Any LOST fans?


Well-known member
OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG why can't it be next wednesday already?? Holy crap, that was an awesome episode. My hubby tried to find out about the map, but he didn't get much info other than there are several other bunkers on the island. Who's Henry Gale? Was the poor guy actually a balloonist who landed on the island? I think the fake Henry did something to start that lockdown because he was sent tby the others to infiltrate and get a picture of that map. I think the others are on the island searching for something and need all the pieces of the puzzle. How weird is it that he knew the number code and never questioned what had to be done and then he must have done something to get that map to pop up. Man, I love this show. Oh and yeah, I talk that fast and disconnected irl if I'm excited.


Well-known member
Did anyone else get the chills when they showed the picture of the real henry gale? And whyyy does he look familiar, i could not place it if he was in an eposoid of lost before maybe a small camo part(you know how they like to show ppl's lives crossing w/o them knowing it) or if i just know him from somewhere else.
I dont think that guy was sent by the others to look for something bc he was captured by the foreign lady i think he just fell into her trap by accident. but next week hurley one and i know he cannot die!!!!
And Sun pregnant?! I wonder if they will have her actually have it or mis-carriage


Well-known member
I didn't pick up on this, it was on a lost board, but did anyone realize that when Locke was doing the home inspection that it was Sayid's long lost love?


Well-known member

just watchin series 2 episode 1 now

does anyone else except me find this at times extremely slow and hate the flashbacks *yawn*

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Oh, I had not noticed that, I'm going to have to closely inspect that ID card the next time they repeat the epidode.

I don't think Sun will have a miscarriage, I think her baby is coming for a reason.

So happy, new episode tomorrow (May 3rd) and for the following 2 weeks!

Originally Posted by lackofcolor
Did anyone else get the chills when they showed the picture of the real henry gale? And whyyy does he look familiar, i could not place it if he was in an eposoid of lost before maybe a small camo part(you know how they like to show ppl's lives crossing w/o them knowing it) or if i just know him from somewhere else.
I dont think that guy was sent by the others to look for something bc he was captured by the foreign lady i think he just fell into her trap by accident. but next week hurley one and i know he cannot die!!!!
And Sun pregnant?! I wonder if they will have her actually have it or mis-carriage


Ms. Z

Well-known member
Yes, I did. Now we know the connection between him and Sayid. I think everyone for the exception of Claire (unless I missed it) has a connection to someone on the island.
  • Locke to Sayid's lost love
  • Jack to Sawyer (he met Jacks' dad)
  • Jack to the guy who ran out of the hatch (they met when Jack was trying to save his future wife's life)
  • Hurley to Libby (they were both residents @ the same hospital)
  • The middle aged black woman to Locke (she is the only one who remembers him in the wheelchair, they have both been cured of their ailment/disabilities since they have been on the island)
Who else has a connection?
  1. I think the guy who Hurley got the numbers from @ the hospital might be the one who was originally in the hatch w/the guy who ran out.
  2. Could Sawyer & Kate be related? AUGH!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Shawna
I didn't pick up on this, it was on a lost board, but did anyone realize that when Locke was doing the home inspection that it was Sayid's long lost love?

Ms. Z

Well-known member
LOST. What do you think is going on?

Does anyone think this show has some religious basis? A group of firends was discussing on the train (I also saw a few blogs where people wrote and think this too).

Some of the people in the group feel that Mr. Eko is supposed to be like a Jesus and Locke the devil. Someone suggested to me that maybe Claire's baby is supposed to be evil (remember how the tarot reader got scared when doing her reading) and Sun's the christ child.

How about how the "others" only seem to kidnap people they feel are good (like the children) and don't want the survivors (who so far, many have really bad past).

The "others" better not be a group of pedophiles (someone suggested that too), that would make me so freakin' mad!

Who do think is going to die this season? On the one hand I think it will be Libby. Why? Because she's trying to change Hurley's lifestyle & because she's falling for him; It seems good things are not meant for Hurley.
On the other hand, I think think it could be Jin, he's sort of insignificant. If this show really has a religious tone to it, he may not be the real father to Sun's baby.

Who is the person you want gone? The one who calls himself Henry. I know alot of people want Ana Lucia gone, but I don't agree. Why?
  1. She is a leader and physically strong, very mush needed in the army they are about too put together.
  2. She has to save the children they kidnapped from her group (passengers).
I have my own feelings about what is going on, but they are so Sci-Fi, (which others on blogs have expressed & say would be uspset if it does turn out this way) maybe I'll discuss them later.

Ms. Z

Well-known member

Not Ana Lucia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't expect it, at least not yet. Ana Lucia & Libby gone, I'm so
! Well at least Ana Lucia got herself a little something something before her demise

Have to go, I'll be back.


Well-known member
OMG OMG OMG OMG, I can't believe the episode last night!!!!!!!!!! And the preview for next week showed Mr. Echo getting knocked off a cliff! What the heck is going on? I think there are only two more episodes left in this season. ARRRRRGH, I can't wait a whole summer to see what happens.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shawna
OMG OMG OMG OMG, I can't wait a whole summer to see what happens.

I feel the same way, its torture.

