All Things Sephora


Well-known member
Thanks - I don't have the Anastasia angled brush, but I have the MAC 266 if that'll work? If not I can always buy the Anastasia one at a later date. I chose Dark Brown because Chocolate looked just a bit too orange/red for me and as I'm a natural ash blonde with black/brown hair at the moment I knew it couldn't possibly work. I'll definitely get the Blonde one though for when I get back to my natural colour at some point!

So glad to see this! I refused to buy the ridiculous bullsh*t that is the Sigma oven glove due to it being so over priced. Not to mention I'm just disliking Sigma as a company on a whole right now. I didn't mind their brushes when I didn't have any others, but now I have my MAC, MUG, RT and Hakuhodo brushes I don't care for the Sigma ones at all. I also won't buy into them selling make-up. I don't care how many "gurus" on YouTube rave about them in their sponsored videos -- after they've done a couple videos they never mention them again so the products can't be that amazing!
I have the ABH Brow pomade in Medium brown and i use my hakuhodo B162 and MAC 263 and it still works fine with either, my MAC 63 just because its synthetic hair it applies thinner lines and the hakuhodo is smaller so its more natural.

This is so very true about Sigma, I have bought from them before but only their new stuff like precision and sigmax line, they turn me off they're a copy cat and sellout brand. I didn't care for them because they copied all of MACs line (no creativity there) and I d lie their sigmax concealer brushes. After buying my hakuhodos i got rid of my precision brushes because at the time i could find a brand that makes smaller detailed brushes but my hakuhodos blow them outta the water and far more reasonably priced.

These gurus that use to rave about MAC brushes or work for MAC now are sponsored by Sigma and that's all they use because they are continued to get paid and sent free shit.
Thanks -- maybe I'll look at the 263 as it's synthetic for use with the Brow Pomade. I like the 266 for powder and I use one for gel liner as well when I decide to wear it -- which is a rarity in and of itself. I'm not much for lid liner, must be the only person in the world!

It really is, I have a lot of their brushes and liked the synthetic kabuki range but I'm planning on getting a cheaper set of them from eBay simply because the Sigma ones imo are too tightly packed and I can't get them as clean as I want them which drives me mental. I have a friend though who will love having them and my other Sigma brushes that I don't use anymore as she struggles to afford brushes/make-up in general so I'm more than happy to pass them along to her!

I find it funny that even TiffanyD, their biggest sponsored user is now not using them as much and is going back to MAC, Tom Ford etc brushes. Of course she still mentions them here and there -- but likely only when Sigma is offering her the big bucks to do so. Perhaps they saw a drop in sales when she stopped mentioning them? Then again they have their new big sponsor Jaclyn Hill shoving their products in everyones faces. I'd love to become a big YouTuber just so I could make people aware that they're wasting their money with Sigma.


Well-known member
Went to my local Sephora and got the Give Me More Lip set. I wanted to show some swatches to all of you in case you were interested. I tried to break them down into the different color categories. Here you go! It's kind of cloudy here, but I wanted to show the color in natural lighting so hopefully you all can see!
OCC Black Dahlia, Tarte Lipsurgence Lip Tint in Moody, Fresh Sugar Lip Balm in Berry, Buxom Lipstick in Menace
Tarte Lipsurgence Power Pigment in Flush, Too Faced Melted in Fuchsia, Benefit Posiebalm, Bite lipstick in Palomino
Sephora Rouge Infusion stain, Kat Von D Liquid Lipstick in Outlaw, Laura Mercier Lipstick in Red Amour, Hourglass Liquid Lipstick in Icon
Stila Stay All Day Gloss in Nude Vinyl, Laura Mercier Lip Glace in Blush, Bare Minerals Moxie Lipstick in Speak Your Mind, Too Faced La Creme lipstick in Naked Dolly, MUFE lipliner in 3C


Well-known member
Thanks -- maybe I'll look at the 263 as it's synthetic for use with the Brow Pomade. I like the 266 for powder and I use one for gel liner as well when I decide to wear it -- which is a rarity in and of itself. I'm not much for lid liner, must be the only person in the world!

It really is, I have a lot of their brushes and liked the synthetic kabuki range but I'm planning on getting a cheaper set of them from eBay simply because the Sigma ones imo are too tightly packed and I can't get them as clean as I want them which drives me mental. I have a friend though who will love having them and my other Sigma brushes that I don't use anymore as she struggles to afford brushes/make-up in general so I'm more than happy to pass them along to her!

I find it funny that even TiffanyD, their biggest sponsored user is now not using them as much and is going back to MAC, Tom Ford etc brushes. Of course she still mentions them here and there -- but likely only when Sigma is offering her the big bucks to do so. Perhaps they saw a drop in sales when she stopped mentioning them? Then again they have their new big sponsor Jaclyn Hill shoving their products in everyones faces. I'd love to become a big YouTuber just so I could make people aware that they're wasting their money with Sigma.
lmao! Those were exactly who I thought of when you said youtubers, I like their videos and try to ignore the Sigma overload. I was really happy when Templalia gave her real opinion and honest review about the brand, even if commenters gave her slack about is saying she was biased because she had all the MAC brush range, but she did buy those herself anyways.

enjoy your hakus, they are so beautifully crafted, I loved Japan when I was there and they have applied my blush and other makeup eve more flawlessly.


