she said! OMG NO!


Well-known member
I'm 20. People think I'm 12 if I wear capris with no makeup on. Seriously, when I was 17, the waitress asked the people going with me to a buffet if I needed the children ticket. Last year, I was in Mexico and there the drinking age is 16 and I always got IDed even though I was with a huge group of friends. Also last year, I flew back from Austria to Belgium with a friend, I had no makeup on. I waited for my friend to buy train tickets for both of us. My friend and the person selling tickets were speaking Dutch for a while. Later, she told me that that person insisted her to buy the children ticket for me because it was half the price.
I don't mind looking young. If I dress the way I usually do and wear makeup, people guess the right age, so to me, it's no big deal


Well-known member
With Make-up on.. I don't get carded.. or at least, I think I look 19. But I've been told I look young.
But without make-up.. I look like a little kid. Hahahaha.


Well-known member
I'd say it depends on the day but probably older, my personality is young. But my visage probably isn't. I guess if I ever get brave enough to post a FOTD (but I don't consider myself that great at makeup lol) I will take your input into consideration heh

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I'm 21 but I look between 15 to 18 depending on what I'm wearing, my makeup and how my hair is done. Everyone in my family looks younger than their age so I'm hoping I have good genes like them. I eat well, work out and wear sunscreen so I'm hoping that'll be enough.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
i'm 19, i look 17 without make-up and 21 with it. I think i look older, cause i never got carded in my life for now. But seriously, i have some fotos without any make-up in a tank top and some fotos with major make up in a dress, and thats like.. cant be the same person. LOL.

Nooo, Shimmer doesnt look her age and definitely dosnt look like she has children at that age, like she said! OMG NO!

I actually had that discussion with some customers today.
"Oh you have kids? I bet it was hard to put them in daycare when they're so young..."
"o.0 Um. My kids are...well old enough to not be in daycare. But thank you!"
"WHAT? Really? You...How many? Four...Dear God. *choke*"



Well-known member
I find it hilarious that when I am out with my son and daughter (almost 13 and 11 respectively), I get mistaken for their older sister.

If you look at my photo in my profile, how old do you think I am/look? It's become a game to me to see what folks think since I have yet to meet someone who guesses my real age or close to it...


Well-known member
I get mixed responses. Some people tell me I look older and some tell me I look younger, while some say I look about my age. So I'd say about my age which is good, I just hope I don't look 40 when I'm 40! :p


Well-known member
LOL Shimmer, see? You rock, i would never ever EVER guess YOU can possibly have 4 children not daycare age. How old are yours btw?

Pfffff Rbella lies, she doesnt look 35 at all, i would say 26-28 maximum.

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