OK, I'm back

I'm so upset that Ana Lucia and Libby were both killed. I'm also upset that Michael has gone crazy. Ana Lucia died w/o ever letting Jack know that she met his father and more important, that he has a SISTER!? Could she be on the island too? Could it be Claire, how about one of the children the "others' abducted from Ana Lucia, or maybe she's one of the other survivors from the plane that we haven't met yet.

I was hoping that the demise of AnaLucia & Libby were a dream sequence but the next day on 1010 Wins news they made a comment about how the DWI charges agaisnt both characters might have had something to do with it. A little after hearing that M. Rodriguez was interviewed on GMA and she said that her contaract was only for this season and that she felt bad that she could not tell the other cast members.



Well-known member
there are connections everywhere with them...boone was in the police station when sawyer was being dragged in there. Sayid and Kate through Kate's dad(well not biological dad now we know) he is the one that got Sayid into being a torterer(horrid spelling i know). umm I really think Claire is going to be jacks half sister that woman looked like claire. and i am glad ana is gone i do not think she is that great of an actress and i do not think libby is dead bc she has not had a flashback.
seriously you cannot build up a story and not have a flashback for her!!!!
I also think that claire has more connections but if you think about it she has only had really ONE flashback of her life prier to the plan crash bc her episoid this season was a flashback of what happened to her when ethan took her.
Eko better not die and i do not think him and locke are counter parts good vs evil bc locke is good one.
I do think though that Libby will die by the season end but i think she might be critical condition if she is dead and i am wrong then only eko and bernard from the tail section are alive.
That ending i had to watch 3 times my jaw was on the floor I NEVER SAW it coming michael turning. but i think it might be because the others leader told him if he killed ana and got "henry" out he will get his boy back.
and what made me upset kinda is Kate KNOWS those ragidy clothes are costumes and when michael was telling them how they dress ragisy no one said anything or second guessed it even though ETHAN, GOODWIN AND HENRY were dressed in clean clothes.


Well-known member
Don't forget that Hurley had a flashback that had Libby in the mental hospital with him. I don't quite want her to die yet. I want that to be resolved first. It is also pissing me off that Kate won't tell anyone about the rags because she feels left out of Jack's new group. Stupid stupid Kate. I can't wait for Wednesday

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Yeah, I forgot about the costumes; why hasn't Kate said anything? Ethan needed regular clothes to fit in with the group, but I have wondered why Henry was not dirty & wearing torn clothes. Why are the "others" wearing costumes because they know the survivors? I have a feeling that one of the "others" is Locke's natural father.

WOW, I had not noticed that it was Kate's stepfather that recruited Sayid, I'm gonna have to pay close attention during the re-runs this summer.

Do you think Michael killed Henry and claimed self defense, or did he just hurt himself to blame it all on Henry? I think Libby is dead, if she's alive she would tell her group that it was Michael who shot her and that she saw him standing over Ana Lucia w/the gun.

This show is great, it has me going crazy, I can't wait for tomorrow's episode.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
You were right! Check out tonight's preview!

Originally Posted by lackofcolor
i do not think libby is dead bc she has not had a flashback.
seriously you cannot build up a story and not have a flashback for her!!!!
I also think that claire has more connections but if you think about it she has only had really ONE flashback of her life prier to the plan crash bc her episoid this season was a flashback of what happened to her when ethan took her.
Eko better not die and i do not think him and locke are counter parts good vs evil bc locke is good one.
I do think though that Libby will die by the season end but i think she might be critical condition if she is dead and i am wrong then only eko and bernard from the tail section are alive.



Well-known member
Just found out we have three episodes left before the season ends
I thought we only had two, and the last episode is supposed to be a two hour episode.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Me too!
Thanks for the 411, I thought we only had two, where did you hear that?

Libby's death was so sad

Originally Posted by Shawna
Just found out we have three episodes left before the season ends
I thought we only had two, and the last episode is supposed to be a two hour episode.



Well-known member
It was in my local newspaper under the fine tuning section. It only had a small blurb about the episode last night and then went on to say that there were two more after it with the final 2 hour episode airing on May 24th.

It was awful when Libby died last night. Hurley looked so sad, and guilty for forgetting the blankets. I wanted to know why she was in the mental hospital with Hurley. I hope we still find out somehow. I need to know the answers!!


Well-known member
I bet they will explain it in a hurley flashback maybe or somehow tie in her flashback, they have a way of doing that like when boone died but they still had him in shannon's flashback last season.
AND PLEASE does ANYONE know where i can watch a preview for next week's show! I worked late last night and had someone tape it for me and the tape ran out 4 mintues before the ending but thankfully they have the entire show on abc so i just watched the last 4 minutes on that but they didnt have previews for the next one and I AM DYINGGGG to see it, i heard it is micheals about what happened to him but i want to actually see it!!

More people connected= eko and claires psychic and he said he was a hack but he predicted claires fate pretty darn good. and i really wonder if they will figure out a way to watch back logs of that tape and see micheal shooting them.
and the button...does nothing of course i knew it was some type of experiment.
i really hope that we find out where desmond went too haha i heard he is going to be appearing the last one's of this season and might be connected to libby in a way but that could be a rumor.