All about ACNE


Well-known member
Thank you all so much. I wasn't checking up on this thread so much, didnt realise all the advice that was given- SO THANKS!!!

But I did go to the derm. And my skin is sooooo clear. I've been on doxycycline (antibiotics) for about a month. I didn't have serious enough acne for accutane, not even tetracycline (which is the next step up I beleive). I'm also on some topical treatments that work wonders.

again thank you all for your help. I hope this thread has helped others too.


Well-known member
I used to have bad acne on my back. It was awful. I tried Doxycycline and it didn't work. The only thing that worked for me was going on Diane 35 bcp. I've been clear on my back for 10 years now.
And I stopped taking Diane about 7 years ago...


I hate acne.

For the record, I have had acne for... oh... 10 years or so. It went away briefly while I was pregnant and for a year afterwards. It has sprung up again so badly that a doctor finally said, "Uh yeah, we're going to get you referred for Accutane". Great.

The scars are still there though, and it sucks. My skin could look practically flawless, were it not for the scars. I have some bad "pock marks" as they're called. I really would like to have something done to 'fix' the damage, but I don't know what could be done. I feel like I have halfway decent makeup skills but because of the remnants of acne, my face just makes my eyes look terrible (I focus on my eyes as far as makeup goes)

Also, as far as smaller, angry red pimples go - what in the world can I do to get rid of them? I am attending a pretty dressed-up event on Thursday w/ my hubby and it would be nice if my face didn't look so... angry.

Sorry for the rant. lol. I'm just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences.


Well-known member
Been there...

Are you using anything to lighten the scars? Hydroquinone (doctor prescribed %) works wonders. However, post accutane I still had red marks but it will take time before that fades. Get a good light weight concealor and depending on how long you've been off the Tane you can do some gentle exfoliation to brighten the skin. I just finished my accutane course so I know what your going through. However, I'm just 1 month post-tane and the scars and redness are nearly gone.


Well-known member
On a few Tv shows (10 years younge w/ dermatologists who are "with" all the new advances etc) I've seen them inject fillers into pock marks and scars which has really made a difference.


New member
Acne Treatments that actually work!

My frustration has brought me to seek recommendations from my fellow users on acne solutions that actually work! Your recommendations and experiences would be very vauable to all that visit this spot


Well-known member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work!

Simple, non complicated, natural cleansing.

I am using:

Neals Yard Palmarosa cleanser
Neals Yard Lavender Water Toner
Neals Yard Violet Day cream
Lush Enchanted Eye cream
Neals Yard Hypericum and Calendula cream (on the blemishes)

To remove make up: Lush Ultrabland.
As a twice weekly scrub (no more than that): Lush Herbalism.

Don't overscrub your skin, you'll only spread the infection. Don't touch your face, again spread infection.

Use a seperate towel for your face, and wash it regularly. Drink plenty of water, eat plenty of fruit.


Well-known member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work!

I use TCA peels, aspirin mask, benzoyl peroxide if I have a flare up. Oh, and drink lots and lots of water!!!


Well-known member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work!

Depends on your type of skin. A good general skin care system is the Planidote line from Origins. I love it. It helps heal and calm inflammation in your skin that leads to breakouts, redness, fine lines and wrinkles, dryness, etc. Real has helped even out my complexion. It's a bit pricey but you don't need everything in the line. Just the cleanser and maybe moisturizer would be enough for you to see results.


Active member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work!

The only thing that has worked for me is the ProActiv line. I use the 3 step system. I have used it for years. I have occasionally strayed to try other products, but my acne always flares up and I end up returning to my tried and true ProActiv. My skin would have moderate acne without it, and when I use the ProActiv, I am blemish free! I am 30 years old and have had acne issues since I was 10.


Well-known member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work!

After trying to change skin regimens, my skin broke out the worst it's ever been--millions of tiny red and whiteheads with lots of cystic acne, you name it, I had it. After going on Pro Activ again, I realized it wasn't working fast enough. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me Tetracycline. It's an anti-biotic that I took twice a day for 2 months. Plus I drink about 2 litres of a "green smoothie" every day.

- 2 fruits (apple, pear, banana etc.)
- 2 handfuls of leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, baby spring mix etc.)
- 4 cups of water
- 6 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
- 3 tablespoons of honey

Blend together in a blender and enjoy
This is to flush out all the toxins in your system. Yes, you go to the bathroom a lot but it's worth it.

For my face:
- A very gentle (and simple) cleanser (Cetaphil etc.)
- Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant
- Spot treat with Benzoyl Peroxide
- Neutrogena SPF 30 moisturizer
- Makeup

- Makeup remover wipes
- Gentle cleanser
- Apple Cider vinegar toner (ACV:water; start with 1:8 until your skin settles well with it, and then move to 1:1)
- wait 10 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water
- spot treat with BP
- moisturize

ACV on your face helps to balance the pH of your skin. It doesn't burn but leaves you feeling refreshed. It's also a cheap way of fading acne pigmentation and evening out skin tone. I've been using this entire method for the month of january and my skin has drastically improved. I'm about 98% clear, save for a few tiny bumps you can't really see. I hope this helps.


Well-known member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work!

Paula's Choice 2% BHA + Avene Diacneal has made the biggest difference in my acne. SOOO much better than it used to be!


Well-known member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work!

Murad. I've never had terrible acne, but bad enough that I sought the advice of a dermatologist. She put me on a couple of things (some over the counter and some not). My mom bought and tried Murad, and she loved it. She gave me their system around Christmas (luckily not part of my gifts
), and I've been on it for a little over a month. I get a few random pimples here and there, but nothing like the crops that I would get when I wasn't on Murad.

Love it!!


Well-known member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work!

Well it depends on the gravity of your situation and what type of skin you have. I'm assuming you haven't gone to the doctors for this? In that case...

I'm acne prone and if you're like me, then most over the counter things won't work for you. ProActiv didn't work for me but I know other people have good luck with that, Murad was much better but still not what I needed. One thing that worked wonders for me was simply switching cleansers, from harsh meant for acne ones, to sensitive cleansers.

-I use MD Formulations for cleanser.
-The above mentined Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant is very good as well.
-I spot treat with benzoyl peroxide.
-But the one thing that totally changed my skin was Green Cream, it's made a huge difference.

Oh and moisturize too of course! Lots of people have good luck with aspirin masks and Avene Diacneal too.


Well-known member
Re: Acne Treatments that actually work! saved me

Proactiv worked great, but then all the sudden it just stopped working after a few months. After about a year i tried it again and it did the same thing!

-Wash with Cetaphil cleanser
-2.5% Nuetrogena on the spot almost all over
-Cetaphil moisterizer

-2.5% nuetrogena on the spot ALL over
-Jojoba Oil mixed with cetaphil cleanser

About every 3 days my nighttime routine is a little different.. To exfoliate i rub jojoba oil all around my face and you can SEE the dry skin in the jojoba oil. Sort of gross but it works wonders. After that I use cetaphil to wash the jojoba oil off and any remaining dirt/dry skin that the jojoba oil got etc.

Every friday i use philosophys microdelivery kit as well.

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