Well-known member
I've used this as my brush cleaner for awhile now. I bought this last year and even made a video about how I use this to clean my brush. It is worth it! Plus, it doesn't wobble if you place it in a little saucer / platter with brush shampoo mixed with a little bit of water.


Well-known member
One of the reasons why I no longer make youtube videos is because it is just too commercialized. I love just writing my blog for now and just probably go back to making videos someday.


Well-known member
I've been a fan of Tiffany D for years and I've seen her give plenty of less than favorable reviews to products I'm sure she got for free from cosmetics companies. This might be off topic but I think it's rather unfair to imply that some reviewers on You Tube are only giving good reviews because they are being paid to do so. That kind if accusation can really damage someone's reputation so, unless you know it for a fact, it's best not to speculate.

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
Just added this to my cart. Never saw it on the site
yup my girl put me on and i was like dmn that's a good idea to clean brushes that way!!

Peachtwist, i feel u lol. i dont discriminate on brushes cuz my favorite brushes range from ELF (studio joints wit the blk handle...their $3 flat top foundation one is my fave), Sonia K to MAC and the sigma set i wont from beatface n renny class!! i would love to venture out into Haku one's tho...maybe 2015 i'll make it happen!!


Well-known member
Placed my first Sephora order in months! I think my last one was in March, but it's hard to justify it with international shipping and charges.


Make Up Forever Artist Palette
Anastasia Dip Brow in Dark Brown (hair is a dark brown/black at the moment)
Tarte Rainforest After Dark Palette
MUFE Artist Shadow in M928 Eggplant (Matte)
Bite Beauty Creme Lipstick in Cassis
Bite Beauty Matte Lip Crayon in Aubergine
Bite Beauty Matte Lip Crayon in Truffle
Too Faced Melted Liquid Lipstick in Melted Berry
100pt perk: Algenist Advanced Anti-Aging Repairing Oil

Typically I placed this order the day before all the sets released.

I've asked my bf to purchase (for Christmas):

Sephora Favourites: Give Me More Lip
Sephora Favourites: LashStash
MUFE HD Complexion Starter Kit in 117 Marble.

I don't mind waiting for those sets for Christmas, but being in the UK I've wanted these types of holiday sets for years (I know MUFE one is perm) but because they didn't ship to the UK until this year it wasn't possible. I would've liked one of the perfume sample sets but they won't ship perfume/aerosol/nail polish/etc internationally. I know a few other brands on Sephora won't allow to be shipped to the UK either (NARS, Smashbox, etc.)

Plan on buying the Dip Brow in Blonde at some point when my hair lightens again. I haven't tried the Brow Wiz's because I'm happy with my pencils from MAC but I missed the brow gels from MAC so am curious about these.
Score! Boyfriend ordered me the 3 sets for Christmas yesterday. He's shipped them to my Mom's house where we'll be spending Christmas so I can't get ahold of them early.
He's a smart man. Super excited to open them and have a play. Maybe I'm crazy, I just find the sets such a good deal for the money for trying new things.


Well-known member
Just added this to my cart. Never saw it on the site
yup my girl put me on and i was like dmn that's a good idea to clean brushes that way!!

Peachtwist, i feel u lol. i dont discriminate on brushes cuz my favorite brushes range from ELF (studio joints wit the blk handle...their $3 flat top foundation one is my fave), Sonia K to MAC and the sigma set i wont from beatface n renny class!! i would love to venture out into Haku one's tho...maybe 2015 i'll make it happen!!
Oh I don't have a problem with cheaper brushes, that wasn't what I was trying to get across and I'm sorry if I offended you with that! I have an ELF Flat Top Foundation brush and I love it for powder. There are absolutely some cheaper amazing brushes out there (Real Techniques, Zoeva) that I love and find amazing quality. I just can't jive with Sigma due to the price you pay for quality and their sponsorship. I think if they stopped giving out so many free things to YouTubers they'd be able to put their prices down. They were decent quality for the money when they came out years ago.


Well-known member
Hi everyone!
Is there a date set for the VIB sale for november yet?
Thanks x!
I'd love to know this too so I can save up for it. I've never been able to participate in one. Adding a bunch of stuff to my Loves List so I can just add to bag and checkout during the sale.

EDIT: I think my biggest purchase during VIB is going to end up being the new MUFE shadows. I have 12 currently in my Loves List. Hopefully they're all in stock at the time of the sale.

