Age - Do you look yours


Well-known member
(Your hair in your avatar photo is so beautiful, i wish i could suit a fringe!)

I think a lot of the time people have difficulty aging people as in the entertainment industry someone playing a 16 year old on camera is usually nearing 30, and most of the older actors/actresses have had work done (or at least have great skin care regimes and facial peels).


Well-known member
im 22 but many people have told me theyd age me 26, which i think is somehow weird, as it feels like 26 is meant to be nice, so i think most people age me even older and try to be nice by saying 26... if anybody understands what im trying to say?

i cant really say i look my age, as i dont know how a 22-year old is supposed to look. maybe they think im older because i look so serious? i dont know.


Well-known member
*giggles* when im clean shaven ive been told i look 24-25. when i dont feel like shaving for a few days ive been told 30-35. which is crazy b/c im barely 21 and i was told those when i was 18-19. when i was in high school and i'd dress nice people thought i was a teacher and got to their seats. lol i guess its good since im going to be teaching!


Active member
I'm 33 and look alot younger. I get carded when buying lottery tickets and buying age restricted cds and movies.


Well-known member
Heh, I haven't been carded in years! When I was in my early teens people thought I was much older (like 20). It was pretty disturbing to have older men coming on to me when I was 13 and knew absolutely nothing about men, yikes! When I was in college I pretty much looked my age and stayed looking 22 or so for many years. Now I'm starting to really look my age (37). I can see it in my skin (too many years growing up in the sunshine state when sunscreen was unheard of) and teeth (too much coffee).


Well-known member
the other day, i was asking my boss about something that involved age and being carded for drinkis/smokes and he says "no offense, but you look about twelve, so you should definately be carded anywhere you go," haha...i'm nineteen.
idk, maybe it's because i don't wear any makeup besides foundation and mascara to work so my big round eyes aren't really camouflaged like they are when i use eyeshadow.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
Lipshock - I could see why someone would guess 18, but then again you do kind of look like you're about 21.

Apparently I have a babyface.


Well-known member
I'm 17 but because of my height (about 5ft 2), many people think I'm about 14! When I wear make-up, I look my age (sometimes older), thank goodness


Well-known member
i'm 15 and because of my height people used to think i was about a year or two older, but i haven't grown since 2 summers ago, so now i guess i'm tall enough for my age. :S

little teaser

Well-known member
i still get carded every time i go in the store and club, i had a guy card me the other day at the store and he kept looking at me then my


Well-known member
I don't know if I look mine (I'm 18). Some people think I'm 15 or 14 and the others say it depends on my clothing... It doesn't matter but sometimes it's embarassing when I go clubbing or if I want to buy a drink (in Switzerland it's 18 for alcohol). But I'm proud of my baby face


Well-known member
Most people think I'm a lot older than I really am. I usually get between 23-27, when in reality I'm nineteen.

It's kind of weird. I don't really want to look like I'm older, I'd rather just look what I am.


Well-known member
I'm 16 but I'm sure I could pass for a 20 year old if I tried. I act like I'm 10 so I guess it kinda evens it out.

But about people looking younger, once your skin starts saggng and your hair turns grey, it won't matter how little you are, you'll still look OLD


Well-known member
I look a lot younger than my age.
Which is a good thing, because when I hit my sexual peak at 40.. I can still hit on younger guys!



Well-known member
I've always looked younger than I was and until last year or so I used to hate it, because people used to think I was a teenager when I already had a unversity degree in my pocket. The worst incident once was when someone believed I was 16 and asked me whether I was looking forward to the summer holidays. I had a great time explaining that I was actually 23, had completed my Master's degree a year earlier and was in the midst of getting my Doctor's degree. Hehe, what fun ...
Now I'm 25 and looking maybe like 23 ... I can live with that and I'm beginning to see the good sides since when I hit 40, I'll look way younger (and will hopefully need less Botox, or whatever *lol*). But before, I sincerely hated looking younger (well, when you're 16 and look like 13 that's not so pleasant).
I get mistaken for being older quite a lot. At school they kept trying to charge me the teacher price for food. I don't get ID'd these days either even though almost everywhere ids anyone who looked under 21 (i'm 19). I don't like it!! Someone once even told me i looked about 28!!


Well-known member
I tend to surprise people when I tell them how old I am. They think I'm a good 10 years younger. Thank the good Lord for my parents' good genes!


Well-known member
I used to look a lot younger than my age, but these days I look older....I spent a few years living outdoors 24/7, I live in the tropics, I have had chemo, and I have hereditary giant bags under my eyes....I live a really clean life and never party, and I keep myself thin . I don't know too many women over 45 in Hawaii who are a size 2. That makes me look much younger from a distance, and I carry myself younger. I've had a rough life and it does show a bit on my face. Two years ago I looked about 32, now I look about 48, in my guestamation.

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