All about ACNE


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Originally Posted by caffn8me
Accutane/Roaccutane is pretty serious stuff. Here in the UK it is recommended that it is only prescribed under supervision of a hospital specialist. It might be worth trying Tretinoin (Retin-A) first which is also a prescription drug. I've just started on this myself (yes, I know, I'm nearly 40 and shouldn't get acne but I do - arrgggh!) and it seems to be working so far.

Yes, be careful with accutane. Side effects include really freaking dry skin, nosebleeds, liver damage, depression, bowel disease, suicide and birth defects. Some doctors will not even prescribe it unless you are on birth control because of the terrible birth defects it can cause. This is seriously the last resort!


Well-known member
i use neutrogenas oil free acne wash, witch hazel as a toner, nelsons acne gel and tea tree cream.

i also do the salt and honey thing nessa reccomended once a day. my acne is pretty much gone besides the few pimples that came on from my period.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by JunkaLunk
Where could I get this???? You got me interested :] If you have scars would it help that. My scars arent pits or anything like that they are just discolored... eh so gross :[

It might help with discolouration (it's helping me reduce redness) and it's a prescription medicine but doesn't require a specialist to prescribe it so you should be able to get it from your regular physician rather than a dermatologist.

It comes in three forms - a gel, a lotion and a cream. I use the lotion but that was just personal choice. You do need to keep out of the sun while you are using it or wear a high SPF factor sunscreen and as with any medicine there are potential side effects which you need to be aware of.


junkalunk: GO TO YOUR DERM!!!! im on the beginning of my 4th month on accutane and it is the best thing in the world. to me it really isnt a scary thing. yeah it causes birth defects, but as long as you take you birth control, youre fine. i usually take mine with the accutane at night right before bed (i put the pills on my nightstand so i see it). the side effects are crappy but TOTALLY worth it. i used to get nosebleeds everyday, but they were very minor. just like a few drops. my lips are dry, theyve only cracked once, but at night a put layer after layer (its like an inch thick) of aquafor on it and in the morning theyre relieved. i broke out bad in the first 3 months, im just now starting to clear, and yeah it was depressing. i think thats why people get so depressed on this pill is becuase it gets worse. you just gotta keep telling yourself that you'll have great skin in a few months. dont let anybody scare you about this pill. its not as bad as you think. i got so tired of taking all of those other pills, topicals, pro active, changing my diet, sometimes water only for 6 days straight. it just isnt worth it b/c it didnt do anything for me. only accutane. i understand the whole dad thing too. i had to move in with mine at 17 and that was like his first time really taking care of a kid. it wa so hard to talk to him, but once you get it out there and tell him how you really feel and how miserable the acne is, im sure he'll understand.
my first advice though would be to try going on a birth control to even out your hormones. a lot of my friends tried that and it helped. everybody's different, for me it was ACCUTANE!!! hope that helps. good luck


Well-known member
I have the same problem with my skin. I just break out on my cheeks and chin and on my cheeks they are usually painful huge cyst like zits that take forever to surface.
I have started using St Ives cream cleanser and I do the Queen Helen Mint Julep Mask (you can buy it at any drugstore for $4). My skin has totally cleared up. If you have red marks from old zits I would recommend St. Ives Apricot Radiance Age-Defying Cream Cleanser. You leave it on for 3 minutes and for best results you wipe if off with a tissue instead of washing it off.
Make sure you moisturize your skin well. I use Olay Moisture Therapy Cream with Aloe for Sensitive Skin. It has no oils or fragrance in it. You won't see results right away but they will come with time, I promise.
Also a big no no is constantly touching your face, and don't pick at your zits.
Good luck and I hope this helps


Well-known member
I am glad there are people who had postivie effects with accutane. But 3 out of the four people I know had the worst side effects. One almost flunked out of school because of it. Just be really careful, it is only the last ditch effort.
Retin A is freaking BRILLIANT!!!


Well-known member
Ok - my update on Retin-A after about a week (bearing in mind that they say it takes several weeks to have a full effect). I am flaking like crazy day and night but as long as I don't stratch myself or rub my face it's not noticeable during the day. The redness I've had from acne scars has diminished significantly and after exfoliating my skin feels incredibly smooth. I am sure the pores on my nose have diminished in size and get less clogged - they are certainly much less noticeable. Friends are already commenting on how great my skin looks. I think I've fallen in love with this stuff and wish I'd tried it years ago. I might even be brave enough to get a close up picture when I'm round at my sister's as my own camera is worse than useless.


Active member
I hardly ever break out but this summer I had one break out right before back to school of about 3 cysts on my cheek and a couple of my chin. Since this is abnormal for me my mom took me to the doctor and she gave my clindoxyl and Mito cyclin? Or something in pill form. I admit I really didn't need them before but now that I take them it's sure fire I won't break out. I really like them and think they'd work really well for you.


New member

Ok..i have acne on my face as everybody does, but I really don't know how it gets on my entire body!! It's not that severe, but I have acne on my back, neck, and arms!! It is so annoying that I just want to peel it off!! The worse part of the situation is that my prom is in 2 WEEKS!! Im wearing this tube style dress, and I don't know what I can do to get it off!!! Can anyone give me advice to try to get them off!!! Im so desperate, and I'm really trying hard to eat right!! I'm drinking water like crazy, but I really don't know how to get it off, and from it to never come back!! So PLEASE feel free to give me any advice, remedy, or anything for this problem!!


Well-known member
Keep drinking tons of water. Also, do NOT touch your face... or other places where you break out... it can spread the bacteria causing the breakouts. also, try to wear natural clothing products... ie, cotton and such... it's more breathable for your skin. Synthetics can cause irritation.

Do you use a scrub on your back and arms? You might want to try. Especially a scrub with salycic acid in it (Murad makes one that I use!) Also--- for my face, I wash with cetaphil for normal to oily skin, and once a week do a clay mask (I use Queen Helene's Mint Julepe... I HIGHLY reccomend it, and it's sold everywhere!!! -drugstores, grocery stores, etc.)


Well-known member
Go to a dermatologist hon. :/
Also, the advice about scrubs with salicyclic acid in them is good.


Active member
derm. works wonders.
and tanning. especially for the back acne. outdoor is nicer cuz its like natural but indoor tanning helps out too..

so that honey thing really works? what do you do just wash your face then put it on? for how long?
whats the after feel like?



Does anyone know any thing that works to get rid of acne on your back? I reallly really would appreciate your help.


Well-known member
I would first see a doc or dermatologist to see what they say. It could be acne or for example, keratosis pilaris (like the red bumps some people get on the back of their arms. Harmless, just annoying). I mention this, as acne and keratosis pilaris have diff means of treatment and the recommended treatment for one, could worsen the other.

Acne could be reduced by regular, gentle exfoliation and a treatment. Clinique makes a spray bottle acne med. That would be easier for application to the back area. Don't overdo the exfoliation and treatment though or your skin could get too dry and begin to produce more oils and possibly more acne. HTH.

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