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
PeachTwist noooo noooo i wasn't offended at all. i was just sayin in general and in agree-ince (lol) becuz i can see how some people esp who dnt know any better could be persuaded by these YT's to just attach themselves to just sigma or whomever they promote vs trying different brands for themselves. people dont realize when u promote somethin to the masses we wanna look JUST LIKE their end results so i would appreciate people's honesty to get it or skip it.

yeeeees the VIB sales normally start around what....end of Oct or early Nov right? i just signed up to ebates last friday AFTER i placed my order online of course **le sigh** so least now i know from here on OUT to go thru ebates!! is anybody grabbin the MUFE artist palette? the $250 one? i think imma just do singles, it's just 7 i want...for now **evil laugh**


Well-known member
PeachTwist noooo noooo i wasn't offended at all. i was just sayin in general and in agree-ince (lol) becuz i can see how some people esp who dnt know any better could be persuaded by these YT's to just attach themselves to just sigma or whomever they promote vs trying different brands for themselves. people dont realize when u promote somethin to the masses we wanna look JUST LIKE their end results so i would appreciate people's honesty to get it or skip it.

yeeeees the VIB sales normally start around what....end of Oct or early Nov right? i just signed up to ebates last friday AFTER i placed my order online of course **le sigh** so least now i know from here on OUT to go thru ebates!! is anybody grabbin the MUFE artist palette? the $250 one? i think imma just do singles, it's just 7 i want...for now **evil laugh**
Oh good - so glad I didn't offend you! I agree completely though, I'm all for wanting to look like the end result but people also need to remember that their face and eye shape is also going to determine how the looks turns out. Using the same products/brushes as a YouTuber won't make you look like said YouTuber and I feel like that's where a lot of these young impressionable girls are at. They see how stunningly beautiful some of them are with their make-up on and want to look just like them, not realising it's all cameras and flattering lighting making them look their best. Without make-up on they're just as plain and normal as everyone else is.


Well-known member

Marc Jacobs Holiday collection is out. I've never purchased anything from them but I saw this gel-liner kit and was intrigued - at $45 that's a pretty damn good bargain coming from such a high end brand. I went to put it into my basket -- Marc Jacobs is apparently one of the companies at Sephora that won't allow Sephora to ship to the UK. I'd also almost guarantee it'll cost a fortune IF it gets released over here. That's if I can find somewhere that'll sell it. Eesh!

EDIT: After doing some research, Marc Jacobs Beauty has one boutique in the UK in London. Thus, this will not be getting released here. I don't know why companies seem to think the UK isn't good enough for such brands.


Well-known member

Marc Jacobs Holiday collection is out. I've never purchased anything from them but I saw this gel-liner kit and was intrigued - at $45 that's a pretty damn good bargain coming from such a high end brand. I went to put it into my basket -- Marc Jacobs is apparently one of the companies at Sephora that won't allow Sephora to ship to the UK. I'd also almost guarantee it'll cost a fortune IF it gets released over here. That's if I can find somewhere that'll sell it. Eesh!

EDIT: After doing some research, Marc Jacobs Beauty has one boutique in the UK in London. Thus, this will not be getting released here. I don't know why companies seem to think the UK isn't good enough for such brands.
I've got my eyes on that highliner set as well!!

Do you know of any package forwarding companies in the US that ship to the UK? I'm based outside of the US as well and they're some shipping companies that would allow you to ship your goods to them from any retailer and then they would ship them to your international address for a small fee. It may or may not be worth it pricewise depending on the UK's customs duties but it's an option. (I would think, though, that HMRC would treat it the same as a typical beauty order directly from Sephora.)


Well-known member
The Tarte holiday stuff is up on Sephora!
I'm still deciding if I should go ahead and grab that Tarte blush palette or wait. I like to wait for reviews and swatches but last year it sold out so quickly and I missed it *decisions decisions*

Jackie Kaiser

Well-known member
You should get the palette if you are thinking about it. Tarte blushes are amazing and you can always return if if you do not like it.


Well-known member
You should get the palette if you are thinking about it. Tarte blushes are amazing and you can always return if if you do not like it.
Thanks! I think I will. I've always wanted to try their blushes anyways. This order will push me into VIB Rouge status. I'm halfway ashamed/halfway excited about that lol


Well-known member

Marc Jacobs Holiday collection is out. I've never purchased anything from them but I saw this gel-liner kit and was intrigued - at $45 that's a pretty damn good bargain coming from such a high end brand. I went to put it into my basket -- Marc Jacobs is apparently one of the companies at Sephora that won't allow Sephora to ship to the UK. I'd also almost guarantee it'll cost a fortune IF it gets released over here. That's if I can find somewhere that'll sell it. Eesh!

EDIT: After doing some research, Marc Jacobs Beauty has one boutique in the UK in London. Thus, this will not be getting released here. I don't know why companies seem to think the UK isn't good enough for such brands.
I've got my eyes on that highliner set as well!!

Do you know of any package forwarding companies in the US that ship to the UK? I'm based outside of the US as well and they're some shipping companies that would allow you to ship your goods to them from any retailer and then they would ship them to your international address for a small fee. It may or may not be worth it pricewise depending on the UK's customs duties but it's an option. (I would think, though, that HMRC would treat it the same as a typical beauty order directly from Sephora.)
Thanks -- I'm going to look into it and see if I can find one that is decent. There are so many out there though it's hard to know who to go with!

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